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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. thanks man altho i don't deserve it... since i am the threadstarter it would be best to inhibit myself
  2. Since we already have come to the 4Q of 2007, maybe we can have a survey as to who the best TMN guy for 2007 is?. Post your bet and the reason or reasons why he/she is your choice! No prize involved, just plain survey.
  3. @jun101ph tell us now what you are trying to implicate? you oftentimes type in BOLD letters? just what are you trying to implicate? please remember man... that everybody IS NOT hooked on your Base Stations
  4. i suggest you replace that "grisoft" there with avast, and that spybot with spyware terminator. http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html http://www.spywareterminator.com/dnl/landing.aspx
  5. please post your installed programs. we will start from there
  6. so sad not to rely on testmy for speed testing
  7. that only applies if you use a home (single) PC. in a network of PCs you can put a file in a shared folder when the need for that file arises (editing/post editing, printing), especially when economics plays an important role in that network. meaning you don't anymore purchase a usb thumb drive or a rwcd writer and only one or two printers are present. anyways, you can always take the file outside of the shared folder and store it somewhere you think is safe. it's a case to case basis.
  8. oh come on! are you trying to imply that you have the same workgroup as your neighbors? unless you all use the default workgroup name which is "WORKGROUP". when my neighbor net shop owner uninstalled IPv6 he was not able to look for other computers in his My Network Places Connection anymore. i find no other reason why it occured.
  9. very small in size huh? gotta try it in the future.
  10. in tune up's system control, there's a box there if checked will hide your computer from the My Network Places of other computers.
  11. whatever you're trying to say. you have a sense of humor
  12. @elvin1234 good analysis on that previous post.
  13. nope. coz i did not install IPv6 in my network connection. but there is a neighbor of mine, an owner of a computer shop, who took the risk of experimenting. he was able to see our neighbor's PCs in his My Network Places and can access their shared folders.
  14. if you're already satisfied, so be it. now it's a matter of consistency.
  15. oh no no. unless you know how to delete its registry key.
  16. so we have to have a fresh format before installing open office.
  17. anyone interested just pm me to know how to obtain an override plug
  18. because that ap has the most number of users right?
  19. ey frost. haven't tried it. does it have issues with windows xp?
  20. stick to that. the highest rssi the lowest jitter the better connection
  21. as i replied in your IM. please exhaust all means before freaking out.
  22. no.
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