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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. try a speed test and post it.
  2. uhh,i forgot. try to see if there is a restore button. does cfos really help you? it didn't in my case.
  3. try to uninstall cfosspeed and disable your TCPOptimizer.
  4. have you applied any tweaks yet?
  5. you mean, you're already using indes 0? next time,please post your speed test code, not just attaching the pic.
  6. it's fine, i can access mine myself without doing that process, and without tweaks too.
  7. ooh, thanks for clearing it up. i thought it was on my end.
  8. did someone else find the website down a couple of minutes ago? all i was getting was a bunch of codes and error messages.
  9. now we see that the best AP available to you is the one on Index: 0. access your canopy SM, click Configuration. under the Radio tab, there is a setting there called Color Code. if it says 124(the color code of AP Index: 0), you're using the the best one.
  10. welcome to the forum nice speed you got there.
  11. glad to hear that. just wanted to give you some early warning and advice.
  12. i'm kind of used to this lifestyle since the mid term exams. looks like you still play that game. as for me, still on Trickster
  13. oh, ok. (note my edit in the above post)
  14. you weren't logged on in the other test? (i'm waiting for jun's reply. i haven't slept yet, and it's almost 5 AM already. )
  15. was he ever gone?
  16. since i believe you are a new member, and do not want you to get in trouble, i advice you to not take this matter too seriously. things will sorted out on their own, if not, it will be sorted out by us older members.
  17. you have no evidence of this jun101ph. saying so will get you in trouble.
  18. i believe this is what you are referring to. http://www.mediafire.com/?83ivsdjz9lm
  19. your welcome
  20. no.just the browser.
  21. what EF said is what i had in mind earlier. you could consider what i told you,create a program/batch file, that way you can easily claim it as your own, put a copyright on it, and then you can sell them. as with that freeware program, you can include a readme file that says it includes that certain program. don't worry about the copyright, you can get one easy and free.
  22. uhh, i still don't get it. you mean, you won't be sharing those tweaks for free? is it something that needs to be patented or something? closest thing i can think of is you made program/batch file. for that, you also need copyright.
  23. i checked your blog coolbuster, and i noticed you were gonna sell a cd. uhh, why?
  24. you can never be sure nowadays. i bought my phone from a motorola shop so i know it isn't fake or secondhand or reconditioned. off topic:Jiraiya will die, did you know? saddest part, as well as asuma.
  25. hmm, if that still doesn't work, i would like to suggest installing something else like OpenOffice
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