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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. :2funny: this shows you guys,sometimes these kind of talk is better done in PMs.
  2. no, it is also available for windows. it is a program of mozilla.
  3. hmm, i prefer thunderbird over outlook.
  4. although i don't remember where i helped you with, i wanna say your welcome, thank you, and welcome to the forum.
  5. work as usual . anyway, here's mine, raw and not tweaked for some strange reason
  6. i asked because they looked like mirror results. anyway here is mine(not from a mirror) ::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::: Download Connection is:: 370 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 45 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2008/01/21 - 11:49am Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 22.76 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 33.141 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 39.62 % faster than the average for host (smartbro.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DX682K0MT User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/ damn schoolwork, i'm too tired and busy these past few days. EDIT: found this out just now, but i seem tohave lost my cablenut tweak. when i opened the adjuster and clicked retrieve current values, they showed as blanks. weird thing is, i don't remember doing a format or a system restore.
  7. coolbuster and ExtremeFusion, why does your test results display different hosts?
  8. please post a speed test. have you tried proxies and DNS?
  9. thanks. i'm sure many will benefit from this.
  10. long time no see gourame. welcome back.
  11. welcome to the forum to start you off, here are a couple of links http://www.testmy.net/t-21175 http://www.testmy.net/t-18616
  12. yeah,what are they thinking. anyway, any update on this case? it's been six months.
  13. system restore. yes, 100 is fine.
  14. ahh, now i see your point.
  15. install CCleaner, uninstall cfosspeed,cleanup the registry, then test your speed again. it might be cfos that's slowing you down. also, note that it says it will/might take 2-3 days to see noticeable results.
  16. where did you get that tutorial? kindly post the link. you can't access your canopy now? you didn't by any chance, change a setting you weren't supposed to?
  17. he had contacts inside the smartbro technical staff.
  18. i love this story. call me a slow, stupid retard, but who's the other kid?
  19. his canopy version is different from ours. as far as i know that is his QoS page.
  20. about clearing the canopy log, didn't your installers send a copy of that log to themselves? mine did. that means that if they see that the log is cleared, it will automatically tell them that that the canopy has been tampered with.
  21. sure you may. i believe he's referring to your guide anyway.
  22. i'm sure that both you coolbuster and i have the same guess here. the previous version of quickfix never fixed anything, despite the very promising name.
  23. CAT cable is the wire connected from your canopy to your computer. when you say you asked SiraComputer, you mean you asked her on the other forum? i've never seen her online here again.
  24. welcome to the forum. when you run frostwire, what other programs are you running? what is your frostwire download speed? it is normal to get slow browsing speed when your bandwidth gets clogged.
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