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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. you can use either the maximum or the average.
  2. do a dual test on this site and note your upload and download speed. as for the latency it is already stated there. To know your latency, open Command Prompt (start menu/run/type cmd/enter). In the command prompt type ping testmy.net and hit enter. Your latency is the "Approximate roundtrip times in milli-seconds Average". However, it is just fine if you may want to get the maximum latency value.
  3. you will only do that in the case that you are using an override plug. this plug is used to unblock a blocked canopy.
  4. both of them are safe if followed correctly. but just to be sure, don't mess with your canopy, just follow coolbuster's steps.
  5. as requested by momma t "hello im new here and this site was referred to me by Sir SiraComputer... my problem is i want to know if it is alright if my link speed is only 10 Mbps which is provided by smartbro(i think he is referring to the Local Area Connection speed in the notification area)...i found out from Sir Sira that it should be 100 Mbps.. i took a speed test and thought that 160-280+ Kbps but others said that it should be 384 since it is the advertised speed for my 999 plan...so i called smartbro and even though i have 200+ speed i lowered it since they will just ignore me otherwise... they will tell you that you are getting the standard speed.. but my speed isn't still up to 384+ so what will i do? THANK YOU" well, his problem is just like everyone else's. try tweaking your settings, and here's some good links to start: http://www.testmy.net/t-21175 http://www.testmy.net/t-18616 it will help if you browse through the posts
  6. i'll try translating. "i have a problem with my warcraft 3 reign of chaos.. my first copy worked on my pc, when it got lost i bought a new one and reinstalled it because i uninstalled it maybe 7 months ago. after i installed it, when i first played it there was a cinematic, but after that the screen went black or the screen went blank. then there was only sounds, and my monitor turns to standby(i think that's what he means by that blinking orange light)... i hope you can help me... THANK YOU" that was hard. well, i think there is a problem with your installer. other than that, i have no other advise to tell you,except to post in english the next time. hirap magtranslate eh(it's hard to translate)
  7. oh i just remembered, isn't using proxies while testing speed like fooling yourselves? since the speed test you are taking is already cached, you will get a high result but in truth, your speed is still slow.
  8. well, a little modesty never hurt anyone.
  9. port forwarding has always been a problem for all smartbro subscribers. it looks like we have a central router. try using the program called pfconfig(it's not freeware)
  10. i think Internet Download Manager(IDM) has an integrated video streaming download feature.
  11. im glad that you're willing to help,although i was just kidding
  12. hey, can i ask you to help me with my physics? it's one of the classes that's holding me off from graduation,along with values,filipino,rizal, and P.E.
  13. who are those two people? i want to ask them too.
  14. if your firewall is off, it won't be able to block anything. so your utorrent will be automatically allowed to access the internet.
  15. you may never know,right?
  16. i didn't know that was what it is called. if you want to use that surge suppressor, you don't have to climb up to the canopy. just connect the CAT cable from your canopy to the sppressor(the black one) then connect the white CAT cable to your pc. anyway, that setup on the pic is incomplete, there should be a wire connected from the big screw in the middle to a grounding device.
  17. before you install it, defragment your HD first so that all your files is in the beginning of of the HD, then make a partition in the end part of the HD. installing it on its own, separate partition is the safest way to go. don't even try to install it on your c drive, it will overwrite windows.
  18. i downloaded the alternate install. as for your installation problem, i really can't help, since i still haven't mastered things in the installation.
  19. i haven't tried gutsy yet. can you tell us the changes it have from the previous version?
  20. sometime around 3:00 AM(my clock isn't accurate)
  21. yes, ubuntu has a different kind of partition manager. but to keep on the safe side, try using gparted. it is a nice partition manager/editor that works well with windows and linux. look here http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ what is your version of ubuntu? mine is feisty. i also dual boot mine with windows. if your copy is new, i would guess that it would be gutsy gibbon. well, whatever the version, i hope you havethe alternate install cd. installing with the live cd gave me some problems, which i didn't have on the alternate install.
  22. i used to have that problem, having limited or no connectivity. i used to do a reformat everytime that happened, which fixed things up(i don't recommend doing a reformat, im just sharing my experience)
  23. 384 is the advertised speed of smartbro. you already have a good connection. i think it would be safe to say that plan 999 will never give you 1000Kbps, no matter what tweaks you use.
  24. hey elvin1234, no need to be defend yourself, i didn't say you were wrong, i said you were correct.
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