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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. there's a high chance that post will be misinterpreted again.
  2. uhh, i didn't understand any of that. i don't know any of the local dialects. anyway, let's just stop this argument. jun101ph isn't happy with the results of the 20 steps. i also found another way to tweak, although it is just borrowed from others. that's his(our) part of the story. i think what happened here is just a misunderstanding. jun101ph wanted to say something, though he said in a way that was easy to be mistaken for something else.
  3. yes,it was those mirrors. whenever i tested with one, it will show a very high result.
  4. @jun101ph dummy, you didn't correct anything it was easier to say kB/s. it's the uppercase B that makes the difference.
  5. you're right momma t, that is either an edited or a cached test result. our isp's advertised speed is 384Kbps, and some are able to make it exceed up to 700Kbps. thatoneon his sig is toomuch to be even possible.
  6. i think that's without the www. portal.smartbro.net
  7. i already posted this in reply to that question of yours before. check those links out, if they don't work, you need an override plug. can't believe i quoted myself
  8. i don't want to take sides here, I'm just gonna say some things from my point of view. i think what jun101ph means is that it is ineffective for him, as suggested by the words "I find" in his post. he's just saying he's findings with his own computer, that's all. what does that mean, are you challenging him to prove something? what does he have to prove? i think that's way out of line. to tell you the truth, i don't use that 20 steps anymore. gourame is right, should just chill out. makes people think you're freaking out just because somebody disagrees with you.
  9. thanks, i'll try it.
  10. does anyone know how to set avg's automatic scan? i don't want it to scan daily, just twice a week.
  11. i thought if they were upgrading, they would include manila among the first ones. but still no luck here.
  12. i just downloaded my cd through torrent. i run it as dual-boot on my laptop. hmm, i haven't been checking out much, didn't know gutsy is near its release.
  13. nice, although im the only one i know here who uses it. im assuming you do, too?
  14. 1. go to your canopy page 2. click Tools>AP Evaluation 3. search for a suitable AP. jitter of 1-4, RSSI of 800+, and low sector user count if you can manage it. 4. note the color code of the AP 5. click Configuration>Radio. put the color code you got where it says "Color Code" 6. click save changes and reboot 7. go to portal.smartbro.net and enter your account username and password, then wait until it says it's ok to surf.
  15. even the site database welcomes you back too. only with a lot of work.
  16. try to change your ip to then type on your browser. disable proxies too.
  17. here's a few helpful links for starters http://www.testmy.net/t-20597 http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=18616.msg226478;topicseen#msg226478 http://www.testmy.net/t-18617 i included the link for instructions on how to make an override plug. but if you can't make one, just pm coolbuster, he has some for sale.
  18. what do you mean "so?"? does he need a reason to share that info? i don't mean to argue at all, im just saying my opinion. anyway, congrats on being TMN expert
  19. that's pretty far. mine is around 1 mile away.
  20. if you ask me, this case is their way of saying to the world, "we are not fighting a losing battle against piracy." which is very much near the truth. just think of the amount of pirated files shared in p2p file sharing networks.
  21. momma t, she wants to use a webcam for chatting in yahoo messenger. and pancake, she's right, posting your ym problems in the general discussion area will give you better results.
  22. so now you can access sites other than testmy, and also you're blocked from accessing the canopy?
  23. what do you mean? you're blocked from accessing the canopy? maybe you need to get your canopy changed. try to email customer care.
  24. got a link to this news? sounds interesting. what did she do anyway?
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