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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. yep, i love this forum, as it is not strict when it comes to spam,just like what EF just did. :2funny: jk anyway, SC, though only trying to help, still plagiarized coolbuster. if it was me, i would reprimand her on that forum. and also, she has posted here before that she is a she. made comments about her hubby and kids too.
  2. my cable has been looped the entire time, and i still only get 400-500 Kbps. if that is true,i will take out my spare white cat cable to make more loops.
  3. i thought "usable to 5 miles or more" means increased range, not RSSI. if that is the way you explain it, ok then.
  4. it's either of the 2. anyone reprimanded SC yet of what she has done?
  5. welcome to the forum. a stinger is a sort of accessory for the canopy. what methods have you used to access your canopy?
  6. hmm,i see sc is a mod there.
  7. it is made specifically for the motorola canopy, so it won't fry it. i don't know much about backhauling. will do a little research.
  8. hmm, found a canopy on ebay, here is what it says it does This passive antenna has the following guaranteed performance: * Simply slip over the top of an SM. * Lowers the beamwidth to 12 degrees. * Reduces Jitter * Much lighter than a reflector. * Easy to toss to an installer on a ladder or roof. * Much lower cost than a reflector. * Lowers labor costs. * Usable out to 5 miles or more. * Stingers available for 5.3 GHz and for 900 MHz connectorized units too. See our website for more details. www.Wirelessbeehive.com. PATENT PENDING don't see increase of RSSI there, do you? and that came from the manufacturer itself.
  9. mine, it took 3 people, including me. i didn't pay them anything except 450 for the extra pole, and all i gave them was water. yeah, i'm a cheapskate, but still, i helped them, so that's fair enough for me. they left my canopy open, gave me an administrator account, and taught me how to access the canopy and switch AP's. and i have to agree with coolbuster, when i asked the contractors what they are paid, they said they were paid 450 FOR EACH HOME VISIT. imagine that with smartbro's crappy service, many people will ask for a home visit, meaning more salary for them.
  10. first, tweak your canopy, since linux doesn't have the same registry as windows. second, http://www.santa-li.com/linuxonbb.html that's the one used for my ubuntu.
  11. by how much you pay for. most people here are on plan 999. now that you think about it, i don't know anyone who is not on plan 999.
  12. ok. won't be a bad idea to write some codes, might be a nice change of pace, anyway. i'll see what i can cook up with that dll.
  13. stinger only reduces jitter,not increase RSSI.
  14. yeah, looks like it.
  15. according to you, you have to touch the IDE before you turn on your pc. then that means it IS a hardware problem, most probably broken IDE or loose power supply female socket. edit- uhh, most people don't like seeing titles in all uppercase.
  16. can't you do this already with xp? you just have to select properties, then find target, right?
  17. i've said it before, it's better to think you're speed is slow when it actually is fast, than to think it's fast when it's actually slow.
  18. yep, that works. i've been using that for quite some time now, he just beat to me to posting it. i think that expiry date tells you the time period covered by your monthly bill.
  19. what you get from the canopy is the ESN number. you convert that number to get the MAC address.
  20. yeah, you forgot to include links.
  21. for info about tracert, you can look here i'll leave your case to Coknuck, he may be able to handle it better than me
  22. what the??!! i almost got in trouble before because of these kinds of posts, and here is someone doing it AGAIN?!?! this is no laughing matter guys, everytime i see this, something nags at the back of my head to say what i want to say, and i'm not holding back on the caps. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU'RE GETTING FROM OTHER SPEED TESTING SITES, PLEASE, DON'T SAY THAT THEY ARE MORE ACCURATE THAN TESTMY IN THIS FORUM. YOU ARE BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU.
  23. try using tamie77's method or the MAC address method @EF hmm, nice find. hope others will try this first before me, i'm not so keen on fiddling with the canopy this much. anyway, did manage to get a 7Mb throughput using this?
  24. care to share the results of this? pros and cons maybe?
  25. i'm going to create a nonsense topic just to annoy you. just kidding momma t
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