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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. i've seen many imitations, none of the real thing.
  2. still feel like there's a bigger picture i'm not seeing here. anyways, it's all true, and testmy has been the nicest forum i have ever been to. glad to have joined.
  3. uhh.. i didn't notice that. thanks for pointing it out.
  4. i haven't tested it but i think the best is way is http://www.rapget.com/en/ otherwise, rapidshare will recognize your IP as that of the proxy, and won't let you download.
  5. pardon me, but, what happened? P.S.>i agree to this, the rules should be reminded to a lot of people(that includes me too)
  6. although flashblock helps
  7. hmm, it looks like a mirror because of the different host. should say smartbro.net and doesn't browser tweaks only work for.. umm.. browsing?
  8. still not tweaked
  9. yep, what he said is correct. by canopy page he means the canopy subscriber module. it's like the control panel of our wifi antenna.
  10. meaning you just disabled some windows services? you're sure you didn't disable anything you shouldn't? also, have you tried the lvlord patch? you posted a link to a site that teaches how to disable unneeded windows services.
  11. and you have the nerve to say
  12. what did i do this time? maybe next time i should just anyway,can you please post a speed test now, while it's still peak hours. that will let us get a clearer view of what we are dealing with.
  13. when i said i prefer gray hats, older members might remember me posting my pic here. in that pic, i was wearing a gray hat. actually, most of my hats are gray.
  14. yeah, i didn't notice that. redgenick, please post all your installed programs,and also the items in your startup. also, might as well include you cablenut ccs settings.
  15. coolbuster, wikipedia is your friend.
  16. reminds me when there is no such thing as white hat and black hat, only hackers and crackers (extra points if you can guess which of the two is the good guy) as for me, i prefer gray hats (many people will know what i mean about that )
  17. you sure you looked right? in the speed test, it will show your result in Kbps, and in downloads,most likely it will show it in kB/s. the only big difference here is the letter "b". Kb means kilobits, kB means kilobytes. 1 byte == 8 bits. in your case, your speed test tells us that your connection speed is 73 Kbps. following the given information above, 73 Kbps is almost equal to 9 kB/s. with that out of the way, please tell us your isp, and what plan you have. have you tweaked you connection settings?
  18. you have nice speeds already. the test time i believe is the time on the server, which is in the US.
  19. remove the double http:// you will really find that interesting CB
  20. that is a nice speed already. congratulations.
  21. well, that looks like a provider from abroad. good for you dude
  22. you could at least tell us the program. i really want to try it too. you could PM it to me you know.
  23. CB, you sure you're still on smartbro?
  24. yep, freeware, and you holding back on us? looks like we need to do some talking, CB
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