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Everything posted by tamie77

  1. yup basically the cmd promt typ is for people that cant access but for ours that we know our ip its not capable to do it again coz we know all the procedures.instruction to tweak canopy and we do know the cycle of the internet sodtware of canopy
  2. yahhh maybe when we are rich we wil compit that smart-broken we will name our internet company Tweaker
  3. hehee try it u will like it
  4. ahehehhe by the way bro check this out http://motorola.canopywireless.com http://motorola.canopywireless.com/products/demo/ thus this say we can built our own company and or internet base stations? like smart we can do small internet bussiness?
  5. ahahahah but i can! :haha: :haha:
  6. all they have to do is try all those ip like 10.xx.xx.xx until they search they ther canopy settings
  7. ahhhhh badtrip my speed got lowered bcoz of this rain
  8. hehehe gud for him but i think some of them cant access ther connection until now
  9. follow the instructions men there are many ways to expand ur speed dont disable ur 803 link no body say that u have to disable that, try to enable it again or set it up to it original settings dont invent such things that u r not sure or u r not familiarize on it setting otherwize u wil suffer
  10. u min like this? set ur ip to then type at ur address bar 10.xx.xx.xx/mac.html is it correct??
  11. Hi guys! is my instructions working? how many of you can access ther canopy already?
  12. yup! arp -a is a way to know ur ip
  13. its the same procedure just put on ur IP and Subnet mask: go to ur cmd promt typ again arp -a if there are many 10.xx.xx.xx there try it all until you find ur right ip you can see r account no. name cell no. etc etc etc just try it hope now it works
  14. hirs my speed as of now just sharing
  15. guys if there are many 10.xx.xx.xx appear at ur cmd promt (arp -a) try to search for ur account ther u can see the service reference no. and the name of the subscriber of the smart bro, if anyone ther cant access ther canopy i have disovered another way hehehehehe but seems you guys can access maybe its no longer important to post it well try first the procedure of elijahpaul hirs the link http://www.testmy.net/t-18616.0 and if its not working try my procedure http://www.testmy.net/t-20597.0 and if u cant access ur canoy post it hir so that ill post what i have discovered :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6:
  16. BOY! what happen my speed get lower and lower! from 530Kbps now its a shitttty thing of 94Kbps hahahaha smart always smart
  17. can anyone know how to pick a port at utorrent??
  18. well well well! all of us have a higher connection speed but not satisfied huh! ahhhhhh i fil sad for those hu cant access ther canopy page hope som1 post ah tweak for them by the way my anthena seems to be broken hahahaha suffirng for intermitnt connection hahahaha
  19. ahhhh so what did you do to tweak ur connection?
  20. Ok guys im posting it hir iv only copy this is another method to go or configure ur canopy settings for those who cant access tru IP address: Subnet mask: or etc.. etc.. etc.. if you cant access tru this WELL TRY THIS ONE! WARNING: During the process, you will be disconnected from the internet, but of course you'll be able to get back. So I suggest you copy and paste this tutorial on notepad for a safer reference, just in case. Follow the steps: 1. Go to Control Panel, and then onto Network Connections. You should see your Local Area Connection. Right click on it and click Properties. 2. A new window pops-up, which says "Local Area Connection Properties". On the General tab, there should be a box which contains a list with checkboxes beside them. Scroll down to the bottom and you should see the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item. Double click it. 3. Another window pops-out. It says "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" and you should be on the General tab. There are two options there enabled by default: Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. Now read carefully for this one: - Click on Use the following IP address option. Enter these data: - IP address: - Subnet mask: - Default gateway: leave it blank - Click on Use the following DNS Server addresses: - Preferred DNS server: leave it blank - Alternate DNS server: leave it blank After you entered correctly all the data, press Ok. 4. You are back at the Local Area Connection Properties window. Press Ok to apply the changes. Wait for a moment for the changes to take effect. By this time you will be disconnected from the internet. But dont worry, you'll be able to be back of course (Just refer to PART 4 below to know how to get back to the internet). PART 2: The Canopy IP Address Quest Now you need to know your Canopy IP Address. There are two ways I know of: -> Method 1 (The Safe Way): 1. Go to Start -> Run -> cmd.exe. On the command promt, type arp -a (take note of the space after the word arp). The command prompt will display several IP addresses. Example: C:Documents and Settingsgiluk_no_jutsu>arp -a Interface: --- 0x2 Internet Address Physical Address Type 0a-00-3e-f7-de-2d dynamic 0a-00-3e-f7-de-2d dynamic So my Canopy IP Address would be PART 3: Into the Forbidden Domain we Hack! Note: Make sure you have done the set-up on Part 1 above before proceeding. 1. Open your web browser and enter your Canopy IP address on the address bar. You will be brought to the Canopy Homepage. 2. On the left side of the Canopy page, you should see a navigation box. Click Configuration. 3. Click on the Quality of Service (QoS) Tab. You should see your Bandwidth Settings. Take a look at your Sustained Uplink Data Rate and Sustained Downlink Data Rate. By default they should be both at 256. See? Those are your default download and upload limits. Kinda sucks right? 4. Alright, so listen well. Change both of the Uplink and Downlink values to 500. Actually you can set the values to any number you like as long as their total would be 1000 (eg: you can have your downlink: 600 and uplink: 400, or you can have downlink: 700 and uplink: 300). However, The recommended value for both uplink and downlink rates is both at 500. So I suggest you have the recommended value as well. Click the Save Changes button. 5. The screen should say Reboot Required. So press the Reboot button. By this time, your Local Area Connection icon on your tray area (botton-right side of your desktop) should have an X mark on it. Just wait for a while until that X mark disappears. That's it. PART 4: Getting Back Online The last thing you need to do is to connect back to the internet. 1. So go back to Control Panel, and then onto Network Connections. You should see your Local Area Connection. Right click on it and click Properties. 2. A new window pops-up, which says "Local Area Connection Properties". On the General tab, there should be a box which contains a list with checkboxes beside them. Scroll down to the bottom and you should see the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item. Double click it. 3. Another window pops-out. It says "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" and you should be on the General tab. Now click on Obtain IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server automatically. Press Ok. 4. You're back at the Local Area Connection Properties window. Again Press Ok. Wait for a moment for the changes to take effect. 5. Open your web browser and try to test your speed at speedtest.com or testmy.net to confirm your new download and upload speeds. You can also try going to YouTube and watch the buffer speed go zoom zoom zoom! Cheers GUYS! Whew! That's it. Enjoy Surfin! SANA NATULUNGAN KO KAYO!
  21. have any1 have new internet booster?
  22. what?? tou wil only chnge general settings?? or how about advanced settigs? the largest MTU, BDP and the latency?
  23. can you guys post the step by step procedure how to use TCPOptimizer nakakalito lang ng konti pa post naman ng procedure and by the way fr0stbound what is ur real Speed of ur internet? is TCPOptimizer helps to boost it up?
  24. how many Kbps tcpoptimizer add to ur original speed? can you post the thread regarding tcpoptimizer and wer we can download it? i hav erased my tcpoptimizer and i forgot wer can i DL it hir pls post it
  25. yup its true that TCPoptimizer an canlenu wont work together better to use cablenut instead just always clean ur PC free form viruses worms etc.. etc.. etc.. its off peak (madaling araw) now its natural that we had a hi speed connection try to check ur connection on 12PM onwards thats the real speed of the smart-broken
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