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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by ice

  1. Or those of us who pay for 5mb/s, and get over 9mb/s
  2. ice

    ha HA!

  3. My last result I got, it was going at like 40KB/s.
  4. I'm over twice that fast, and I didn't tweak XP, I teaked my internet.
  5. If he can't, I can.
  6. How many times did he call them? Maybe it was just a bad technician.
  7. Well if it's that bad, tell him to demand they send someone out, or he'll cut the service, because he isn't getting what he is paying for.
  8. Won't load now, so I'll try a little later.
  9. I've got 6 again. It's awesome, best email out there.
  10. Even worse now. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 438 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB) Download Speed is:: 54 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 8 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 18.96 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DH0G3XENA
  11. Yeesh, I'm not trying to 20MB file. I tried the 2MB one and got these horrid results. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 742 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB) Download Speed is:: 91 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 13 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 11.25 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=VGGMXD7BY Bleh Nice site, though.
  12. If you didn't uncap it, and you know nothing about what happened, leave it alone I would say. It's their fault, and they can't blame it on you.
  13. It's better than yours is all of the day now, so HA! And my download is tons faster, so go bake me a cake. And yes, you can find the cap on your modem using docsdiag. http://charterpipelinentx.net/modemdx.htm Look for the Downstream bandwidth.
  14. How very mature and polite of him. I would have cut him off from service if some ass said something like that to me. I have no idea, since no one ever uses the correct KB/s or kb/s tags, so tell me which one you are using. KB/s is what you download at, kb/s is what you usually see on a speed test. 900KB/s equates to 7372kb/s.
  15. There you go.
  16. I think they use the flashbacks way too much, without any indication of it. I think they try to be funny, but it gets overused quickly, or something like that. It's just not as sporadic as the Simpsons are or something, I can't explain it.
  17. And RCN, I should only be getting 5mb/s down. Weeeeeeee.
  18. I don't laugh much at all in the 4 episodes I've seen. I like The Simpsons much more.
  19. 1MB/s = One Megabyte per second. 1mb/s = One Megabit per second. When you look at a download in progress, it will most likely be in MB/s or KB/s. Like when I say I download at 1.071MB/s, in mb/s that would be around 9mb/s, get it?
  20. RTB is the guy who gets pissed when people have higher speeds than him And yeah, I'm pretty sure the tests aren't accurate for you. You mean 1MB/s, or 1mb/s when downloading?
  21. Judging by your second result, I doubt the tests are right. There is no way you get 103mb/s from Cox.
  22. Well, I took what the first poster here got, and divided that by 56 and got the same number of times faster than your test showed, so I did the same with mine
  23. That doesn't, it just tells me what the speed in KB/s and kb/s is, I use it a lot. I wanted to know how many times faster I was than 56K, and it's about 161 times.
  24. Hey, that means I download over 150 times faster than dial up, if he got 146 at 8300. I'm at about 9mb/s, but I can never get that result here, anyone care to calculate that for me? Hell, I'll do it myself now. EDIT: Woo, 161 times faster than 56k.
  25. Yeah, I go to my high school for half the day, then I go to my tech school for Information System Technology for the rest. Both have T1. Yeah, their upload is better, but I don't care about upload. I never upload anything. Go download, Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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