Yeesh, I'm not trying to 20MB file. I tried the 2MB one and got these horrid results.
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 742 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB)
Download Speed is:: 91 KB/s
Tested From::
Bottom Line:: 13 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 11.25 second(s)
Validation Link::
Bleh Nice site, though.
It's better than yours is all of the day now, so HA! And my download is tons faster, so go bake me a cake.
And yes, you can find the cap on your modem using docsdiag.
Look for the Downstream bandwidth.
How very mature and polite of him. I would have cut him off from service if some ass said something like that to me.
I have no idea, since no one ever uses the correct KB/s or kb/s tags, so tell me which one you are using. KB/s is what you download at, kb/s is what you usually see on a speed test.
900KB/s equates to 7372kb/s.
I think they use the flashbacks way too much, without any indication of it. I think they try to be funny, but it gets overused quickly, or something like that. It's just not as sporadic as the Simpsons are or something, I can't explain it.
1MB/s = One Megabyte per second.
1mb/s = One Megabit per second.
When you look at a download in progress, it will most likely be in MB/s or KB/s.
Like when I say I download at 1.071MB/s, in mb/s that would be around 9mb/s, get it?
RTB is the guy who gets pissed when people have higher speeds than him
And yeah, I'm pretty sure the tests aren't accurate for you. You mean 1MB/s, or 1mb/s when downloading?
Well, I took what the first poster here got, and divided that by 56 and got the same number of times faster than your test showed, so I did the same with mine
That doesn't, it just tells me what the speed in KB/s and kb/s is, I use it a lot. I wanted to know how many times faster I was than 56K, and it's about 161 times.
Hey, that means I download over 150 times faster than dial up, if he got 146 at 8300. I'm at about 9mb/s, but I can never get that result here, anyone care to calculate that for me? Hell, I'll do it myself now.
EDIT: Woo, 161 times faster than 56k.
Yeah, I go to my high school for half the day, then I go to my tech school for Information System Technology for the rest. Both have T1.
Yeah, their upload is better, but I don't care about upload. I never upload anything.
Go download, Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!