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Everything posted by humorman

  1. Another one is http://uploadmore.com I think it allows 50mb or something it is like yousendit.com.
  2. Intel is all I have had and no issues. My brother had a AMD and he said it gave him way to many problems and he won't get one again lol. But I also heard someone say AMD is a cheap kind of ripped of cpu or something lol. But I like intel never had any issues yet and I overclock and play games etc.
  3. Hi I am wondering I made a thread some about this awhile back but can't find it anywere lol I searched etc. Anyway I am wondering if having a gig nic would make my net performance any better? I mean I know if shouldn't make the net faster or some say but I mean like will it load faster or have better pings or anything? Also I am also needing help with one other thing, see I have a gig nic and a 100mb nic on motherboard I have the 1gig net running to the network and the 100mbs one hooked to my modem and I am sharing the net connection since my router was crap lol. But anyway when ever I try to put the modem line in the gig nic and the network in 100mbs it won't work says not connected? I would like to have it other way maybe? But someone said maybe the 100mbs is the default or something and that maybe why can you change that?
  4. My new 200gig makes some noise how do you know if that means something is wrong or do they always make some noise? I mean it doesn't make much I thought it was just normal? How would you know for sure?
  5. Yea lol tutle I guess isn't that big never really been there much. I live in Oklahoma City Oklahoma and we are alot bigger then there lol. But anyway that is a funny read lol. I can't believe some people lol but yea some are just not smart at pc's but what got me is he said he was in the IT field or something for like 12 years or something lol.
  6. Hello I have a 3mbs down and 512kbs up and the only cable nut file I found was fr 3mbs and like 256kbs up I think. WelI I need one for 3mbs/512kbs I would love it if someone could help me out thanks.
  7. Yea I had issues with people over in India on the phone so I stopped calling late. But yea I can see to some people that some questions are stupid to me included but sometimes people are not very smart at computers, and they may not have it plugged in etc lol.
  8. Check and make sure your ram is in there really really good I added some ram and had same issue would start up or come on but nothing. It was just that the ram wasn't pushed in good I pushed that ram in hard and was about to take it back to store and was in truck pushing some more and it finally went in more and clicked I was pushing really hard so that can be a pain check that and see if it helps.
  9. I got a 46% or something lol. I took it yesterday.
  10. Me to I would like this program please. I just got a new box and need it thanks.
  11. I noticed them installing fiber around the block from me they were laying a huge black line in the ground and my dad said it was fiber but it was for the new Dell building they put up or a few of them lol. But I don't think that mean I can get it lol without paying a million dollars lol. I want fios to is sucks I am in oklahoma lol.
  12. Dang we you live I want to move there lol? I would love that I would no longer pay for hosting just setup a server on a 20mbs/20mbs heck yea. It would save alot of money. Heck even cable probably love that it may not be fast enough to run this site on but it would be cool. I would love to have it I am stuck with slow dsl for now can't even get version fios yet it sucks to live in oklahoma lol.
  13. Yahoo messenger has the same features as google now don't know if google copyed them or if they did or what. But yahoo has the call etc now. I like yahoo better than google but that is me. Because I have alot of contact on yahoo and google chat area is small I use it and msn and yahoo etc.
  14. Yes I got
  15. Ok I am wondering I know alot of datacenters say they have 1gbs lines and I don't doubt it but I am wondering say you have a 1gbs line but a basic nic then will you get 1gbs? I mean my card is like a 10/100mbs nic so tops I could get would be 100mbs right? So the only way you could get top speeds or close is if you had a 1gbs nic is this right? And I am not sure they make over a 1gb nic yet or do they? I am just wondering how this goes any ideas?
  16. Hey finally someone else from oklahoma lol. I have sbc yahoo dsl pro and I get pretty good scores. there plan is 3mbs down and 384kbs up and it is About $36 a month for me. BUt now you can get it for like $24 for pro.
  17. I am now 19 I just turned 19 july 23 rd. I was on this site back when I was 16-17 I think lol. I have been here for awhile lol. But anyway nice to see your ages.
  18. Yes I know linux has a cd were you can un the whole OS from the cd then you can turn off the pc and take out the cd and it is just like before. I have a cd like that but I haven't ever seen one for windows that would rock.
  19. B.S. The first post is trying to make it sound like this will end the world lol. Just like people did with 2k lol. I didn't see anything happen in 2K and nothing will happen here either more than likily. And about the server thing etc no your pc's won't lock up and neither will server's. But your time on them might be off. Witch may cause like your virus definations not being up to date by a day or something that is all. LIke I said B.S.
  20. I finally got mine worked out. I can't believe how smart I am that I didn't figure it out before. See I would set it and then the router would stop working and I tryed accessing it and nothing. So finally I went ever time to the reset button were it resets to defualt settings and I pressed it then it would work but the ports I had opened or forwarded would not work because it was back at defualt settings. And I did this everytime same thing. Then I thought well maybe I can reset it by unplugging power for like 30 0r 60 secounds and I did that and then plug it back in and then waited it came back on and then the settings were there and it all worked yes. So maybe that could be your problem after you change your settings what do you do? And if you set it to a ip what ip? Maybe it is not the right ip because for apache you shoould set it to router ip. And for your router you should set DMZ to something like or something. I hope that helps I finally got mine worked out. LoL I am dumb but smart also lol.
  21. I have been having about same problem. I have been trying to get it working for over a year on and off so I just took the router out of the way. I try to run a server throught it and can't. I have tried port forwarding etc. I hope man you get yours solved I have same problem. But I use a dlink 514 router.
  22. MIne is below and everything is running. Meaning apache msql and winamp etc.
  23. Another separate cable (yellow) connects D-link (port 3) into Linksys wireless router (port 3).
  24. Yes I that sounds like why old pc's run slower. Is because the number of connections you can have. So mod your settings. I know when I open up shareza or whatever it tell's me that it detects service pack 2. And it tell me that service pack 2 limits the number of open connections you can have so it slowes down your downloads. It is something they put in service pack 2 for security. And I notice alot of problems with it like dropping my ip etc. Because it has that dam firewall etc and it screws with the settings. So not just old pc's.
  25. Because wired is 100mbs and wireless b is 11mbs see why? And g can get up to 100mbs or so wireless. Or so they say.
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