Hello All. The company I work for uses a VPN client from Cisco (version 4.0.5). I use it with DSL, No problems other than the typical performance hit. I even used it through Verizon's 1X broadband wireless connection with no problems either. I will indeed have a talk with our IT group, but here is the problem I am having. When I run the VPN client app, it opens a screen with various company server locations around the world. I select the closest one (San Francisco bay), and hit enter. It then opens a login window with My employee ID, and a place to enter a random code generated by a card I have (from Secure Computing Corp). I do that, and it goes out to authenitcate with the server. It never connects. Looking at the log, I see it returning that the "packet size is larger than header". It thinks something is wrong, so it just keeps retrying. No need to answer what it is doing, I'll get that from the IT and Cisco folks. But has anyone here had a similar problem and solved it? Would save me alot of time.
Thanks all!
Jim P