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Everything posted by Planatoid

  1. I wouldn't get that ram, it's over-rated and it doesn't perform well. The Geil Ultra-X would actually be the best performing ram, however, it's expensive on that site. I would suggest getting it from a 3rd-party site such as www.newegg.com. If, for some reason, you think Corsair is the only way to go for memory, I would suggest this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145523 However, if you're interested in saving money and getting the EXACT same memory chips, get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820220033 All of the memories mentioned above have TCCD chips which are notorious for overlocking fomr the default speed of DDR400 to DDR600. I would highly suggest getting on of those memories.
  2. I'm not sure, but I don't believe modems block ports. If it's blocked, it's probably because of the ISP.
  3. F.E.A.R. isn't that good, at least, that's what I got from the SP demo. Battlefield 2 is awesome, though.
  4. Or lack thereof.
  5. theGODl337, stop double posting. There should be a rule about that. It gets old really quickly, it's called an edit button. Edit: it's actually a "Modify" button, see, I "modified" my post. P.S. I heard gas in Georgia was going to hit $6 per gallon, don't know if it's true, though.
  6. Wow, this thread has become quite pointless. Are there moderators for this forum?
  7. So multiple people can download at 1.5mbps at the same time if they're on a network?
  8. I've never exactly understood why a T1 line is better than say 8/768 or something. Is the download for a T1 really capped at 1.5mbps? What's so special about it?
  9. I don't see a 4800+ or a 3.73GHZ P4 EE in that test. Anyways, none of the AMD CPUs are overclocked. I'm not that impressed.
  10. Yup, A64 is the only way to go, s939 of course. Although, that MSI deal isn't too bad. Don't get a Sony Vaio, they're a joke.
  11. You need to answer some questions before a good reply can be given. Do you need a new video card? If so, do you want it to be PCI-Express? If so, do you plan on running SLI eventually? Also, do you plan on overclocking. Answer these, and I can set you up with a killer rig.
  12. I hate you guys, know when it'll reach NY?
  13. I live in upstate NY and I have a friend with RoadRunner and he plugs his modem into a switch and he has two different IPs, two 5000/384 connections. I believe I could do the same thing, but I haven't tried yet, it's pretty sweet....
  14. Like I said, since his father is an employee of DirectTV, is there a chance they're feeding him more bandwidth?
  15. I'm pretty sure these tests don't cache. I guess I could have him run it again.
  16. I'm dead serious. He sent me the verification link.
  17. I have a friend in my small town of 2,000 people whom has a faster internet connection than I do. I have RoadRunner at 5Mbps/384Kbps and his connection is about 10Mbps. The only rational thing that I can think of is that his connection is very fast because his father works and runs a DirectTV store in his house. Am I right in assuming that his speeds are very fast because of that?
  18. Ehh, there's enough. I could do with 768kbps no problem. 384kbps is just too dang slow, I can't stand it. With 768kbps you could run a decent gaming server without uploads, that's all I care about.
  19. I think it's because you're on a network.
  20. Bizzatch, Put up a gaming server then let me know.
  21. Does uploading hurt a cable company's lines moreso than download? Because, when I upload at a high rate, my maximum download goes down. But, downloading doesn't really affect my upload. Or is this just the way they set it up?
  22. Why's that?
  23. Heck, I'd reather have a higher upload than a download, so much more useful.
  24. I think my upload cap is 384kbps.
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