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Everything posted by kerby_kerby

  1. yup, i always try finding for the highest seeded torrent. also, i saw your sig and wow! 4gb of RAM. i only have 384mb
  2. i tried also putting 100 in the CIR bandwith settings, but it slowed my speed. what value should we put there? also, my DL in bitcomet[i dont use uTorrent] reached up to 80, but my average DL speed is between 50-60 or 40-60.
  3. whos MAC address is that??
  4. what does that mean??
  5. hey guys, i have a question, my connection is upgraded to WR512. but my speed is always 400-500, i cant reach the 600 mark. i tried CB's 20 steps but still up to 400-500 only. what else can i do?
  6. who are they?? why do you know them?
  7. will you still help us here in tmn? in smart bro page?
  8. is it really a resource hog? i recall derek once said that..?
  9. does it really work? do you personally use it?
  10. ooohh. ok!
  11. what happen? some of the post is missing?
  12. how did you change your mac adres?
  13. cant understand how this works. where will i change my MAC adres? BTW, what is a MAC addres?
  14. what tweak do you do??
  15. how about anti spyware?? what is the recomended antispyware?
  16. my goodness gracious! very fast!! teach us how?
  17. how do you disable the tweaks. also, the patch of lvlord, will i set the value to 100?
  18. wow, how can you befriend them??
  19. @coolbuster why does my canopy doesn't look like that? is that the QoS page?
  20. thanks again CB! ..does it work??
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