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Everything posted by SpAwNgOd

  1. EEEEEWWWWW imagine reacjhing in a hat to pull a rabbit out and finding cocknuck's hairy ass, scarrrry
  2. you know i thought the rabbit came out of the hat
  3. Im not trying to offend anyone ut i say this thread should be locked permantly, all it is causing is alot of needless drama
  4. I have an ipod nano that thing has been been through hell and its still kickin, so yeah their tough
  5. Oh yeah its made of paper theres no way thats its going to make it, kinda makes you wonder what they are thinking about
  6. I got $20 that says it never comes back
  7. Hell make his dad do it, he was the tard that cut the cable
  8. Wow thats bad, whose your provider
  9. Any of the halo games are co op, plus its a fps
  10. So whats everybodys thoughts on this http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/04/07/mobile.scent.ap/index.html
  11. Im with you on tis one
  12. True love's a beutiful thing, best of luck to ya both
  13. Never do, if it happens it happens, its been fun im out till sunday,
  14. Ther are so many things i can say about this but im not, granted it's a little weird whats going on there but hey who am i to judge, the only question i have is he's an it and he gets a pretty wife, im actually a guy and i can't get shit, what the fuck, but if he's happy who really gives a shit, still weird though
  15. No dude heres the address http://www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200804/tows_past_20080403.jhtml?promocode=incl20080403TD
  16. Did you guys hear about the asian guy that is pregnant, not his wife him
  17. :shock: :shock:
  18. I'd upload my pictures but it would make all the guys jealous :2funny:
  19. Dude the starcraft wallpapers rock thanks dude,
  20. I made the mistake of wearing a steelers jersey when i went to clevland, people were getting pissed :evil:
  21. All i have to say mudmanc is if you grew up near clevland i fell bad for you, i was there on firda and that pace suck ass
  22. Started troubleshooting wildblue sat internet systems at my job and they told us to go to this site to check the speeds, i recomend this site to everybody
  23. The way i look at is they are proud of their country but somtimes the leadership becomes corrupt, which in turn can cause the country and culture to morph around that and sometimes the only option you have is to get out,
  24. You know shug i agree with you 100%
  25. Thanks for posting this, i had no idea about this, my father is a retired marine and 3 of my best friends are marines that are stationed in the middle east, i think im gonna take part in this, thank you very much for posting this again,
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