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Everything posted by andrews

  1. I paid for a ground mounted pole and started with the 6000 and was "upgraded" to a 7000 when we had problems with chipmonks eating through the RG-6 cable. I tolerated the FAP reduction and high bills to get 1Mip downloads and even got up early to do some FAP free surfing, but I refused to pay for a new $350+ ground installation when the Hughes-installed pole rusted through and fell over last fall. Their tech support became increasingly worthless as the years progressed and sent out an independant installer to "re-aim" the dish lying on the ground. No backing from Hughes on the original install since a different independant installer did the original, now defunct install. In the last few years, three different 3G / 4G wireless cellular internet providers have started covering my area. We held on to Hughes waiting to see how things would pan out; needless to say we bid them farewell after the pole fell over. Too bad, DirecWay started out pretty decent give the limitations of shared satellite bandwidth. I knew the handwriting was on the wall when DirecTV started selling WildBlue. Why they couldn't bundle a streaming service with DirecTV and HughesNet, instead of essentially forcing me to look elsewhere for a non-FAP'd ISP that supports DirecTV, I'll never figure that one out?
  2. I still can't get to the DW6000 thru IE, but I should have mentioned that the "rain fade" screen looked new. Must have been a background upgrade? It showed up in IE and had a "click here for more info" link that took me to the standard basic modem menu. Haven't been able to get back to it since. I even bookmarked when it came up. Oh well, everything else is working.
  3. I'm sticking with the DW6000 for now. Your historical speeds don't look too bad. Any more recent tests to post?
  4. My wife called tech support a week ago on our unit. We had the wrong proxy ip address in IE, it changed back to 192.XX. Speeds are back up across the board. I do some limited P2P w/ utorrent. Was averaging 125k D/L yesterday morning during the FAP free hours on my DW6000 (20 to 25k U/L). It has essentially given us that speed from 2004'ish when we bought it. I did notice a burst speed for a second evey two minutes; the speed would drop down to 50k then spike to nearly 200k and settle back to 125k. utorrent has a run time speed monitor. I do not have the proxy server option checked on, but it has the old 69.XX proxy address is greyed out.
  5. Sort of the same with my DW6000. The unit is working but I can not log onto the box anymore using Called Hughes tech support this weekend and found out that the proxy IP we were using had reverted back to the original. Web pages back up to a normal crawl rather timing out, but still can't get to the box. I know that I could get on it a week ago, I checked it for signal strength during some "rain fade".
  6. I have setup ports two ways: (1) thru the Windows printer, Preferences, Ports, Add Ports option. There are two choices, HP TCP/IP and Standard TCP/IP. Do you mean not to use the HP option when you are referring to "generic card"? Did I mention I'm using the external 3 parrallel port version, the Jet Direct EX Plus 3? I can't seem to enter just the IP of the box when I install a printer since it has multiple ports. I have to do it after the install as described above. (2) The other utility I use is HP's Install Network Printer Wizard (INPW). We use it at work all of the time. It can scan the whole network or allow you to enter the port directly. It immediately detects the three ports and prompts you to choose which one you are using. Thanks for the additional input. I'll keep you posted if I have problems after reinstalling SP2. Losing my NVidea 5500 drivers when I uninstalled SP2 was a real downside to my "fix". I had to plug back into the Intel motherboard video afterwards. Oh well, now I know what I'll be doing Saturday morning.
  7. Pretty sure I was able to "fix" it. Some additional searching found quite a bit of discussion on HP's website. Why it didn't spring up earlier, hmmm? XP SP2 and HP's Jet Direct don't play well together. The suggestion / solution was to remove Service Pack 2 and reinstall the port and printer driver. I have not yet reinstalled SP2, but both printers are up and running again. My "fix" this evening comes after my wife being on the phone with DirecWay for 1.5 hours and also with Microsoft for another 2. Microsoft tried their best and even conferenced called in HP, who basically said they no longer produce or support either of my printers or that model Jet Direct. That's nice support. I'm still using two of their calculators from 20 years ago daily.
  8. HELP, I've had a home network up and running over a year now. The system is a D-Link 10/100 8-port switch (hub), a DW6000, a PC w/ XP Home - SP2 and a HP Jet Direct J25593A EX Plus 3 with a HP 4L on Port 1 and HP 1100C on Port 2. Nothing has a static IP, I let the DW6000 assign IP addresses: is the DW6000, used to be the Jet Direct and was the PC,
  9. Sounds like a nice utility. Being a cautious torrent user, I have always limited myslelf to one 10k/s download and maximized my upload setting. I'm an early morning person, and it's pretty nice to see some rare AM uploads hitting nearly 25k/s to maintain my share ratio. Yep, 25k/s sustained for a few hours. The FAP and the ISP proxy are the real bummers. Everyone crabs about how come I'm firewalled and how easy it is to open a port. No such luck. Your only satisfaction with DWay is during the last 100Mb of torrent D/L when you can maximize the D/L speed to unlimited and see that file screaming down at 125k/s. I've notcied HTTP acceleration dropping out on me a lot, but BitTorrent is non-accelerated and seems to maintain a good baseline connection in everything but the worst weather.
  10. Broadband over the electric grid is HERE!!!!!
  11. Wow, something I never paid much attention too. I often check forums during lunch at work. Even if I paid for a static address from Direcway for my home, that would be a different IP. Now that I think about it, my previous dial-up accounts didn't handout static IP either, they drew from a similar bank of numbers like Direcway does. If the moderator is that hung up, you might as well avoid the forum. I get the impression there'd be a similar tone to the moderation from any postings.
  12. I'm going to have to go with the "I don't know" response on this one. I thought I saw something on these guys a while back; I thought they supplemented the sat connection with dialup.
  13. Well, well, DirecWay final adopted a spam filter: MX Logic's Spam Quarantine.
  14. Curious how the tweaks went for you? What about hardware issues, IE Hub / router, 10 versus 100 NIC, etc... You really should be getting better speeds than that.
  15. Looks like someone at DirecWay is listening, or at least recognized the volume of spam traffic. Spam has been on a downward trend.
  16. I've had a DW6000 for 2 months and the DSS system since '97. So far okay, but it's not without its quirks. It CONSTANTLY refuses to make HTTPS connections to eBay. We fiddle fart with the proxy settings and power cycle the modem and get 'er most of the time. The two wireless / microwave relay guys can't get a good line of sight to my house, so DWay or "tin can" dial-up are my options.
  17. Not very nice to read.
  18. I used to observe a kind of latency effect on my old dial-up ISP.
  19. Any word on how this progressing, or not progressing as the case may be? I can easily see how a tier 1 rep could spiral a simple thing into a really big consumer relation mess. Is anyone on this forum using Vonage? Seems like everyone's DW Modem needed tweaking out of the box, although the latency problem is inherent to the system. Curious.
  20. I see a tremendous amount of weather interference on my signal strength.
  21. To keep from over running the FAP, I am looking for a download manager that lets me limit the download speeds of files from HTTP sites. Preferably this wouldn't be Adware and Spyware laden. Thanks.
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