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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by brock01

  1. if you dont mind me stealing your thread can you make a partition on a raid0 setup? would be sweet if i were able to do that thanks
  2. well the one i have is the P5W DH DELUXE and its just like 230 or something on newegg its really nice im using the same thing, E6600 easy ocing too (in my sig)
  3. dlewis
  4. 2mhz would take quite a while
  5. i guess i was bold on my ocing then, i just went from 266 to 320, then from 320 to 350 then 385 and totally stable C2D E6600
  6. ya it does seem faster than before
  7. good excuse man, good one
  8. yes there are such things i know someone who takes them and lost a ton of weight (over 100lbs in i wanna say i know less than a year but i think 6 months) its not a hoax
  9. Page created in 0.352 seconds with 21 queries.
  10. haha got a link?
  11. or you buy one that has it ready to uncap, like a motorolla sb5100 and such
  12. least we got one person on these fourms that can get a girl haha jking 0wn 3r' r34l h4rd 4 u5 grats
  13. haha that is great nice job
  14. zalman ftw
  15. i got the same thing as you you get the blue led one? cant tell ya temps till tuesday,( day i get my mobo and i already have ordered and received the rest of the computer)
  16. 238kbps in the USA
  17. yep wrt54g with dd-wrt you can filter there just like swimmer said you can block by keyword, and or the exact site name, its under Access Restrictions also the firewall outpost can do that as well, works pretty good too
  18. no worries its back so its all good thanks for your hardwork
  19. H4X!!! looking good there whats your upload?
  20. thought id share with ya
  21. i know you guys are gonna think this is cached but its not something definitely going on with the network atm Download Speed: 57275 kbps (7159.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 226 kbps (28.3 KB/sec transfer rate) no google, no nothin i goes from way higher than normal then back to normal
  22. wasnt to hot on the other dls those results were with a 5000-384 setting on cablenut i think imma go reset the modem.... hmmm
  23. Last Result: Download Speed: 8832 kbps (1104 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 345 kbps (43.1 KB/sec transfer rate) umm whats going on here 5000-384 normal umm edit that Last Result: Download Speed: 14246 kbps (1780.8 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 350 kbps (43.8 KB/sec transfer rate) lawl and another, must be an upgrade or something with the network, costant fast ones Last Result: Download Speed: 14246 kbps (1780.8 KB/sec transfer rate)--- dang i copied the wrong result, it was 16something Upload Speed: 350 kbps (43.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
  24. Totally Agreed, torrents ftw, legal ones though
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