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Everything posted by brock01

  1. ya the record is 11 but i saw this guy for over 50+ days but i dont think he was doing what you have to do to set the record
  2. cant say i have heard of it though
  3. ive seen on tv this man that cant sleep 54+ days ill try and see if i can find it
  4. thats pretty cool seen something liek that before but it didnt make it twist
  5. ahh amc i was just gonna tell him what you had but wouldnt of been able to tell him what the temps were hopefully you get it sorted out
  6. cool find showed a slow download for meh but oh well
  7. haha that is great nice find
  8. looks pretty good looks like you havent got the "boost" yet where you live at ? welcome to TMN enjoi your time here
  9. and how many are there?
  10. go higher:) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817103931
  11. dang dude that is nice thanks for that alot of work it looks thanks
  12. *cough* avon ftw *cough*
  13. the times meaning 7 ms 13 ms 9 ms, and so on the lower the better, and yours are low enjoi long route meaning the ammount of hops it took yours took 17 a lil high
  14. sweet, sounds awesome (sent you a pm) (i Am z3 0wn3r)
  15. no cord differences between the ide and e-ide your saying and such?
  16. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106013 vs. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106014&CMP=BAC-dealmac the top one has e-ide and the bottom one has just ide Do i have to have anything special for e-ide or will it work pefectly fine replacing my old dvd burner heres the system req System Requirements Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or higher CPU and 128 MB or higher RAM are required HDD must have access time < 20 ms; with a minimum of 650 MB free space 9 GB free space for creating a DVD image file ( 9 GB for double layer; 5 GB for single layer) Thanks, B-rock
  17. oh dont worry bout it no more fixed it my self
  18. Hello everyone I ran into some trouble today (sucks when you try to help someone else then you get f'ed your self) and all i did was restart, when windows is done doing the blue bar at the bottom, it goes to a BSOD, cant read it either as it goes away to fast ( i even tried with a camera). only thing i can think that i did was: -started an installation of NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder- didn't finish it -there was an update that needed to be restarted for from Kaspersky antivirus not sure what to do, or how to repair it in a good way would like to try to repair it without reinstalling windows Thanks, B-rock (sees dlewis23 looking at my topic, yes dlewis23 to the rescue)
  19. are you doing any P2P or bittorrent, anything like that or transferring large files on your network? what router are you using?
  20. ah theres alot of programs that can do that nero is one that is very well known and does a good job and another good one is winavi those are only 2 that i listed but there are A TON of other programs that can as well
  21. what you mean computer videos avi's and such or ?
  22. not trying to be mean everytime i see you posting something you mistype like crazy all the time i recommend Mavis Beacon http://tinyurl.com/bc4se $39.99 !!!!
  23. wonder who's gonna win this argument?
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