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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself muddy. I don't buy into the madness. I am simple as they come. And yes people remember the real time and attention paid them more than the gifts. I always teach my kid's the value of that . People are what matter , not stupid THINGS !!!!! This is not directed at anyone in particular , but alot of the population. Why do people have to be so complicated?? I remember my grandma would tell me she had a surprise for me when we sat down to eat lunch. I would not get it til afterwards. I usually got a small prize , mainly a piece of candy or a toy she found and I was thrilled. She and I would sit and make clothespin dolls and she sewed me Barbie clothes for my doll. It does not take much to satisfy a kid . Hell my kid's told me they WANT me to make them sock monkey's for Christmas . I have 13, 12, 8 and a 7 year old and they ask me if I got started yet. It comes from the heart. People would rather just buy than give from the heart anymore and take a precious life it the process. You don't have to be a susie homemaker to give from the heart. My husband used to give food away to someone who had none, money, his ear, a place to rest , sleep. He gave rides . I learned alot from him and why my cards are going out from the heart hand made to the soldiers this year. Amen.
  2. You know it ! So do you.
  3. Smart asses. I am surprised you didn't use this well endowed one instead Tommie!
  4. My kid's can't wait to customize their own though. They are anxious.... gonna pull out the construction paper tomorrow and the craft items. It is just so much more personal when the kid's are hands on.
  5. When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get. When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue,NW Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
  6. I am gonna say probably 9 in a year. Did you mean little men too.?
  7. No surprise , it happens every time this year and get's worse over time. I never go. It's insane.
  8. AAAWW! Welcome Darrick!
  9. Anything for Momma and Tommie. Your Welcome!
  10. http://www.purewatergazette.net/asimov.htm
  11. Momma ...your just trying to get it out of me with the sweet talk.. Well.. I am keeping you in suspense for a while. Trust me you will know soon enough. PEACE!
  12. Sam in webcam pic.. He is 8. ( I have to submit 2 posts to get all these loaded. ) Sarah looks like Tommie's youngest. Both the same age too. (7)
  13. UUUMMMM..... ........although that would explain the teasing ..sister's love to do that . We both have curly hair. although mine is curlier, he has the waves in the back .. and I have "Mom's " green eyes. I have a very handsome "brother" don't I?
  14. Ok.. Here's a webcam pic...I was Sleeping Beauty for Halloweeen. I'm in my nightie.
  15. You will have alot of fun here I am sure . Lots of nice people. very knowlegable and helpful.
  16. Welcome Grandma Ellie! ...glad you joined TMN. It's a great place to be. Ditto on the little critters. I have one that chewed a hole in my closet ceiling. I guess it left . I love animals. Last year my daughter who is 7 brought a helpless baby squirrel to me and said our cats were trying to catch it. I kept it in a cage in the house and fed it with a syringe til it could eat nuts . He got crazy one day , so happy and hanging upside down in his cage and we decided he was ready to leave the nest so to speak and the kids turned him loose. It was a rewarding moment.
  17. DITTO! A person needs a better half. Glad I found mine. Is it true about Norton taking over AVG? I could not find anything on google. I heard it though.
  18. I was just reading Esp 32181's mind??. I do feel things, I can tell someone while we are on the phone to get gas in their truck and that person will say, "How do you know that ?" or I will say "You have company" and that person will say , "Damn your good!" SPOOKY! A person said once "How did you know I had a choice?" when I asked how come he did not end up with her sister. He called me freaky. Oh yeah once my daughter got stung by a bee at my mom's and I felt an urgency to call my mom and ask about her. My mom nervously asked why, why do you ask about her? and I was right on her being hurt. Thanks on the compliment Muddy, that was VERY sweet of you and much appreciated! BTW Tommie just was curious where she was going with her thread, he couldn't figure it out... Love the smileys Tommie! Don't ask how I operate, I just seem to TUNE in .
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