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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. Now the REAL question is ........Which will come first ?? Tommie's 10k or the 60k memebers? I think it's gonna be Tommie tho... HE CAN'T SHUT UP!!!
  2. yeah...your right as always...
  3. OF course---We love to pick on ya and tease ya...chill.. I thrive on new victims....Sharpening my fangs now.. I guess that would make me a pixiepire. LOL...pixievamp???
  4. Hey, Momma ..he may be a new member of Jackass ..ya know with Johnny knocksville and Bam Margera.. retarded and insane . ...Didn't Steve-O swallow a goldfish and then make it come up unharmed and snort an earthworm??....Gross! ... he also stapled his ass shut too....
  5. Ya got one yet , Tommie ? ..
  6. 0 to 60 in 3.5....can you handle the curves???...huh...Baby Boy???
  7. And this from a man who says be conservative with the money due to the economy? live on less...slap your hand ..?? LOL..Tommie you know I have to tease you... BLACK does suit you though....take me for a spin???
  8. Yeah I knew something was up ... hey...If it looks like a duck , quacks like a duck and walks like a duck..it MUST BE A DUCK!! Not saying he's the anit-christ but that he is very secretive and untrustworthy.
  9. http://www.researchliterature.com/Hillary_Obama_666.htm
  10. "Because of Obama I aspire to be".... the next town drunk...NObama and his "Hitler youth" in my neighborhood. I guess i had better keep an eye on what my kid's are up to in their schools....take away the pledge of allegience ? but sing praises to Obama?? we wouldn't want to "offend" the atheist out there with "one nation under God"
  11. can't have one without the other ...yep....i always thought so....
  12. I hear screaming kids! "What !! I need my phone Mom!".....and Daddy cutting up the credit cards..
  13. Is it the one you and shug had?..how's that baby doing? Jimmy jack right??? Shug said in the tommie and 60 k poll thread: " have inside info on Momma Ts baby... Mainly because it is mine and we are naming him Jimmy Jack. So I voted for momma t.. but that isnt fair... I have inside info. "
  14. I was reading your mind ..you said it first , damnit!! Here's a crystal one --I love crystals and supposed to be good energy for your computer too!!!
  15. you know it ...luck follows you around for some reason ...oh that's me!
  16. I like the lighter one --anything shiny..my heart and lighter compliments each other I think.I feel a collection starting ...someone will submit a book soon in the collectible catagory..look for it in your local bookstore in a bit. Here's another one and there are PEZ collectibles and books ..
  17. I hate poly-tricks .....what ever happens, whoever is elected President ,,we are in for 4 more never ending years of bullS#!t . The S#!t keeps hitting the fan , folks...change hasn't come and it probably never will. no real rewarding change .. Walter Cronkite's trademark signoff... "And that's the way it is"
  18. ok..not the weirdest ,,,,but one I wouldn't mind owning...(bling) isnt it puuurrr-ty??
  19. I bet the lucky shit Tommie will win.... cheeky monkey...
  20. Oh Yeah!! ...checking with the lawyer on that one .how far can you go ..LOL...
  21. Ya think??? LOL..
  22. LOL..Mine is a man ...100% Grade A.......and all mine .. anytime , anywhere...we are sure to be arrested one day I am sure...
  23. no batteries needed for mine....the real deal. the best kind too. just put your finger on the trigger and .....
  24. Just Google it in there momma T ..weirdest USB drives LOL..Here's what I got from the web: This isn
  25. And that's the way it is in Insane America!..Welcome all ...
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