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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. Stars get top billing!
  2. Me to know and you to find out Woodies??? come to think of it ..how many do you have there???...LOL momma T ..here's one way over the top! you know someone had to think of it ..and beat us to it too.. LOL
  3. Hey Momma T...Here's some woodies for us both to choose from..
  4. LMAO!!! :2funny:
  5. How long does it take to fly to England , I wonder??........Just kidding , I promise!!!! ..
  6. Everyone is being nice so I thought I died..
  7. Did I die????........Thanks Momma "T"!
  8. "Sir" , Yes, I do find myself speaking English with you, don't I?? . I will try and remember that while taking my 4 o'clock "Tea"...LOL.. Bloody Hell !! Watch where you throw that stone..my head hurts! Blimey! Cheerio!! edit:for member privacy
  9. yes take out your aggression on it and shove it .
  10. LOL.. Tommie thought i chose the cookie cause it resembled a "Twat"..that WAS my first thought tho.
  11. I take the fortune cookie...for obvious reasons.. cracking it open is the best part to get to what's inside.
  12. Thanks!! starship_ troopers ....Yeah sometime's I go a little to far with the humor .It's all for fun tho. honest. You know you guys do it alot ...I read your posts ..and see the dirty pics.....He who is without sin cast the 1st stone.
  13. What can I say??...If there's an opening , I am gonna run with it! ..That's the way I have always been and sometimes I am brutally honest..I do come across the wrong way I am sure. and nothing trully meant by it...LOL... laughter is the best medicine..Why I always read Grandma's Reader's Digest magazines as a kid..and adored the word power section. Lighten up..."Why so serious?"
  14. I Love you!!
  15. Yes , I knew what I was saying ...twisted sense of humor that I have !!..I did it for a laugh! Give me the finger...if i had to choose between those listed.
  16. If i had to have one , I would take a finger and plug it in.
  17. LOL... Tommie was sure to include a Shit eating grin pic of Biden for Shug! ...
  18. Good reason not to watch .
  19. Insane America!! ...oh God . Don't get me or Shug started on that one ..I think he is quietly on his Xbox for now..let him rest. Wish i could join him..Somehow those virtual world's makes more sense..
  20. When Tommie hit's 10,000 he will mellow! Right Sugar?
  21. I always know where to find you!..i see all you guys and gals all the time here...addicting huh??
  22. Too busy in TMN??
  23. yeah ..I'm stoneage to my kid's ..,I miss those days sometimes...growing up in the 70's and 80's ..nice! i remember all these: Muscle Cars (Trans Am / Camaro) Star Wars action figures Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific CB Radios and CB radio sayings ( like "breaker, breaker" and "That's a 10-4 good buddy") Acupuncture Creepy Crawlers Streakers Rocky Horror Picture Show Leisure Suits Play-Doh Platform Shoes Dorothy Hamil haircuts Flower Power Mopeds Spirograph Primal Scream Therapy Big Wheels Silly songs (like Kung Fu Fighting, the Streak, Convoy, etc.) Keep on Truckin' Earth Day The Hustle (dance) Perms for men String Art Polyester Banana-seat bikes Slip n' Slide Mood rings Mr. Whipple ("Please don't squeeze the Charmin") Legos UFOs Bean Bag chairs Pong (and Atari and held video games) Silly String Rockem Sockem Robots Happy Days (TV Show) Silly Putty tetherball Abba Disco Music Lava Lamps beer can collecting Amway Distributors Strobe Lights sea monkeys Etch-a-Sketch Billy Bear Lite Brite Magic 8-Ball Light shows for your room Toga parties Charlie's Angels View-Master Mad Libs Women wearing men's clothing (inspired by the movie Annie Hall) Cork Pop Guns Air Hockey Hitchhiking 8-Track Tape Player peace banadanas Hot Wheels Yahtzee Barbie Nylon jogging suits Bell bottom pants Wizzers Fondue pots Shag Rugs Matchbox Cars Everyone lighting a match at rock concerts, Tang Hardy Boys Weaving looms Stretch Armstrong Spin-Art Battleship Glass Eating Glitter Baseball Cards Pop Rocks Hot Pants feathered hair/bangs Purses for men Farrah Faucet hair Radios in unusual shapes and forms The Dunkin Yo-Yo Mutton chop side burns Holly Hobbie greeting cards & collectibles 45 record singles Operation Slime Nerf hopscotch Stridex pads and Clearasil Dashboard Hula Girls English Leather aftershave Black lights Not showering Model kits Paisley Shirts Earth Shoes Mexican Jumping Beans smiley face stickers Afros Key parties Pet Rocks Easy Bake Oven Sand art Telephone Booth stuffing Twister Crayons Pukka shell necklaces The Bicentennial Socks with toes Sea Monkeys Crockpots and toaster ovens whiffle balls Hi-Fi Waterbeds Atari Roos (Kangaroo tennis shoes) Legwarmers worn over jeans charm necklaces Yo-Yo Sandals jeans with the zippers up the legs Aqua Net Hairspray The British Invasion (U2, Duran Duran, Culture Club, A-Ha, etc) Swatch Watches Apple Computers Rubik's Cube Strawberry Shortcake Guys with one earring Care Bears Slinky Jelly Shoes Simon (the game) Shasta soda Neon (clothings, bracelets, signs, etc.) Scrunch Socks Spandex Schoolhouse Rock Friendship Bracelets Josie and the Pussycats HOT stickers Sock Sweat Bands Mullets and Rat tails (long strip of hair in back of neck) Slap Bracelets Mohawks Dungeons and Dragons Hanging out at Video Arcades Trapper Keepers Big Hair Bows Brat Pack Bandana tied around one's leg Popples Ripped jeans Smurfs BBS (Bulletin Board Systems - Kind of like the Internet but text based ) Chuck E. Cheese "Word" Where's the Beef Hershey Kiss Lip Gloss Valley Girl talk Hungry Hungry Hippos Teddy Ruxpin Penny Loafers Weird Al American Gladiators Lip Smackers Garfield Goatee Beards WWF Wrestling Vans Tennis Shoes Judy Blume books Big Hair with lots of hairspray (including glam/hair metal bands) Break Dancing Brightly colored feather roach clips in hair Denim Jackets Muppet Babies Michael Jackon type glitter gloves Paint Pens Ouija Boards Having your collar up Pac-Man Lace fingerless gloves (like Madonna wore) Feathered Hair Jazzercise California Raisins Crush soda pop Miami Vice Fashion Weeble Wobbles Skater Hair Cuts (lopsided haircuts) Rainbow Brite Hello Kitty Koosh Balls Wacky WallWalker Duck-tails Nintendo Connect Four Scratch 'n Sniff Stickers Leveraged Buyouts Skateboarding Sticker Collections and Albums Slip 'n Slide Gucci Catsuits "Just Say No" Trivial Pursuit Ray-Ban sunglasses Tupperware Parties Chia Pets Alfred E.Neuman Roller Skating Rinks Parachute Pants Hacky-Sack Sleeveless shirts "Psyche!" Sony Walkmans Tetherball Remote Control Cars Pop Rocks "Members Only" jackets New Wave music John Hughes Movies (Sixteen Candles, Breakfest Club, etc.) Horror Movies (Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc.), Boom Boxes / Ghetto Blasters ESP Big Shoulder Pads The KGB He-Man Pee Wee Herman Polaroid cameras Bomb disaster drills at schools Cabbage Patch Dolls Garbage Pail Kids Army Ants The Preppy look Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghost-hunting "Totally awsome!" My Little Pony Crocodile Dundee Hats Sweater on Waist 'Baby on Board' Signs Moonwalking Doc Marten Lace-Up Shoes (army boots) Beauty Moles
  24. These waylon and hank songs brings back memories for me cause my daddy was a big fan of both hanks and my late husband of both hanks too!!! thanks scdreaming3
  25. wish i was brave enough to figure that one out.i'd like to replace the start button
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