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Everything posted by lorne

  1. lorne

    KOZO the hippo

    Thanks for the heads up Ca3le, I never dl it I never do until I check it out first. My neighbour is a spy
  2. lorne

    KOZO the hippo

    lol, Kozo reminds me of my neighbour A lot. That is some funny shit
  3. Exactly what i would expect from a teacher with the name Arreola. Isn't that the name for around the nipple.
  4. lorne

    Sweet computer

    Yep I got them, thanks again Time to go try out my premium account
  5. Yeah I would say you are all better, nice speed
  6. lorne

    Sweet computer

    Thanks swimmer And thank you reddog, I will now have a premium account at dsl reports. That means more twweking for me, since now i have access to more and better tests. Woohooo As to how i did it, I had 3 different prices written down on seperate pieces of paper. So i put them in a hat and let my curious dog pick one out of the hat. I think I will go give him a bone now.
  7. Just a word from the unwise<<<< Don't Overclock your washing machine Mine blew up today almost literally. Thing started smoking then quit. Bottom line, I roasted the motor, and it is cheaper to buy a new one than fix my old one. Oh well at least my comp is still going strong.
  8. 4 KB/sec dl wtf Man I would be pissed to. Tests suck man, I remember the harder I studied it seemed like the worse I did
  9. lol, Thanks for the conversion and the combo That is right on target, i think that is going to be the one. I have tried combo after combo and i can't stay under $1000.
  10. lol, Thanks for the conversion and the combo That is right on target, i think that is going to be the one. I have tried combo after combo and i can't stay under $1000.
  11. lol, Thanks for the conversion and the combo That is right on target, i think that is going to be the one. I have tried combo after combo and i can't stay under $1000.
  12. lol, Thanks for the conversion and the combo That is right on target, i think that is going to be the one. I have tried combo after combo and i can't stay under $1000.
  13. lorne


    Welcome to the forum That is a nice speed for sure, what is your advertised speed ? What do you mean by bumping up the horsepower on your machine, Tweeking ?, Overclocking, or Hardware ?
  14. lorne


    Welcome to the forum That is a nice speed for sure, what is your advertised speed ? What do you mean by bumping up the horsepower on your machine, Tweeking ?, Overclocking, or Hardware ?
  15. lorne


    Welcome to the forum That is a nice speed for sure, what is your advertised speed ? What do you mean by bumping up the horsepower on your machine, Tweeking ?, Overclocking, or Hardware ?
  16. lorne


    Welcome to the forum That is a nice speed for sure, what is your advertised speed ? What do you mean by bumping up the horsepower on your machine, Tweeking ?, Overclocking, or Hardware ?
  17. You can try and tweek your connection with cablenut and see if it makes your dl faster. You might get lucky and get some more speed. It can't hurt just back up your registry before you tweek in case something you do slows you down. Overall you have a fast connection for your advertised speed, most people only get 80-90% of their advertised speed. I would tweek your settings cause you just never know, but thats just me, tweek freak No unfortunately there is nothing you to do to speed up your upload
  18. You can try and tweek your connection with cablenut and see if it makes your dl faster. You might get lucky and get some more speed. It can't hurt just back up your registry before you tweek in case something you do slows you down. Overall you have a fast connection for your advertised speed, most people only get 80-90% of their advertised speed. I would tweek your settings cause you just never know, but thats just me, tweek freak No unfortunately there is nothing you to do to speed up your upload
  19. You can try and tweek your connection with cablenut and see if it makes your dl faster. You might get lucky and get some more speed. It can't hurt just back up your registry before you tweek in case something you do slows you down. Overall you have a fast connection for your advertised speed, most people only get 80-90% of their advertised speed. I would tweek your settings cause you just never know, but thats just me, tweek freak No unfortunately there is nothing you to do to speed up your upload
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