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Everything posted by RTB

  1. On your desktop that is, no icons at all would be quite problematic don't you think?
  2. Nice on the download, ouch on the upload. Is it always that low?
  3. Sure, but what do you think of this BFG? It's somewhat hurtier than your puny Shotgun.
  4. That's a huge taskbar (or whatever it's called in english VanBuren And I thought mine with two rows was big. Is it hiding something?
  5. Because your upload/download can handle 4x online gaming. It takes about 5 KB/s up and down to maintain one online game. But I meant your bot use. Is it for hellforge rushing or just for additional players in-game?
  6. I suppose "less accurate" is the best description for the cgi tests. Inaccurate would mean CA3LE doesn't provide the most accurate speed test results, and that's an obvious lie
  7. That is rediculous.
  8. 1. if your parents pay for the connection, ask them. 2. if they don't know or if you pay for it, look up how much the package costs. 3. look up the package on your ISP's website, there should be advertised speeds listed there somewhere.
  9. Don't ya think it's time to 'translate' those pages to PHP?
  10. Moved topic to General Discussion. The other forum might be more popular, but this topic certainly doesn't belong there... anyway. Good luck with the LAN party. Edit: Pointless fact: General Discussion is actually the most popular forum.
  11. RTB

    Im back

    So you were Quasimodo without the nice moves? Glad you're back to normal.
  12. Just 35% porno. 25% games. You guess the rest
  13. Known. It'll take years before that stuff leaves beta stages. And some more years until it is available in my town.
  14. Parents forbidding it is the most likely explanation. Poor him/her/it/
  15. If I ever go play a MMORPG, it'll be Guild Wars, since that one is free. I'm a cheapskate and would rather not pay montly fees and all.
  16. Well, good ideas tend to be used. And really, it looks better now. Worship me.
  17. Yup. Problem solved. It was the BIOS, but apparantly the first time I tried to reset it, I was too fast in switching the jumper back.
  18. There's an issue. I've read through an online manual for what is supposed to be my motherboard, but I don't think I have that option. What else can it be, besides the BIOS? Edit: Found it in the standard FAQ, trying now. Edit2: Nothing. It's not the BIOS. AFAIK three options left: Motherboard dead Processor dead Memory dead (both of them )
  19. You know, it would've fit with the other titles here better if the A was a 4.
  20. That new neon-lightened computer decided to give up... leaving me with a lot of homework to do on other, crappier, computers. It starts up, then idles before even getting to the BIOS start-up screen. What the hell?! I've tried these so far: Went by every connector I could reach, making sure it was in properly removed the video card, and tried to go video on-board fiddled with the RAM, and amazingly got it to work once, with one 256MB stick removed. After that, nothing. HEEELP!!!
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