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Everything posted by RTB

  1. Ehm, doesn't seem so active, besides one poster named shane, sounds familiar? If you want to know what others think what the best ISP is, you should ask it here.
  2. I'll bring the pitchforks, if you call in the mob. The hunt for another advertiser has begun
  3. AFAIK it also depends on the popularity of a file whether you download fast or slow.You also need a bit of luck, to get a seed that has a high maximum upload.
  4. The speed problem is problably in the neightbourhood but whatever. Download speed is rather constant at 2200-2300 (of 2560), which makes sense, considering I have to go over the ocean. Upload sucks. The last time I tested at 8 am I got 3xx, 1 hour later, it was much less. The upload test I took a minute ago was 130 (1/3rd of advertised ), which is 12:48 GMT+1. From 6 - 10 PM I don't think I go above 50 Kbps. I will repost when the upgrade comes along, hopefully today.
  5. It's awesomely accurate. I'm gonna use to test the new speed too, IF chello has upped the cap on the new modem. Otherwise, I have to wait another 2 months...
  6. Banned from the best test site in the world/universe/alternate universes, that's gotta hurt. Got a quick link to that Visual Traceroute, CA3LE, or should I google it up myself? I want too see the route that keeps me fast over the extra-large pool of water.
  7. A troll who's gonna get his new modem tomorrow, and hopefully the upgrade to 4000/1024 that day as well. If I get anywhere near the advertised upload, I'm gonna go crazy... and kill everyone still faster than me. Got me a sig too
  8. Or you could spam your way to the next title, there's a new one at 100 posts. Did I just say spam? I meant useful posts.
  9. RTB


    Cuz they're even slower than me They just read, that's all, until they run into a problem, or get upgraded.
  10. Ya, the automatic copy'n'paste doesn't always work for me either. Must be IE
  11. You're not above the cap, what's going on? *adds bigdog702 to the hitlist*
  12. Nah, just simple downloads with IE. But even browsing causes major slowdown... unstable: before restarting the netstat showed quite a few connections open, and after the restart none. I doubt spyware is the problem, unless it's on the new computer.
  13. Of course. *adds Tanis143 to the hitlist* One more week to go, 'till the new modem... I can't wait But I have to
  14. And there's people like me There's no need to introduce myself, you will learn soon enough... *adds unstable to the hitlist* It's always good to have more knowledgable people around.
  15. Since my question is related to this one and I don't feel like making a new thread, I'll go ask my question over here. There are two computers on one router that has no throttling options whatsoever. One has WinXP, the other Win98SE. Whenever the computer with WinXP accesses the internet it gets a higher priority than the one with Win98. Meaning, If I'm gaming I see my ping skyrocket to more than 2 seconds. If I'm on the net it takes ages for pages to load. I'f I'm downloading the download speed drops to nil. A nephew with the same router doesn't have these problems, and all the computers on the network there have WinXP. Why does this happen and how can I fix it without upgrading windows?
  16. That's good to know CA3LE... I just released the circus animals in here. Be careful, the elephant is on a rampage.
  17. So fast, yet so slow. Ironic *Adds CA3LE to the hitlist* You asked for it
  18. *adds Macenko to his hitlist*
  19. While that is a nice score (you're added to the list btw), it has nothing to do with this topic.
  20. Whenever I see that vile creature that is your avatar I scroll away immidiatly, if my parents are around, they might die of reasons I won't specify. Sometimes that would be a good idea tho.
  21. RTB


  22. RTB


    And I wasn't suprised when I heard the disadvantage of gmail: All your mail becomes public property after 30 days.
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