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Everything posted by RTB

  1. Why an Athlon 2500+ if it's not even going to be used for moderately intensive stuff? Post your current list, so we (me?) can see what's really killing you
  2. PARTY TIME! It's official! Chello is raising caps, from 1500 to 2560 down, and from 128 to 384 upload. Bad part is that it may take a few months before existing members get the speed increase. New members benefit from the new speed caps immidiatly.
  3. Of course. But more specifically: When it's busier the results are more accurate.
  4. One month, and no improvement. In fact, it got worse thanks to a router. How much upload do you need to play (not host) online games, such as Quake3?
  5. RTB

    My upload speed

    Yep, can't touch that ::: Upload Stats ::: Connection is: 36 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 KB) Upload Speed is: 4 KB/sec Auth Code: 250541 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 1 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 256 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=250541&kbps=36&gen=gen&a=2.28571428571429&b=0.571428571428571&c=1145.14285714286
  6. RTB


    That's just to increase accuracy, since you're on such a a fast connection ( ). Otherwise the results could have a much wider range of possibilities, and that's not good.
  7. RTB


    That's just to increase accuracy, since you're on such a a fast connection ( ). Otherwise the results could have a much wider range of possibilities, and that's not good.
  8. RTB


    That's just to increase accuracy, since you're on such a a fast connection ( ). Otherwise the results could have a much wider range of possibilities, and that's not good.
  9. RTB


    That's just to increase accuracy, since you're on such a a fast connection ( ). Otherwise the results could have a much wider range of possibilities, and that's not good.
  10. RTB


    That's just to increase accuracy, since you're on such a a fast connection ( ). Otherwise the results could have a much wider range of possibilities, and that's not good.
  11. RTB

    flyin on comcast

    1200 kbps here... and only a rumor that chello is going to upgrade, and its very unlikely.
  12. RTB

    flyin on comcast

    1200 kbps here... and only a rumor that chello is going to upgrade, and its very unlikely.
  13. RTB

    flyin on comcast

    1200 kbps here... and only a rumor that chello is going to upgrade, and its very unlikely.
  14. RTB

    flyin on comcast

    1200 kbps here... and only a rumor that chello is going to upgrade, and its very unlikely.
  15. RTB

    flyin on comcast

    1200 kbps here... and only a rumor that chello is going to upgrade, and its very unlikely.
  16. Geocities is a host? Homestead rules! It's never down, and it allows off-site linking bertski: That's fast... edit: This download test was done at school : ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 1350 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is: 165 KB/sec Auth Code: 2020251 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 24 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 6.21 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2020251&kbps=1350&gen=gen&a=16.5714285714286&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 I'm faster! W000t!
  17. This also why I'm having such a hard time getting a stable connection with online games. Inside the chello network (testserver) I get 80 kbps and outside (Testmy.net) i get 3KB/sec
  18. Strangely enough it's not working (anymore), it seems they fixed that little loophole. I'll copy and paste them from now on
  19. Just like I did, this is my standard avatar
  20. I'm not seeing any of your pictures until you add a "?" to the end of the link. It'll show the pic, instead of that beatiful red cross I'm seeing now
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