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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. It came today!! pics:
  2. yea, and ask them how to turn off that annoying sticky-key on your CAPS LOCK..
  3. This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen... http://enterpriseevent.amd.com/amd_05e4/dcdvideo/high.html
  4. Yea, considering it took a year of bullsh*t and finally ended in us going through: HP corporate support, 2 (two) reinstalls of Windows XP MCE 2005, and having the guy (who was actually very nice to us) tell us that "if anything else happened, call him up and he will replace it".. With THIS!!! WHOA!! And we get 2 more years of Warrenty out of it
  5. No, I paid for this: ($1300) http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/genericDocument?cc=us&docname=c00255625&lc=en And I'm getting a: Pentium D 3.0 Ghz dual processor!! 1.0 Gig RAM DDR2 and to top it all off: 300 Gig hdd configured this way is showing as 'bout $1700 yay
  6. haha, yea, I've seen that before, the clops...clay animation
  7. Ok, well, long story, but HP is giving it to me FREE. Replacing my other Media Center that keeps screwing up and doing weird stuff. I'll explain the whole damn thing when I got more time...I can't wait for it to show up!! I'll post some pcmark scores when I get it..
  8. Tell me what cha think of it...and maybe I'll explain... http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/product_detail.do?product_code=EG642AA%23ABA&tab=detailed_specs&storeName=computer_store&landing=computers&category=desktops/media_center/m7100y_series&subcat1=rts&catLevel=4#defaultAnchor
  9. ok, so is it the sb5100 that's un-detectable?
  10. yea, really, wouldn't that be funny?
  11. lol, and I'll get shut off at the same time for running apache
  12. hmm, you could always try www.hackthissite.org ask someone over there
  13. oh, god no. where did you get this from?
  14. lol, who you talkin to?
  15. well, though, it still may have just sent your modem a new config file, and then it got that when you restarted the modem. The thing about uncapping is that you can change where that config file is coming from, thus, you control everything
  16. It's complete bullshit is what it is.
  17. Not kidding, please help me immediatly I checked the Apache logs just a minute ago, and I have several things that are hacking attempts. this one in particular scared me: it's from http://www.100money.com/cgi-bin/ip.cgi, and it was run as a POST against my site. now, this doens't look good to me, I'll post a screenshot of it for all of you to see my results. I'm right now gonna set the firewall's rules for Apache to only port 80, and only on my IP #. Will that help? thanks guys, s.s. attached
  18. oh, well, yea, but did what I say make any sense?
  19. ok, well, do a full scan maybe
  20. so, what he's trying to say is that you can get to testmy by either www.testmy.net or All the name tesmy.net does it hide (or redirect, if you wanna say that) to, and shows you what is at that ip address..that's how you would set up a website from your computer like i did. so, in essence, try a tracert to testmy.net, and you'll see that ip I mentioned somewhere in there, probably the last line..
  21. haha, ok, cause you should try doin a virus scan, and see what comes up. I had a crack for WinRAR 3.51, and bitdefender 9 found it on my friends pc (i gave him the crack when I gave him winrar..) So, what I was getting to was that it depends where you got it, because it very well may be reporting bs...maybe not, but the program might have brought a virus with it if you got it the other way, lol... tell me what happens, and if it doesn't find anything, you maybe should try bd 9 pro, it kicks ass
  22. I got one question, where did you get the firewall? Answer 1 for bought it, answer 2 for "some other way" lol...
  23. haha, I want a vid of his modem smoking when he tries to..
  24. yea, maybe. could be possible, though why not try if your not afraid of gettin caught? lol
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