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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. :haha: :haha: HAHA, that was great, i must say, thank you for a late-night laugh, my man!
  2. d00d, rofl
  3. dat iz some tite shit, dogg!!
  4. ahahah, all u people are so old!! 15 here, guys
  5. ...And Feeeel Alll-right! lol
  6. lol....yea, bittorrent does rock in so many ways c'est scary!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN1D5jJAHTs...pretty good!
  8. yea, 80 is the default http port almost never blocked @ school
  9. i never said what i was using bittorrent for...lol...i never mentioned non-legit software any where in there, though that's what it seems like to you guys sorry, stupid me
  10. hmm...i really don't have any money to pay for one..shoot...sorry
  11. :haha: ^^
  12. lol...yea, i guess you're right! :haha:
  13. okay, well, she sent me a message bout 30 minutes ago telling me that she was just so happy that she could actually talk to me, unlike previous b/fs, and she says that she loves me and that she doesn't want to fight with me...lol im happy again lol never did figure out what that meant, though!
  14. anyone have any other ideas please??
  15. okay, but why do you say that?
  16. yea, i guess that's what they look like, lol...but yea, you pick one and you can set them to link to something if u want, like the top of the page
  17. lol...yea, i always tell myself that im going to actually get my work done this time, but it never really happens, only when my parents get on my case...
  18. oooohh ca3le, what would we do without you? thank you, you have just provided me with yet another way to procrastinate on my hw..
  19. yes, radio buttons are fun muchos gracias for the late-night amusement btw--what time is it in arizona?
  20. haha, umm... Knoppix? that's a good one imo it's got loads of great software, plus it's bootable, plus it's linux. haha Cablenut, obviously.. BitTornado is a good, simple, and (most of all) small bittorrent client that i likey lots oh yea, and meebo.com is a great online im site with all the im's lol so yea
  21. well, you know what a radio button is i assume, so maybe he just meant button and didn't want to title the topic just "Button!" rofl
  22. well, we just got over an argument, and she was contemplating forgiving me for something (lol)...soo...it probably means something like she loves me again or has forgiven me...lol...i'll ask her in a bit (she goes to bed early lol..) what it means...thanks guys... hey, and Fallow, that one threesome smiley reminded me of my spraypaint on CS...i probably shouldn't post it publically, but if you want i can pm it to you
  23. @! ~yo i have no idea what it means, other than that the is a heart...my gf put it as her display name on myspace, and i can't figure out what she is trying to tell me!! lolol thanks!
  24. Adobe Audition is a great one...but it costs...umm...ever used bittorrent?
  25. Yea, i agree, that's a lot to spend for a fan, you should be getting water cooling for that price
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