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Everything posted by just-

  1. Hi there guys i have two HD at the moment and i am about to raid0 them does any one know of a good program to benchmark my HD properly before i raid them. i want to do this after raid also and see the benefits thanks
  2. ok they provide DS3 connection but for how much is the question here
  3. trying to get a 60GB hard disk for a laptop still a bit pricey so i don't know this 40G was for free so i didn't reject the offer, but raid 60G hard disk on a laptop would ROCK
  4. i dont believe that but if he can provide a scaned involve or quote or something like that maybe i dont believe bell would provice a DS-3 (45MB/s) for 650bucks no chance
  5. Hi there guys i just got hold of a 2nd laptop hard disk and guess what my laptop supports TWO internal HD yeah this rocks my original one is 7200rpm 60G my new one is a 5400rpm 40G i have not raided them yet but i am thinking or trying it and just comparing the performace i know i will lose 20G out of my original HD to raid both of them, and i also have a concern because of their different RPM for now it will just be an extra drive in the future maybe RAID it. i post some picture along isn't this cool
  6. CACHED doesn't count please only post real scores
  7. AIM i can't believe u guys all use that i thought the world was ruled by msn but recently saw some stats and found out aim is like 2 times bigger then msn or yahoo no suprise why yahoo and msn are going to join their messengers.
  8. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9257.0[/iurl]
  9. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9320.0[/iurl]
  10. ok thanks for clarifying that up we knew u were not a hot start in a online video show
  11. ok guys this is scary we now have over 17000 members when do u think we will reach 20000? this year or only in 2006?
  12. 24wires = 12 pairs a phone works on 2 phones so u could only theoretically split into 12phones lines
  13. netmasta nice cooling i see in ur case i just got a question, about the positioning of ur webcam is that where it normally points to or was that an accident?
  14. i think 20" will be the limit after that it will become to big to carry in any backpack i mean 20" is kind of big anyway for a start just pushing the limit
  15. they are kind of OK may i ask how much u pay for that never seen such a package BTW
  16. Hi rammolo welcome to the forums very nice system you have there apple and PC which one do u use most? looks damn slick your set up with the screen on the wall is it s 17" ?
  17. Hi there guys Just to let you know there was two very similar Topics: 1- Official Thread Displaying Your "Case/Tower" (Actual Pictures) 2- System Pictures // POST YOUR SET-UP'S i have merged them into once post, cause people posting picture of their towers is normally their system pictures so instead of having two topics i hope you all don't mind having just one topic so every one gets to see all the system pictures of every one keep them coming guys some very nice stuff out there
  18. i know this is a bit random but netmasta is ur name peter ?
  19. i have a 17" i need a portable, but with power portable enough to carry in a suite case, not on my back that kind of portable
  20. Just for a laugh look at the picutre and look at the description LOL
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