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Everything posted by just-

  1. hi catamaran not sure if they sell it with 5 year warranty to google i dont think google buys HD at the high street price either
  2. google and nasa working together i like that idea and i can see them across a table and google wanting to make money out of it and nasa trying to hide it from the public lol what do u guys think news is at: http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-178
  3. maybe there was something running on the background an update of virus scan or something like that you never know
  4. since we talking about HD and them failing i am wondering if anyone knows of any stats concerning the goggle data center. i heard they travel around with trolleys full of hard disk replacing them all the time cause they just wear out. is this true how often does a HD die in their dc?
  5. XP is almost perfect are you for real??? how much is microsoft playing you to say this?
  6. hi mattmag welcome to the forum lets test our small sitty coonection compared the that OC-48 rock and roll guys
  7. guys we dont want to see any post here of links to warez websites or directly connect us to any torrent site please try and keep it legal try to do a search in google for windows vista download http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&q=download+windows+vista+beta&btnG=Search it is not a public release windows vista btw
  8. if you already have some knowledge about tweaking you can go to http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php and create your own css file for cablenut
  9. thndr143 could i ask you to have a bit of consideration for the topic really looking for T1 speed tests dont think it would be apropriate for every one to post their speed tests in this post would it? btw i wish i had ur upload
  10. You got 9 right! Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head got the VGA question wrong
  11. has any one seen Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) i watched it in the weekend if u are intrested in microsoft and apple and xerox and how it all happend in the bigining and how bill gates (smart ASS) stole apple OS and stuff like that very much worth watching it
  12. heheh ok well vanburen is damn lucky so its not a suprise u paying more
  13. just-


    simples and better i dont see the point on attacking random users unless u did something to piss off a lot of spammers did you?
  14. just-


    ok so if u disconnect your router from the web and u had tried to access the website in your router ( the administrator website) it should all have worked because the attack would no long go anywhere since u were not with a IP did u try that?
  15. just-


    something i still didnt understand is it confirmed u had a DDOS atack upon ur ip?
  16. just-


    sounds scary but it really sucks who or whatever did that to you did u format both pc or any pc at all in the end?
  17. hows much you paying for 10 up and down? vanburen as the same connection specs in sweeden i think he pays around 40 bucks
  18. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8542.0[/iurl]
  19. just-


    looks like u got it sorted would like to know what really happend soudns so odd the pc u formated works i guess and the other one doesnt?
  20. xyther4523 10 up and down i wanna see ur upload mate btw is the 10 Mb up and down from a Qwest Cybercenters?
  21. that would be a very big laugh if he did buy it and make them give him a degree why just for the fun of it
  22. AKA "the world's largest manufacturer of tapered roller bearings"
  23. hahaha did u see your upload running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 62.41Mb/s AWSOME this is me http://whisper.cs.utk.edu:7123/ TCP/Web100 bandwidth test v4.12 click START to begin running 10s outbound test... 242 Kbs outbound running 10s inbound test... 1477 Kbs inbound
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