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Everything posted by just-

  1. if you look at this picture this is what i ticked on once and it sorted every thing by album folder 1st and then the artist i want to do it the other way around a program that will put all my tunes of a artist into a folder and then inside the artist folder put all their albums inside u get me?
  2. quiet hilarious but then i don't think all the Lamborghini works will own a Lamborghini so AOL guys may not all have AOL internet heheh
  3. i thought the highest plan was 8Mb how on earth do u get 10Mb or even 11Mb you have some special plan or something we dont know ?
  4. hey man that is over the cap that is very good you should be happy whats ur upload like?
  5. just for clarity what you should be looking for its called CO Location as far as i know serverpronto does not offer colocation i believe this is what you want from what i have read What is colocation? Colocation is the way that your web server is housed and connected to the internet. A web server is a computer that holds web pages so that they available to the Internet. Servers are usually mounted in metal racks in a purpose-built facility with a large amount of internet connectivity. http://www.webserve.ca/webhosting/collocationwebhosting/singleserver/ http://www.netnation.com/products/colo_rm.php check this website, it has lots of options http://www.askwebhosting.com/co-location/3z_Canada/?CompanyID=1229
  6. This topic has been moved to Show off your scores!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8462.0[/iurl]
  7. from your university thats a bit extreme damn nice upload anyway god mine sucks from work :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 766 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 94 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Sep 23 17:54:00 UTC+0100 2005 Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 10.89 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 65.44 % faster than the average for host (intel.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OT7D9A4L0
  8. seriously every day there is new about google i was away for 5 days and go knows what i have lost in news but im back guys and now i read for the 1st time google tv what??? some one give me an insight on whats happening article can be found at http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-174
  9. if you not happy with it just swap with me ehehe have u read the tweaking post from vanburen? http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  10. finally meet some one that knows about go-l swimmer rock on, they are amazing, i have never bought anything from them i wish i had the money but they are even better then alienware BTW dlewis23 i took the liberty to add a poll to this post since what u wanted was our opinion looks like a sweet machine you have there let us know what you go for in my personal opinion i like the LG best even tho i am a viewsonic fan i think that one is not the one that has the LOOKS compared to the lg one.
  11. .S1 what a wonderfull world this would be if we could give more and take less but no we are greedy specially the people who make this decisions they always want to get more and give less and i have not heard of any comcast also to 10/1
  12. always great to have friends isnt it i bet you loving it. wish i knew some people like you, i know the guy that serves in mc donalds and the guy at the coffee place at work thats it hehehe just joking nice server btw and nice exchange of post with you dont think i have seen much of you aroudn but u got a few post keep it going
  13. hi tjcrews and welcome to the forumz very nice speed i wish i had half of that only 2MB here
  14. sweet imagine this machine crunching numbers in folding hehehe looks like a beast to me VAN edit: the dual core machine is godo if you run like 10 programs at the same time and they are not very CPU consuming if you want to use programs like video editing and folding and stuff that will EAT your CPU go for 3.6 few programs actually yet out there made for dual cores, folding doesn't run well on dual core, it runs only on one of the cores
  15. hehehe reminded me or rocky when he was training and carried a bad full of stone was that rocky ?
  16. just-


    so are they a new cable company in the uk ?
  17. dlewis23 do u work there or u have very good friends in there? hehehe it must be one of those two may i ask if u host any games server we can play or anything we can join like irc please this is a public place so feel free not to answer i understand
  18. i got you now yeah some places only will give you 10mb or even less depends where the hosting is in the USA u normaly get 100Mb i think so places like the UK where bandwidth is so expensive 10Mb is not a rarity
  19. that is some old skool stuff how do they have pictures of it i dont know ehehe
  20. that speed is for the all of the servers not for his server so he is sharing with 100s if not 1000s of other servers just imagine the bandwidth out of that place
  21. ok guys u making me jealous should i just get a server just for the fun of it or what btw dual OC48 connection that must rock OC48 (speed: 2.4Gbps) have u made some speed test from ur server guys to testmy.net and if yes what have u scored? Dark_Matter whats ur irc channel is it publuic of only for ur friends?
  22. just-


    luke thats one of the best uploads i have seen from the uk indeed never heard of wight365.net before going to look at them WOW 2298 records found luke take it easy budy you dont need to test your connection every minute that is a lot of testings in a very short period glad you dont pay for bandwidth man . go easy on ur self ok
  23. DAMN, i really thought it could be for real would be better if they the guy had stood up in the room and said OK OK i give it back hehehe
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