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Everything posted by just-

  1. that is a very nice speed bump vanburen the godddddddd ca3le if u reading this we should get an icon of a buy bowing down heheeh
  2. van u want to see 10% over a 10Mb connection camoneeeeeee that is well nice actually do u know this when u go over the limit is it the isp that allows you to do it with their setting, or are they unaware of it, whats the theory behind going above ur theoretical cap?
  3. yeah man burn those wires
  4. nice speed should u be doing more are u in a 5 or 6mb package?
  5. if u know the guy better go up to him and give him the money or if he wants whatever u bought better to do that then get a record in the police
  6. i think u cant get a free trial for snagit check it out
  7. .s1 dont know why u are taking the piss but i aint going to react to ur stupid move
  8. Guys have u noticed how fast we went from 2000 to 3000 BANG BANG BANG so so fast should we start to make prevision for 5000 or what ? THANK YOU EVERY ONE thank you for coming and sharing with Ur friends about this website spread the word TeStMY.nET <--Edited by swimmer: Fixed spelling mistake-->
  9. sorry i will post the full leter here DreamWorks Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 18:21:43 -0100 (GMT) From: anakata To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 [email protected] wrote: > Dennis L. Wilson, Esq. > KEATS McFARLAND & WILSON, LLP > 9720 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse Suite > Beverly Hills, CA 90212 > Tel: (310) 248-3830 > Fax: (310) 860-0363 > > > August 23, 2004 > > > VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL > AND U.S. MAIL > > ThePirateBay.org > Box 1206 > Stockholm 11479 > SWEDEN > > [email protected] > > Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties > http://www.thepiratebay.org > > To Whom It May Concern: > > This letter is being written to you on behalf of our > client, DreamWorks SKG (hereinafter ^
  10. if you are wondering where can i get .torrentz and be safe where can i get torrentz and not be afraid my ip is handed over to MPAA where wont they wont catch me well its not safe out there anywhere in the world i think but there is a few places who make it more safe from http://piratebay.org Sweden ROCKS As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe. Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here. For your information, no Swedish law is being violated. Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium, will result in a) a suit being filed for harassment a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for sending frivolous legal threats. It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are fucking morons, and that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons. Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on http://www.thepiratebay.org. Go fuck yourself. Polite as usual, anakata so for now i think u are safe to get torrentz from that website
  11. just-

    RCN Mach 10 a reality

    RCN Prepares Mach 10 Launch Upgrades promised on Feb 28th ... may launch sooner Users in our RCN Forum have received information that the updated config files for RCN's "MegaModem Mach 10" service offering will start pushing out to modems this week, possibly as early as Tuesday. RCN officially confirmed the upgrades in mid-January announcing they would be offering the 10Mbps/800Kbps cable broadband service across all of their markets on February 28. The changes will have current 7Mbps customers upgrading to 10Mbps; 5Mbps customers will be upgraded to 7Mbps. lucky you guys i want to see some speed tests from this
  12. have u got the 128kb/s package or the 64kb/s package? have you read https://testmy.net/topic-2097? welcome to the forums arlechinu !!
  13. 7.1 M damn that is good
  14. s1 what is ur connection?
  15. u guys are so luck i dont even get 1Mb at home damn!!!
  16. As you can all See under the Goooooooooooogle Adds i noticed Ca3le has added back a donation for the website hell yes bandwidth is expensive, but you are in America and renting a server in America which i think from personal experience and fishing around looking for servers and stuff i think it is pretty cheap in the USA bandwidth, much cheaper then in the UK that is for sure. does any one know any statics of where bandwidth is cheaper? Korea??? Japan ???? Sweden ???? lets all chip in something if we can to help ca3le out
  17. yeap cloning a mac is not difficult at all window or lunix or whatever, wep is still needed even if u only give access to the mac add you want to as Swimmer said encrypt i dont think anyone would be intrested in cracking ur encryption key if u use 128 bit one would be to hard i dont even know if it is possible
  18. nice clean and simple lay out as we say it in the uk KISS Keep it simple stupid americans tend not to like the stupid find it quiet offensive but nice and clean i think good forum but do we need another forum?
  19. Dist what are u paying for your isp is cableone right? what is ur package?
  20. hi there welcom to the forums are u using a hub? usb2 hub?
  21. great website for all the information is http://www.dnsstuff.com
  22. hum going to have a look at opera i think
  23. welcome BULLDOG_3 to the forums tell your friends about the most acurate speed test online in the world testmy.net nice speed and btw are u in the uk with the isp BULLDOG? just wondering welcome
  24. Clarence congratulation for your speed its well good vanburen being part of the cablenut team i think he should soon anyway what i think its missing saying in here is that testmy.net has been having some problems with the upload speed test so as you have already noticed your self u got a 2Mb speed test some where that was not testmy.net and in here u get a lower martk. dont worry ca3le is on this problem and hopefully we will all be able to test uploads more acuratly
  25. cobra are u using css and position relative or absolute? i have had loads of trouble with that since its not a website i was doing for a company and it was just a project for university i decided to put some java script to popup a box saying please go to ie cheap trick, but it wont get my many marks if i develop it for the 2 browsers
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