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Everything posted by just-

  1. i think its growing exponentially ca3le are u paying for a google add on their main page or waht?
  2. nice but y browser doesnt like http://www.lule
  3. ca3le is the guy to help u i think
  4. who has gos the adds? i have not seen them the adds in the uk tv were diffrent from the ones u guys have seen who has them?
  5. have u tried to empty ur regstry dont delete every thing i am sure there is somethings in there that u might want but look for testmy.net cookies and delete them are u using a router ?
  6. if i am right u are a comcast user unless u work for comcast and are at some server / router of theirs with a quick ass connection i dont think you can get 55Mbps from a comcast line so i am sorry but that is not your TRuSPEED
  7. i use ad aware i delete them i dont like the idea of still having them about in my pc
  8. FF should this not be a pool on the top?
  9. i like scoters more then big bikes awsome man, VESPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  10. nice scoter microeave
  11. so have we got the superbowl adds some where or not? and well done New England Patriots !!!!!!!!!!!! i dont really care, cause i aint watch american football but i did see the kick off and the 1st 5min
  12. u must have some god reasons why u say u dont think its acurate people that work on this website try very hard to keep this the most acurate speed test in the world why was it not acurate?
  13. chd176 record them some how jim2006 was making a torrent site dont know if it is ready we need to check
  14. just-


    if that is for Svahad real u might have bitten the record of the site previous record :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 39109 Kbps about 39.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 4774 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Feb 3 09:15:28 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 698X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.21 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-9MY21USKE this is not my test!!! but currently the record
  15. previews can be seen at windows media http://xgen.vitalstream.com/mcasx.asx?media=1897042&package=1836183 real player http://xgen.vitalstream.com/mcrm.smi?media=1897041&package=1836183 Napster has earmarked $30m to advertise the new service, including slots on this Sunday's Superbowl, traditionally the most expensive advertising event
  16. yeah i have been reading and if u are not in line of sigh the speeds are big time reduced but still way fast
  17. Hey everyone anyone out there with WiMax that wants to post some scores and some pictures of their antenas? i have been reading some about it. It can achieve speeds up to 270Mbps, over a distance of 30miles (48.9Km). hard to believe, well it has to be on Line Of Sight (LOS) and has to be sunny, but still 270Mbps mannnn It is expected however that Wi-Fi
  18. that is some awsome speed
  19. just-


    does any one have an idea how many users are registering a day was it about a week we were talking about the 2000 boundarie?
  20. quiet freeky that i just did a piece of work for school about cat 6 i will copy paste it here, have a read if u want <WORK> Cat6: Stands for category 6 it contains four twisted copper wire pairs, just like earlier copper cable standards (Cat5). Category 6 will provide improved data throughput (1Gbps more reliable meaning less data lost among other) compared to category 5e. Cat 6 is tested on 250 MHz compared to only 100 MHz test on Cat5e (Cat5e can operate at higher frequencies but it
  21. van do we really need to reboot after changing the stuff in cablenut? why doesnt the program tell us that?
  22. just-


    both the old and the new are very very nice to me ca3le lucky shit HEHEH
  23. bte jenpmt welcome to the forum and nice speeds better then mine
  24. sorry guys i am fucking dumbbbbbbbb i was not loged in in IE that is why it was only showing some of options LOL sorry archive this post please
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