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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by just-

  1. kglasstetter1s are you using a machine from university or your own? and have u tweaked it?
  2. king cobra, i think testmy.net has some problems with speed test of the upload speed so if u dont get the 5MB you are suposed to get it might not be because of your connection but something to do with testmy.net have u tried a speed test from www.dslreports.com ? cable please correct me if i am wrong but the upload speed is not very acurate here am i right?
  3. you were testing with a 1Mb file, for future reference if u get such a good connection with such a speed try a big package
  4. http://www.bafserv.com has some probs with cached stuff
  5. well yeah it must have been cached
  6. i was thinking about that if it is something that is downloaded before the test and run in the local machine ie: JAVA SCRIPT fine but if it is a piece of php the is being ran on the server side and transmitting up and down, maybe not such a good idea Cable can u tell us more about it please
  7. cable what about my 45MB speed test? is that acurate?
  8. Warning: main(./outside/multi/mirrors1/conf.conf_php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/testmyn/public_html/main.php on line 211 Warning: main(./outside/multi/mirrors1/conf.conf_php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/testmyn/public_html/main.php on line 211 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './outside/multi/mirrors1/conf.conf_php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/testmyn/public_html/main.php on line 211 in s1 test site,
  9. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 42827 Kbps about 42.8 Mbps (tested with 29323 KB) Download Speed is:: 5228 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 765X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.2 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 593.67 % faster than the average for host (66.38) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9NOHPTV80 and i got even higher over 60Mb but it says its incorrect 3MB is to small so i changed the file size i am testing from university on a 100Mb connection via ja.net network is this acurate or not really? this one is from the main site and i know its acurate :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 15143 Kbps about 15.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 1849 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 2005 12:36:37 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 270X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.55 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 118.77 % faster than the average for host (66.38) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-41KRYTS5V
  10. www.torrentspy.com
  11. from UK university to testmy.net and affiliates testmy.net MAIN 10 Mar 2005 Download 1420 2992 KB 178518187993 just- ac.uk 9W1HPQBMN S1 10 Mar 2005 Download 2292 3151 KB 1786460657 just- 66.8 mirrorS1 6K48CBP3D BAF 10 Mar 2005 Download 4765 3151 KB 1786460657 just- 66.8 mirrorBAF L1XAJBO9W all this test were made with a couple of seconds one after the other
  12. ok about to get to midnight here in the uk and my Download metter says 5.02G downloaded 5.42G in total and 444MB uploaded so i guess i am using and abusing arent i ?? YES BABY !!
  13. fuck me!!! on a 5MB cap u got 5.8 on Comcast that is well good, but the package was a small one still all the credit nice tweak dude .s1 LOVE that picture in ur website !!
  14. sparky u from a university u should be able to get faster can u post a tracert? well can u do a tracert from inside the uni to testmy.net?
  15. damn 10MB on comcast thought the fastest package was 6MB keep ur mouth shut and keep on using and abusing it !!
  16. good question but the people in my ISP dont know the answer all they told me was there isnt a system at the moment that will cut you off or that will charge you more they are just monitoring at the moment in a couple of weeks they will put in a system that will email users when they are reaching the 1G a day, for the moment nothing so i am using and abusing it as much as i can 1.72G so far from me plus my 3 house mates USE AND ABUSE !!!
  17. very nice
  18. Direction Actual Speed True Speed (estimated) Downstream 1946 Kbps (243.3 KB/sec) 2101 Kbps (inc. overheads) Upstream 186 Kbps (23.3 KB/sec) 200 Kbps (inc. overheads) having some trouble with speed test to testmy.net server seems to gve me a higher speed every where else i have checked with my bandwidth metter and i can get faster speeds just not with testmy.net servers atm
  19. 1st speed test with the old tweaks for 750kb :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1188 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 145 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Wed Mar 09 2005 10:33:43 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 21X faster than 56K 1MB download in 7.06 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 50.76 % faster than the average for host (ntl.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HR204YWOB yeap i have been upgraded going to tweak it to 2mb now
  20. hi guys for once in my life i am going to be upgraded and break into the MB barrier could u believe it !!! NTL my company is upgrading me to 2MB, they say its free and it will happen soon. Existing 750K customers We
  21. SOCCER all the way !!!!!!!! man last night chelsea against barcelone for the champions league i hadn't seen such a match in a while !!! so many goals and such a good football yeah football in europe same thing as soccer and btw why cant we vote for formula one!! really good sport also
  22. HI AJAIN12 first of all welcome to the forumzz spread you word around about this website and the most acurate speed test online. It seems like you are doing every thing fine, but can u think of any changes you have made before all this happend you are running a win NT server and ur machine are running on ??? and obviously you have tired to restart the client also yeah?
  23. yeah it look like it what is the package you are paying for 5MB? 8MB? what about ur upload? WELCOME TO THE FORUMZZZZZZZZZZ !!
  24. well 10 / 10 is more the enoughhhhhhh for online gamming what really matters is the ping time and u right from sweeden to america u might have some trouble there how fast do u download stuff from apple or microsoft servers ?
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