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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by just-

  1. dont know about ur computer but your internet sure is not slow
  2. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 105 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 13 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Mar 17 2005 21:12:30 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 78.77 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 86.78 % of your hosts average (ntl.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-75LC48IDQ beat mine LOL
  3. ok guys we all got the point u dont like contracts but where is the line being actually ocupied? what can enya do? is it in the the building or can he do anything to release the line him self? i dont knot iw my self does any one know?
  4. thats on happends when u tweak it to much HEHE love it !!
  5. wow that sure rocks what connection u got at work?
  6. damn that is going to be hard to beat !!
  7. nice speed
  8. lol with verizon FIOS anything under 10MB is easy to beat i guess but not me either
  9. have u had more 20Mb tests else where try testing now that u are registered
  10. cant see the picutre just upload it here
  11. i have heard of a program that listens to 100s of radios and because they are being boradcast digital and it comes up in the bottom of realplayer or something like that so that it can identify the song it listens to 100s of radios, and saves each mp3 with the name of the artist and the song they are playing any one heard of this? and if so what is the name of the program, cause my friend told me about it but he cant find the program it would be quiet cool a thing like that
  12. yeah the latest update is AOL to Revise Terms of Service AIM privacy flap has them rethinking wording Responding to concerns that a privacy policy change allowed AOL to spy on and/or distribute AIM conversations, AOL spokesman Andrew Weinstein went into damage control mode, e-mailing dozens of outlets in an effort to calm people down. Going one step further, Eweek reports AOL will now be rewording their privacy policy, removing the phrase "You waive any right to privacy" from the TOS altogether. revise now we wait for the resilts of the revision maybe worse but i hope not
  13. quiet cool u need to add some more stuff but its a start and ofcourse it had to be about art
  14. bwt thanks for the information and probably not worth putting another hd inside my laptop its already heavy enough anyway i do have a usb2 and firewire encloser with a 7200rpm 120G hard disk but the thing is i have recently got upgraded to 2Mb connection and i have 10G left in the external if u know what i mean my ipod 15G cant take all my mp3 anymore, i am going to the far east for easter and going to buy a cheap HD maybe 300G probably 200G hard disk i know i will buy 7200RPM and at least 8MB buffer any suggestions ? yeah i got a dvd burned and i have burned a couple of cds with some old movies or series that i dont see any more but still i need some more HD space
  15. any one with FIOS going to post here and dick every ones ass ? i only have a 2MB connecti not even going to post here
  16. i have read some more about it i think the 1G is going to be shared on a max of 30 people, so about 30MB per sec in worse of worse maybe at 6am in the morning when every one is sleeping they take over the backgone and burst of 1G/s LOL anyway why dont we see test from japanese people any japanese people out there !!!!!!!!!!!!!! cable u monitor ur website or anyone does anyone know an ip or some where we can check out speed test from japan dslreports has some but nothing great anyone?
  17. congratulations!
  18. u saying verizion FIOS coming soon to ur door that should be awsome, dont know if the network is stable or what is the down time, still kind of recent, but sounds good fiber lucky you!!
  19. crazy people man just totally awesome !!
  20. u probably got that 10mb but that is not real i dont know have u tried against the main server of testmy.net? do u only get that speeds in baf server?
  21. comcast so maybe on a 4Mb package no?
  22. lol not quiet up
  23. ntl 1.5MB down / 256 up 24pounds = 45bucks nothing special
  24. just-

    Sad fact

    cable how do u get rid of all those memeber that just post oen or two things do u delete users with 1year of no activity?
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