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Everything posted by just-

  1. now testmy.net became ebay also WOW i bid 2 dollars for it.
  2. quiet happy with some servers that are mirrors at the moments and nice to see it growing hope to offer a server soon in agust 2005, not a promise but i hope to do so by then on a speady connection maybe who knows more then 100mb/s hehehe
  3. 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 6 ms 9 ms 7 ms 3 19 ms 19 ms 11 ms pool-t2cam1-a-ge92.inet.ntl.com [] 4 17 ms 12 ms 17 ms sot3-t2core-a-pos71.inet.ntl.com [] 5 9 ms 8 ms 23 ms win-bb-a-so-020-0.inet.ntl.com [] 6 21 ms 16 ms 22 ms bre-bb-b-so-100-0.inet.ntl.com [] 7 31 ms 28 ms 47 ms fran-ic-1-so-000-0.inet.ntl.com [] 8 47 ms 27 ms 27 ms de-cix1.schlund.net [] 9 33 ms 44 ms 30 ms pos-70.gw-backbone-b.bs.ka.schlund.net [] 10 29 ms 48 ms 28 ms ge-2001.bba.bs.ka.schlund.net [] 11 27 ms 32 ms 27 ms so-2000.gw-backbone-a.lon.schlund.net [] 12 98 ms 137 ms 106 ms so-0010.gw-backbone-a.nyc.schlund.net [] 13 101 ms 103 ms 99 ms a0nycc2.gw-core-a.nyc.schlund.net [] 14 102 ms 100 ms 99 ms www.1and1.com [] Trace complete. not bad at all
  4. i like gmail best then yahoo somethings in gmail can be improved but much better layout and features in gmail the spell check is awsome i have to say i havent got my head around the labels as well as folders it self
  5. hi guys a couple of days ago i cought this while surfing in dslreports this is inside information that users are not suposed to know i gues but i cant help it and share it enjoy the picutres
  6. i think u had some spyware running in the background
  7. glad every one is enjoying it!! jump it up
  8. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 530 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 65 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Tue Mar 22 2005 14:36:42 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 15.75 sec Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 100 % of your hosts average (66.209) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1ZJN6QCV4 this is at university
  9. hi there guys i came across this movie http://www.blogtelevision.net/p/Watch-Video-___1,2,,15673.html hope u all enjoy the laught
  10. i think i am 689 not bad
  11. for tweaking please read https://testmy.net/topic-1013 vanburen is the tweaking master sort of speak any major thing post in here and we will try to help you
  12. nice speed i hope one dayyyy in the far far distance i get something near that nice upload also
  13. helloimtim i dont know how much u want to play but there is a version of linux u can run from a cd drive so u insert a cd in the cd-room and u restart and linux starts just like a normal linux was installed do u want me to find you the version of linux i think its suze that does it
  14. upload is a bit week but with some tweaking u should be able to get near 3mb and a better upload
  15. all you need is some more leg room in there f@$%ing nice room EDITED by php, again man, seriously, its awsome but theres no need to post that
  16. i have used itunes and windowsmedia player but my question here is diffrent, what is the best program to search for an mp3 name artist and album ? windows media player search is shit itunes does not search any database and rename your file does any one recomend any program that searches loads of cd databases? if you want to back up ur cd library use this EZ-CD-DA this will get the album artist year every thing and will name it for you its really easy trust me u will be happy http://www.poikosoft.com/ awsome website with loads of information and programs http://www.freedb.org/
  17. f*@%ing hell !!! is that all at home or at work ? EDITED by php, Yea, theres a lot of them, several nice ones, but i had no need to swear (in a post anyway )
  18. very nice is that tweaked?
  19. OH MY GOD all i have is a freaking laptop with no fancy collor no nothing. guys u make me sick but it was cool !!!!!!!!!!
  20. just-

    advice me

    i am not quiet sure sorry what is your isp instresting host you show up in-addr.arpa no idea what this is .
  21. damn !!! that is well over a 6000kb cap from adelphia NICE`
  22. Happy birthday mate !!
  23. NEW YORK -- The expected surge in U.S. telecom carrier deployments of fiber-optic access technology isn't likely to occur in Europe before the end of this decade, due to key differences in telco network design, concludes a major new study released today by Heavy Reading, the market research division of Light Reading Inc. this is so said i guess if i never move away from europe or if i dont move north of europe i will have to wait quiet a while for fiber to my house. rrrr, we are always behind USA whyyyyyyy camone europe !!! speed up and put fiber to the house man.
  24. hey i have a 2Mb connection in ntl and i think because of some package losts us, people in the uk, are scoring quiet poorly against the testmy.net server have u tried the www.dslreports.com speed tests?
  25. wish i could go to bed and just fall asleep normaly between 12 and 1 but take a few minutes to get to sleep, i hate just laying around there and waiting
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