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Speed Test
My Results
Everything posted by jim2006
Hey I pay for 3mbs down and 384kbs up but for some reason when I upload to someone they say they get like 60kbs not sure why that would be like 600kbs or so I think!!! But anyway I used to score about 2.5mbs or sometime 2.6 I think maybe 2.7 once not sure but anyway the first test I took after vanburen sent me his settings!!! I got like 1.5mbs I was like what but my upload went up!!! I didn't understand why I restarted and it got slower with his settings and actually I tryed his settings before and I always took them back off because they kept slowing my speed down and I had slow downs before and what help was to reload the modem or turn it off and back on and so I thought before I take off his settings why don't I try turning my modem off and back on and I did now my last score was like 2700kbs and the first one I ran after reloading the modem said something like 2750 or something so I that was coold best I got so I tested my upload and got like 415kbs witch is cool I pay for 384 but almost always got about 390 or 400!!! But what I am saying is thanks vanburen and also keep in mined for other people that you help about the reloading of the modem my ISP calls it powercycle or something it just means to turn it off and wait 15 seconds and back on well that was what help me get his settings to work finally so keep that in mined everyone if you have the same problem and once again thanks Vanburen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what does everybody else think thanks!!!
I told you reverend that I am very familiar with setting up server I have had server of my own running at home but always on my stupid slow connection! But I have done all that I can to help I think if there is anything you need fell free to ask me!!!! I am a tech and my hole family or brother dad and me are all techs but not my mom she sucks at them so if you need help I am almost always online in fact is says I have been online 1 days 5 hours!!! I am always here to help anyone thanks!!!
Yes that is what I thought also Marcin541 if two T1's is all they have then the test score can't be very good but I do know that cable ran a speed test from the new server to his site and he got like 10mbs a he said that he has to do some tweaking then he should get it up higher so thats good but 10mbs is alot higher then 3mbs or two T1's so they must have other lines to it or those must just be back ups don't know!!1
Yea well that is why I managed to get us a new server because I talk about getting one and ten the reverend said he would do it then I suggested testing off of it and so now we have a new server so hopefully no more slow downs!!!
Soppusidely it is all funded by advertising or ads on the program so thats why I am not going to get it!! Because when you get a program like that they put ads all over your pc and it sucks!!
Hey I was checking out suprnova.org and I found the interview file for the exeem file!!! And it is attached to this message check it out and what have you heard about it and is it going to be cool!!! Well the file is to big sorry but you can go here to get it http://www.novastream.org/dump/Sloncek%20Interview%20-%20NovaStream.Org%20(30%20Dec%202004)/Sloncek%20Interview.mp3 Thanks!! Also be aware the exeem product sound like it will put alot of ads on your pc!!!
Hey Indestructable thats is very rude I hope you are not serious!!! No it's because there are some many new users testing and on site that the speedtest my be getting allitle slow it is so we can keep the test accurate I can up with the idea contacted the reverend and he said ok he would pay for it so that is cool!!!
Dam I didn't know it was that fast that must be like 200 or more dollars!! A month and load balanced dam they are very expensive!!! I saw the deal on there site for 2 load balanced servers for 218 a month not bad!!! But probably not 4 P4 dam those server a re expensive even to make the motherboard alone it like 700 dollars or more!!!
Yea cable could probably do that but let him get finished setting up his new server first!!!!
New (Additional) Server For TestMy.net goes online tomorrow morning!!!!!!
jim2006 replied to The Reverend's topic in Archives
Yes that was a good Idea I had wasn't it I am happy to see it happen.Also me and cable have talked about it and it is going to be great that is all I can say thanks!!! -
I was wondering what you people think about weather it is good or not to leave your pc on all the time!!! I leave mine on all the time right now it says it has been up for 2 days 19 hours and 33 minutes!!!! I usaully leave it on all the time do to that I am almost bed ridden or was now I get up more. But anyway I used to be one of those people like my brother who thought it was bad to leave there pc on all the time he said it would screw it up and he said it won't last as long!!! We I thought that to but actually I have tried it and my system runs better now and I don't have as many problems with it since I started leaving it on in fact none so far and when I didn't leave it on all the time about every other month or less I would be reinstalling windows again. The only thing Ihave noticed is that I need to defrage more but that is probably becuase I have been doing so organization and moving files around alot lately!! But anyway what do you all think is it good or not!!! I also think that it may not let decress you cpu life but as my brother put it they last for hundreds of years so so what if it only last a hundred years now!!! Also I don't think it is going to matter to the people that buy a new system every so many years because it will last that long at least what do you think!!!?
Yea probably would work but don't know if cable guy has more than one server!!! Also has anyone else notice that it seems that when the pages come up they seem to come up slower than before? I have no idea why cable said it was faster but all I noticed was the slow downs on forum page loads!
I have no Idea I didn't notice much either! Just thought I would post since I read about everythread on this site and sometimes I don't post so I thought I would!!
Yea and when I download from vanburen top speed I get is like 60kbs and I have a 3mbs line!!! But I am in the middle of the US in boring Oklahoma a little to the right of arizona next to new mexico for those that don't know were oklahoma is on top of texas! But vanburen says he get good speeds on the east coast and I beleive him but I guess not to good in the middle of US becuase of all the hops. He ran a test on my connection and he say alot of hops and a 185 ping time so yea! And when I test on his test site I get about 300kbs or so top of 600kbs and here I get about 2.5mbs or 2.6mbs!! But anyway alot of hops between us!
i am going to kill my neighbor
jim2006 replied to resopalrabotnick's topic in Networking and Hardware
Well does he have faster internet than you if he does use his internet since it is not illegal if not encrupted LOL!!!! Well I am not sure I thought if your network is encrepted then it would work.But I see why maybe try changing your network name like at my brothers its named shizinit and mine shanes room so it does not connect to the other I think try changing your network name and telling you laptop to use that name and only that nam. I hope that help thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Yes I know a the regulars it seems like there are only like 20 or less lets see me you vanburen cableguy microwave and wmmc and others not sure there names but it sucks that more don't post more!!!! I have been around for about awhile. Witch some of you know.
Reply I am also going to probably buy hosting because my upload sucks and then I can share with you guys on the DL or behind everyone elses eyes you know just for testmy.net users like I will have a forum set up were you can request movies and then I will review them and then I will find one that alot of people want or something and then I will upload it to my hosted server and then I will send you a email or pm with a link to it so know one else knows were it is and hopefully noone will tell anyone just have them ask and then I will alow you to download it off of the hosted server at the hosting company I use. Of course this will be limited because of bandwitch but I have already found a host that allow like 3gbs of storage so I can put a few movies on there for you guys but the bandwitch is like 40gbs a month so It will be limited only to good trusted users of this site!!! And later I may come up with enough money to get a real dedicated server then I will have alot more space and alot more bandwitch in turn more downloads but I will not allow general public to acces these files because of legal worry only trusted user of this site thanks!!!!1
Hey you guys I started my own DC++ Hub. Since I can't get renos hub to work and neither can anyone else and mine should be up 24/7anyways but the link to my hub is mymusic.serveftp.com:411 you need Dc++ to access it witch you can get at sourceforge.net thanks and please join my hub we need more people on there!!! Also there are a few problems withit still like vanburen says it keeps booting him but the my download form him still work I don't know just please try it so I can see if others have problems thanks!!! Also I am working on creating a turrent site of my own and the URL of it I have no idea yet I will tell you when done or up ok thanks agian!!!!!!!!!!
You know I have noticed that the speed tests are giving me slower speeds sometimes but not much diffierence but I just wanted to created this because everyone talks about there being almost 300users testing at once and I thought that is probably not accurate because you know how vanburen has a speed test on his site well those test files are on his server so no biggie but other test site that are testmy.net affialets don't always use there own servers like the one I was looking at on a link as a example in the afialets section and it said that 300users were testing there add that to our 250 or so testing and thats 55o users testing not to mention other affilaliets that have the same amount of users that use testmy.net servers or more there maybe in the thousands testing at once with all the affialets!!!!!!!!!
well microwave you could try this
Yes but if you have good lawyers to then the would be made a examlpe of then maybe they would shut the ^%^%^ Up. And leave are favorite sites alone like suprnove.org!!!!!!!!!!
Yes but they have lawyers that don't get paid tell you do and I promise I would be getting paid enough to cover it plus alot more because you can sew for false charges and false sewing and I promise I would win because the US law states that it is perfectialy legal just read up on it if you want and then tell me if its legal. It is legal but people try to shut them down by sewing them but you can counter sew them and win because it is not illegal as of now according to US laws!!!!!!!!!!!1