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Everything posted by jim2006

  1. I am a webmaster and I have been working on my site alot and I keep getting scripts for my site but I can't use them because they are .tar or .tar.gz or something and the one on windows wont extract them!!! I know there is winzip but I don't want to pay!!! By brother says he didn't pay do know how he did it but I just wanted to know if anyone on here knew of a free good unzipping program!!!? Please help me it would mean alot thanks!!!
  2. Well those are very good signs of something going on!!! I was probably about 7 or younger when I heard our ghosts and when he talked to me witch scared the crap out of me!!! I was in my room alone and then I heard him call my name noone else was there!!! I also know they say young kids are more acceptable to seeing these things because there minds are open and I believe it I heard our ghost talk to me and walk on our wooden floors at home!!! I was very young!!! My mom tells me that one saved here life and I think it was the same one because same house!!! My step dad was a abuser when he got drunk he beat here and several times almost killed her!!! One day she climbed up into the addict to get away from him I think and my step dad pulled here down and she promises something caught her before she hit the floor because it was high enough to kill her probably and I think sement floors being the garage!!! As for you I would look for a paranormal investigator they have free ones that are non profit for me the one that is here with me in this house I think is good!!! Not bad!!! So no worrys!!! But I am not sure about this house we live in now because we haven't had anything happen lately!!!
  3. Screw AO hell they freaking ripped me off for like 3 months that were supposed to be free because everytime I called to cancell they told me they would give me another month so I stayed for several months then got a bill for like 100 dollars or something and I called them and they said I got the dates wrong or something and said there was nothing they could do!!! I said a few bad words serveral times to them!!! And finally we had the bill done to 3 months so we paid it they screwed us out of our money f%^$#^5ers!!!!
  4. Well I do not know of a web hosting provider for webcams but I do know a way you can set you pc up as one maybe!!! And I know of cams that have that feature built in to them but they cost!!! As for you basement I am in firm belief that there are haunting since my old house was haunted for sure or at least the was a spirit there!!! But at the time it was just a good spirit and it even saved my mothers life once from my step dad!!! But I think my house now is haunted we have had tv's steroes come on by them self and not only that but they came on on like a different staion then we had it on or like the radio would be on radio when last time we used it was on cd and I was the only on that used it and not only that but it came on full blast witch I never had it that loud!!! But I don't know if I believe in ghosts but I do believe in spirits!!! So I am going to research this for you!!! Also go to a hosting company and click there network tab and look for there cam's of there network and it should say what they use!!!
  5. Well mostly vanburen I created this thread to tell the people that I was the same person as shanee shanee86 shanee96 on this site so they would know!!! So I would not have to hide it!!! Witch I already told cable I was the same person so he knows and I thought you all might want to know!!! As far as the pm's I understand that he maybe busy It just never took him this long before so I thought he was mad or something!!! Also vanburen feel free to delete this if you want thanks!!!
  6. I have been on this site for awhile and as of now I am thinking about leaving for good!!! Because I have contacted cable and no reply and I have been trying for like a week!!! Before I go or whatever I would like to tell you something that some of you might know!!! As I said before i have been here for awhile and under multiple names!!! Some of you like microwave for one may have figured it out by now but I am the same person as shanee shanee86 shanee96 as of before and I got booted for spamming that is why I try never to post any links ever again and I have not posted any to my site or the one that is now in my signature!!! Also don't worry about telling cable people he already knows and as far as I know he is not mad at me!!! Or at least he said he wasn't going to ban me!!! And I promised not to post any links to my site agian witch I haven't in the several months I have been jim2006!!! But he has be not reply to me pm's so I think he is mad so I have decided to leave if i don't get a reply from him thanks!!!
  7. I am pretty good but I usaully get all the spawn points back and I usaully am like the crazy one that just runs to the other teams side kills alot of them and trys to take there spawn points or I hide on there side and sneak up behind them!!! But I prefer like the servers with alot of people on them like the one that is SOH!!! That is the one I play on most of the time lately!!! Before it was something like american mafia or something!!!
  8. It is shanee86!!!? I don't recall seeing you in the game!!! Have you seen me!!!?
  9. Well I play it online alot!!! And I know some regulars on there and I was wondering if they maybe could be someone from here!!!? Do anyone of you play this game and if so can you tell me you username!!!? Also what games do you play online if you do play that one!!!?
  10. I have been with this site for a long time and I have always had some questions about the site!!! Like how long has it been around and what it looked like before!!!? And how many people cable got to his site at first and how he got it to what it is today!!!? I would appreciate if people would answer my questions for me thanks!!! Also please post screen shots of the old site if you have them so we can all see them thanks!!!
  11. Yea you are right there reno!!! But I think cable should put a affiliate ad on his site because some of the ones for hosting companys pay like 100 dollars or 60 dollars for everyone that signs up for there hosting that came from you site!!!
  12. Well I guess there good but there uptime they say 95% and most are 99%!!! Have you check out http://canaca.com they offer 10gig storage and 200gig transfer but there features are not all that!!! Or you could try http://speedyhost.tk they sound ok!!!
  13. Well I would choose remove or delete but you can do either if you want!!! But I would recommend you delete them!!! And yes there is a better program from microsoft called microsoft antispyware!!!
  14. No I would recommend you find a hosting company to host it!!! But if you would like to host it on your own system then I could help you do that if you want!!!?
  15. Yes please do and send me a link please!!! Also do you know if they have sound!!!?
  16. jim2006

    game disk keys

    I am not sure what you mean please clearly thanks!!! But if you want a virtual CD drive check out dameon tools!!!
  17. Ok well try http://100webspace.com they offer free hosting and nice features but they just introdused a new upload rule of only like 500kb but I have found out you can really upload about 3mb so should work good!!! Also if you need any help then please ask me I know alot about that kind of stuff!!! Also if you want a example site hosted by http://100webspace.com then go to my site!!! It is listed in my signature!!! I will not post a link to it because I have been banned before for spamming thanks!!!
  18. Well what kind of line will they be on!!!? Your home line or on a server!!!?
  19. I would contact moonlord he is the one who was going to give me space on a server but I haven't heard back form him yet!!!
  20. Yes I was making a torrent site still am!!! But It is hosted on a free server!!! But what do you all want to do!!!? How big are these files!!!?
  21. Yea I told vanburen to tell people to reset there modem because I did everything I could and no inprovement and vanburen tryed to help and nothing until finally I thought about how I reset it bofore when sbc and maybe I was having problems and it worked my speeds came back so I told vanburne what I did and he said he would remeber that!!! Rebooting really help don't know why!!!
  22. I would recommend going to the ati site and checking for updated drives or anything differrent than the drivers you have and see if that works thanks!!!
  23. :shock: :lol:
  24. Well you could try [snip] oh sorry thats not free but they have good features!!! But if you want free check out 100webspace.com for example site hosted by them check out my site thanks!!!
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