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Everything posted by jim2006

  1. I know they go down because they don't have the legal funds to fight the f#$^%*ers who try to shut they down for really no reason because it is not illegal but they are usaully given the option of shutting down or getting charges on them and if they tell me tha I will not be shutdown I will fight them all the way and then sew them for a few millions for bringing false charges against me with is what others should do and also make them pay my legal fees!!!! My lawyer would love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Your welcome I love this site since I pretty much lay on my back all day all I can do is come and read posts!!! But I can get up and around alot better now in fact before christmas I was out shopping several hours and day for days pretty good for getting out of the hospital right after thanksgiving. I am feeling alot better and I am glad. Also for those of you that don't know I had back surgury on the 18 of novemeber. Also for vanburen and microwave and others that were asking why I have the surgury I swear I told you all before but I did post a thread before I think about how my back had came out of alignment and formed a little of a hump in my back. Well I had surgury to realign my back they inserted titaium bars into my back on both sides of my pelvic or back bones and inserted long screwed into the bars I think and then threw my bones almost all the way down the middle of my back!! So there it is I had back problems and the scary things is they sounded like alot of people have these surgurys and the is scary because I would hate for others to go through it IT HURT LIKE HELL AND STILL DOES ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats the main reason I don't post here as much as much as I used to because I can't get out of bed alot before but now I am getting out of bed more and like I said about the christmas shopping yes it hurt like hell and my body said no you can't but I said no I am not laying in bed anymore it sucks and so after a few days or so of being more active I have to lay in bed a day or so to recover sometimes but lately I have been out of bed alot lately but I hurts mostly all the time I am up but I don't care becuase I wan't to get out of bed also before when I went christmas shopping I was on heavy meds but now I haven't took any meds since christmas or so so you can imagine I am in so pain but like I said I don't want to lay in bed. And you ask why am I not taking meds anymore well becuase the docs won't let me have anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Thats very funny but I think they are talking about finding a way to alter our dna so are childer can't get aids and that would be nice!!!!!!
  4. Hello people I am planning on making a turrent site and I know that by law it is not illegal to make own as long as you don't host the files yourself and if someone wants to challenge me and my lawyer let them!!! I have been through class on legal crap as you might be able to tell because I am trying to start a hosting company and I own several sites and I learned the legal information before I ever got started especially copywrite laws because I did not want to screw up and have someone sew me!!!!!!! I also know that by law that you can host other people files as long as you give them credit for it or just add a link to there site and say thanks to them or something without asking them also you can also hotlink files witch I know there are arguments about weather it is illegal or not and I know if you do it someone will more than likeley try to sew you but as of now by law in the US it is not illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I was plaining on starting my own hub and site and maybe my own file sharing program and I was wondering if anyone else would like to help!!!!!!!
  5. Hey check this http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4160849.stm out it os pretty cool maybe someday when we have sex we won't have to worry about aids who knows that cool!!!
  6. Yea looks cool I downloaded it but I have not installed it yet! I don't know that I really need it since I am the only one that uses this pc!!! But the ISP point is a good idea since I run servers alot but the cool thing about sbc witch is what I have doesn't care about running servers since it doesn't say you can't in the agreement or TOS and they even sell the same service for bussiness for the same price not like most ISP most charge alot more just because it is a bussiness service or pc witch mine is! But I know cox does not allow you to run servers thats why I don't have them but anyway I will try this program out thats reverend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. :haha: :haha: :shock: :haha:
  8. :haha: :haha:
  9. Hey all we need more people form here to join in with us on reno's hubs come on the hub is at renoshub.no-ip.com:411 you will need dc++ to join in!!!! To get DC++ follow this link http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  10. something dam it I been wanting that can I get it to please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D
  11. Vanburen your test sucks for me it tells me I have this: Your connection rating is: [Test Home | Re-Test] See our forum for speed tips Your connection is: 242 Kbps (about 0.2 Mbps) You downloaded at: 30 KB/s Your TRuSPEED
  12. Ok I have the same audio card I think and my motherboard manufacture is foxconn try something like foxconn.com or something!!! I think you have foxcoon too!!!
  13. I agree that you should not host it off of your own pc because of the fact that if you do they can find out alot about you from your isp. Also I think that its a great idea we need another good turrent site I was also thinking of making one myself so maybe I can help!! Also it is not really illegal as far as I know to have links to files that are copywritten as long as you do not host them on your pc or server. The only thing is your host can boot you off there server because most do not allow it!!!!
  14. I just wanted to create this to see what people thought about DOOM 3. I just got it and as far as I go I was not to impressed really because I have heard so much about it talking about the graphics were so good and all and when I play it there alright better than other games but not alot better. That could be my video card but I can play it on medium havent tried higher but all the other games I play I can set all the way up on high and top every thing and no problems and I only payed $75 for my video card go deal I think. But anyway what do you guys think of the graphics and how high can you set your games up to and how high can you set doom 3? Also is HALO 2 any good are the graphiscs better then DOOM 3 any idea just curious thanks!!!!
  15. Good Idea then maybe there would be activity in the forum very good idea!!!!!!!!!! :D
  16. jim2006

    T1 help!!

    Yea or move somewere that has it. Like sweden lol isn't that were someone I think vanburen lives and gets 10mbs up and down for cheap!!!
  17. jim2006

    T1 help!!

    As alot of you know I run servers and I have complaints about the slow speeds so I am l looking for some cheap T1 and look how much on costs: Number Service Installation Fee Rebate Term Router Included Loop Port Total Monthly Cost More Info Plan 1 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 3 Year No included $ 599.00 $ 599.00 details Plan 2 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 3 Year No $ 217.00 $ 392.00 $ 609.00 details Plan 3 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 2 Year No included $ 619.00 $ 619.00 details Plan 4 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 2 Year No $ 217.00 $ 419.00 $ 636.00 details Plan 5 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 1 Year No included $ 639.00 $ 639.00 details Plan 6 Full T1 (1.5M x 1.5M) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 1 Year No $ 217.00 $ 450.00 $ 667.00 details *Total price includes both LOOP and PORT I was also looking at OC3 or OC12 and lets just say the prices I found were in the 100 thousands a month way to much any help please!!!
  18. Yes my speeds are back up I just turned my modem on and waited 15 sec then turned it back on and restarted and it works!!! Have any Idea why it keeps doing that secound time this week and this time. I had to restart not last time don't ask me!!! And the tweak test I can't get it to show me the result no idea either maybe my java don't know!!! But thanks!!!!
  19. I have sbc yahoo dsl the pro package or 3mbs down/384 up!!!! I usaully get about 2.5 mbs not bad good enough for me but earlier I test my speed and got like 1.5mbs then I turned my modem off and back on and got my speeds back!!! But then I tested it just a minute ago and got this: Speed Test Results Your connection rating is: [Test Home | Re-Test] Compare to your ISP or other providers Your connection is: 563 Kbps (about 0.6 Mbps) You downloaded at: 69 KB/s Your TRuSPEED
  20. Yes happy new year to all hope you all are having a better one then me. I hate being pretty much bed ridden and felling like crap but I guess it comes with the titaneum bars in my back.I will post pics if interested thanks!!! I will also like to add that I will post more later like in feburary when I fell alittle better thanks!!!!
  21. There should be set to 128kbs. Also reno you sound like you a familar with this do you have a shoutcast server setup? And thanks again everyone for all the help I have reseved from this site and I repay it buy helping others thanks for your help reno and Marcin541!!!
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