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Everything posted by jim2006
I also know that I had the same problem when I payed for the 1.5/128kbs package I was only geting about 384 up and down!!!! So I called my ISP several times and they said they check my line said no probem must be your pc!!!! So I kept calling same thing then finally I connected directly to tech support and they ran distance test on my line and said the computer says that you are close enough but the line test or something like that says that you are to far away to get over 1mbs so I said well what can we do about that they said we can move you to a remote server house or something and I said ok and then my dsl was off for 10 days and then it came on and worked fine!!! But anyway I had called before and they told me they would have me moved and they never did before that day!!! But I don't know if that matters with dsl but I did know before it did with dsl because I have looked at dsl servers before but anyway have them check out bye!!!!!!11
OK I have a spyware program but what is the MS one he used!!!!? I am also curious what is the best one thanks!!!!!!!
Hey man I had the same problems I have the 3mbs/384 plan and I used vanburen tweaks and got like 1.4mbs witch I used to get 2.5 or so and I said what this happend everytime I used his tweaks before so I always removed them but this time I turned off my modem and back on since I remebered that before when I had speed problems do to sbc my ISP that help and guess what when I reloaded my modem after the tweaks it went up to like 2.7mbs so try turning off your modem and then turn it back on. I told vanburen that I did that and it work he said he would tell dsl users to do that after that but I guess he forgot try it and see if it helps thanks!!!!!!!!!!! And vanburen I saw another post were you forgot to tell them to and they were on dsl so please tell them to thanks!!!
No s1 I did not really swear at you I called you a ass that is it!!! But as far as you saying you did not swear at others is a lie you just deleted the post so noone could prove it!!!!!! I don't know how many posts I read on there that day were you were swearing at people!!! And cable saw what I said and I am not going to denie what I said I said it!!!! But why don't you stop lie to people on here sayiny you only sweared once that is a total lie and like I said I saw and alot of others did also see you deleting posts that you said things you shouldn't have!!!!! Like all of your swears!!!! I don't think cable got to see them because you deleted them!!!!! I think that was very wrong!!! I also heard that you kept it up after cable said STOP!!!! From someone on here tell me you swore at him to after cable said stop witch I did stop but obvisiosly you didn't!!!! But you think since cable has no proff of it you can lie all you want!!!! And that is not right!!!!!! Also I do not hate anyone on this site including you s1 I just really hate people who lie I try my hardest to not lie!!!! That is why I admited what I did so why don't you!!!!! Also I am sorry for saying that but I was caught up in it like alot of others were and they said things they shouldn't have either and the said sorry and I did to so as far as bringing it up again like I was the only one that swore at you is wrong!!!! And I really wish you would tell the truth!!!!
I think Cox sucks!!! I have sbc yahoo dsl and I would take it anyday over cable!!!!!!! It is not as fast it's is 3mbs and 384 up but it is alot better because of all the features like free 2 gig email and the price 36.95 alot better than 50 for cox and like a 100mb email!!!! Also sbc have alot more good features like the browser and launch cast music player and more even thou I haven't used them in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sbc does not say that they have limitations they may but I have never got a complaint and I run alot of servers things like games and files etc!!!! Also there business price is the same as the home price or residental price they don't raise them for the same dam thing just because it is a bussiness thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is ood for a upload that line is fater than T1 and the cheapest T1 I found was 300 a month but average was at 600 a month for T1!!! And T1 is only 1.5mbs all around!!!! SO actually I wish I could get those speeds upload that is for what you pay!!!!
Hey don't talk about canadians LOL I am canadian I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I think Iam but people say I am american but my mom and her hole family came form cananda see she was 8 when she moved here and my dad was american thou but anyway I don't care if you talk about canadians I am just playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So keep it up it is funny even to me!!!!!
Well who said he would have to make It I could help him out and make it or send him a link to a free chat room program for sites there is alot out there!!!!!!!!!!!
I have noticed that the directway posts have almost gone away now and we need it back alot of people probably use directway and I was wondering if anyone on here know anything about directway and can help!!!!!!????
I was wondering if anyone else on this site looks at topics just to see who is online or not!!!! And how many are on!!!!? I do and I just thought it may be a cool Idea to add a table or something to the home page or somewere that list the members that are online all at that time and it updates like every minute or something what do you all think!!!!!!?
Yep sure is cable you have Cable don't you!!!?
Trust me cable has seen this members posts and what he did but I don't know if he did anything yet!!!
Yes well It probably was after wouldn't suprise me that this member doesn't listen to cable!!! Witch is very wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I am not the best about this but I do know some!!!! Well maybe it could be this and Port 83 Port 85 They are on different ports and I think inless you have it set in your setting for something like port 83-86 or something that won't work!!! If they are set for same port I should work!!! Also the ports for FTP are 21-23 and the ports for Secure sites I thinkare in the 1000's number not sure on that one!!! Also run this start run then cmd and type in ipconfig on the host machine and make sure you have it set to the right IP also if these services require outside contact and are not on the network you will probably have to set it up for the outside IP or the one that your ISP provides!!! I am not sure I have problems with my dam router to when it is hooked up with running server they run fine in the network but outside access is blocked also check all of your setting on the router like the Ip filter or the firewall it has and make sure that you have the setting for virtual server right in there and also make sure it is not set to block any services you use!!! Also try if nothing else try to put the host in the DMZ on your router!!!! Also I have almost the same problem and I have not got it working through my router but try all the things I suggested and if they don't work wait for help from someone else because they may be able to help you better thanks alot!!!!!!!!! And alway thanks and welcome to the site enjoy in my eyes this site it better then yahoo msn and all them to gether because of all the cool smart people here thanks!!! And sorry if I misspell but as I tell others I speak three languages sorry!!!
Yes I probably you know who you are talking about probably the same one that told me to f off! I am not going to start anything either because I respect cable alot and he said STOP!!!!!!!!!! So I will but as far as you go to me cholla I don't hate you or think you are mean or anything I don't ever recall seeing a bad post by you but I really don't remeber who posted what I just read and reply but as far as I go you are a cool guy thanks!!!!!!!!!!
Well I don't think I do I have a nice upload thanks to vanburen now I get about 425kbs and I pay for 384kbs nice here are my latest results!!!!1 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 422 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Upload Speed is:: 51 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 8 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 20.08 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=KQM2JDZR4 Well there it is please post your scores thanks!!!!!!!! And also I know that vanburen probably has the fastest but who has secound fastest then!!!!!!!!!1
jim2006 replied to The Reverend's topic in Archives
jim2006 replied to The Reverend's topic in Archives
jim2006 replied to The Reverend's topic in Archives
Yea I got slower speeds on the new server to that sucks but hey cable what does your old server get to it like a full 100mbs when you first set it up or what!!!?
Now my upload is at 427kbs yea But the download went back down to 2550kbs but that is ok thanks!!