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Everything posted by The Reverend
Does this sound slighty ungrateful?
The Reverend replied to resopalrabotnick's topic in General Discussion
I am holding my breathe because I kinda figured you'd come back with an answer like that. sigh.... I wonder if that area of the world will ever get settled, or end up nuked. My God it just never ceases! Denke my friend! -
In answer to the e-mailed questions about this XP Pro utility, yes ...it is "standard" for all XP Pro O/S's, and the file was taken directly from the CD (all I did was add an MSI (Microsoft Installer) to it so that it will seamlessly integrate itself into any XP Home O/S. It is not an "add-on" in the least. It is just a programme that comes with XP Pro that is not available on XP Home ....and it is amazingly accurate (I do daily backups of my entire C: drive with it to ensure I never incur a loss of data (and even then you can "set it and forget it" so that it performs backups automatically at any time of the day that you wish. You may also work freely while it is running with no fear of messing it up! I trust this answers everyone's questions ....and thank you for asking! You'll grow to love it! "The Rev"
Does this sound slighty ungrateful?
The Reverend replied to resopalrabotnick's topic in General Discussion
I find it suspiciously interesting the www.cnn.com doesn't have a word to say about possible expulsion of anyone ...no mention of it. Just a small blurb about them wanting to have better or more control over the entire relief effort operation than what they have now. So I wonder who is choking off the information and why. The API is totally silent on it (at the time of this writing). -
WordPad - A computer trick by "I Am An Idiot"
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
Sound like you are up to your neck in alligators! lol.... More power to ya though. Gotta admire any man that is willing to help others no matter the cost. A very admirable trait indeed! Keep it up Microwave!!!! We love ya! "The Rev" -
Does this sound slighty ungrateful?
The Reverend replied to resopalrabotnick's topic in General Discussion
Oh My GOD! That just blew a major hole in ALL of the relief efforts. Leave it to the politicians to make the people suffer. (They are vying to keep the huge influx of money totally to themselves ...and their nation's people can fein for themselves)? If so ...Sad sad sad state of affairs there. You watch ...the US and Japan will be the first two nations to pull out (including the 3 billion ...and then they'll bad mouth yet nobody will listen. This one is "fishy" too ...something is amiss that the news is not telling us, and I hate to think of what it may be. Afer all, why would a devasted area that HAD no choice but to ask for relief turn around and toss everyone out ...unless they are truly looking to keep the funds for their own pockets (which has happened before!) ...or it is a political maneuver of the type we don't want! TY for the news flash resopalrabotnick (you know exactly where I am coming from ...meaning our conversations from earlier in this day). Egads.... -
WordPad - A computer trick by "I Am An Idiot"
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
MICROWAVE !!!! Where have ya been all day? I haven't seen any other mods except for VB a few times ...and it has been BUSY!!! (lot's of e-mail requests too so I'm getting really good at multi-tasking again ...and thank goodness for having two screens! lol.... Yeah, I keep a directory of stuff and once it reaches 700MB I move it onto a CD ...then start all over again. Folks from all over send me things every day so now that I have a place to share them ...why not? The kids love alot of the stuff I've been hoarding ....(especially the gun.exe)!!!! I like playing with that when I get disgusted with a failed graphix creation or something. Anyway, thanks for the line! I was beginning to wonder if I had fallen into REAL cyberspace and thus may have been in BIG trouble! heheh... Cheers! "The Rev" -
Yep! You can set a system restore point, but it is far less hassle to do this: Click on "FILE" at the top left corner and then clik on "Back up current settings." A box will pop up and so you just choose your favorite place for sticking things like this! Now, on the far right you will see a button that says "EXTREME" ....click on it to make it active Just under where it says Network Adapter Selection make it say Realtek RTL8139 (you know ...your NIC card (it will be listed there anyway) At the very bottom ...select "OPTIMAL" Now move to the MaxMTU 'tab' and just click on Start (but click on "Optimal Settings" first)!!! (just under the Start button) Now go to the next "tab" (Latency (Ping)) and either use the default URLs ...or stick some in there of places that you go to alot ....like www.testmy.net or www.yahoo.com, then click the start button so it can figure out what setting your MTU should be set at. It will run through all sorts of stuff while it tests (pings) various connections and then it will find the average Latency time for you and list it as the very last number. ie; Average = 686ms Now, just click on Apply changes and follow the directions. If it doesn't help you in the least, relaunch the program, click on FILE, then RESTORE BACKED UP SETTING (then find wherever you hid them!) ...and everything will be back to normal. Sometimes you have to reboot, but on other machines you don't ....you'll find out in just a few! lol Good luck!
Word Pad is a splendid prank to pull on someone who uses WordPad a lot, or just to keep the kids amused for a spell (parents too of course)!
Hola! once again Lady Michigan! You and about 77 others have e-mailed me today with the very same "symptoms" ...and I am unable to find an answer, and NOC (in Maryland) isn't being too much of a help today. My speeds are fine (on G4R 1202MHz, and the "globe" I have priviledge to isn't showing that any one satellite is having a problem, so I must assume that Level III needs to reset your modem completely to include reloading the software, or your account needs to be erased then reestablished. I'm on the horn right now to Level III and there is NOTHING going on that would affect your section of the country at all. So, if it isn't in your machine (which it appears that it isn't), it simply must be something that has been overlooked or "dropped" by the NOC in Maryland. I am very sorry for this inconvenience (even though I don't work for DWay in ANY form or fashion! I try to work AGAINST them if anything! lol... Try running this utility ...set it to "extreme" and see if it makes any kind of difference at all. HINT: Before you RUN it, click on File and save a backup of your present settings to the directory of your choice. In this manner you can restore your TCP/IP stack to where it is at the moment if the utility does't perform something "magical" for you! When you reach the part of the utility that "pings" sites, do yourself a favor and put in the URL's of places that you visit the most often, that way it will give you the very best figures for your "style" of browsing, and for what your ISP have you configured for (they keep track of your surfing habits then optimise your connection for both your and their convenience ...it's about the only thing that DWay does right! lol... Cheers! ....and good luck! I could not resist that post at the website you mentioned. After reading what was said a bit earlier, I was rather peeved so I decided to put him in his place without saying anything against him! But I see that he got his head ripped off anyway! lol... big daddy wan't it? oh well...no matter. It is a shame that there must be 'negative' people. TY for the 'kudos' though!!!! I always appreciate such things!
Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local neighbourhood tavern. Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the car park for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five vehicles, the man managed to find his car which he fell into. He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off. Finally he started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine dry night), flicked the indicators on, then off, tooted the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained stationary for a few more minutes as some more vehicles left. At last he pulled out of car park and started to drive slowly down the road. The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and carried out a breathalyser test. To his amazement the breathalyser indicated no evidence of the man having consumed alcohol at all! Dumbfounded, the officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the Police station this breath-analyser equipment must be broken. I doubt it, said the man, tonight I'm the designated decoy.
heheh....after a career in the U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Team, the LAST thing I wanna talk like is "boot camp" ANYTHING!!!!! GAWD!!!! It's so nice to be FREE again! lol.... ...and I graciously thank you again for the "kudos!" Appreciate it! "The Rev" ...besides, it should have read, "May I have another SIR!" lol.....
DirecWay Transponders/Satellites Info
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Okay, the next two things to try is have someone bring in their laptop to see if that cures the problem, and, if possible, borrow a Router to see if yours has an "issue" of some strange kind. Routers just DO NOT affect your speed unless they are misconfigured, or unless it is trying to hand out DHCP #'s and your 6000 is ALSO trying to hand out DCHP #s. If ICS isn't running on your PC, and you KNOW that all the wires are that are going from your modem to your router ...then it HAS to be the router that has some sort of problem. I am sorry, but there just isn't anything else that could be cutting your speed in half as soon as you plug in that router ....except the router! Wow! This is a strange one and I can't find ANYTHING that remotely comes close to it. So, try a laptop or different computer with that router to see if the same thing happens. Let's find out what part is "bad" ...then fixing it will be easy. RIght now we are stuck, stuck stuck! "The Rev" -
One that will keep your kiddos giggling for hours.....
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
LOL!!!! I failed to mention that adults love it too! TY for your reply, I cherish such things! "The Rev" -
An FTP Freeware program with no strings attached
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
Great! I'll get into it and see if I can figure out whatz going on! TY TY TY!! "The Rev" BigW ....No, it shouldn't prevent you from obtaining anything. If it's listed (and not "broken"), it should have no problem d/l'ing it. And Yes! Alot of FTP sites will really give you a hassle when trying to connect. It is an unstable technology even though it has been around since dirt! (And there are NO standards ...so it's hard to create ONE FTP proggy that will "talk" to all FTP Servers. (Drives me nutty sometimes). heheh... -
You are most welcome rlh24, and it was my pleasure to be of assistance! The info you were given by Tech Support is precisely correct.
But of course he is! (I was merely joking since he seems to be the most bubbly personality I've met in months)! A refreshing change ...I wish I still had that kind of energy though ....
There ya go VB! lol.... I shoot the hell out of Microwave all the time! lol.... (just kidding of course)
Hi, Please, if you are reading this, you are possibly in need of downloading the attached file and using it!
Now isn't that just like the typical father trick to pull on his kids? lol... Mine started giving me heat for updating their machines over the LAN/WAN ...so I've learned to stay FAR away from their "turf" and only mess with mine and my wife's! Hey, look at this it this way. You can read or you wouldn't have been able to have even tried it ...so in that aspect you are blessed as you are not illiterate. You can follow directions perfectly so that means you are blessed with intelligence as well. Your father beat you to it so you are doubly blessed in that somebody is ensuring you have the very best that can be given which means you are loved, which is another blessing! Cheers! "The Rev" *You must find the good side of everything or the bad side will drag you down the tubes! I have attached a file that will allow you to take out your frustrations in a semi-nonviolent manner ...plus it is fun too! lol.... (hit Escape to close the program when you get tired of playing with it). [attachment deleted by admin]
DirecWay Transponders/Satellites Info
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
That's correct, yet with the DW6000 (or any setup using a LAN), you do NOT want more than one device trying to be the DHCP server or it just doesn't work.