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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. The Link? Why Sure! http://mostannoyingwebpage.com/v1 Just click on it, say yes when prompted ....and DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! *****Just gave this to my wife and she's ready to kill me .....again.
  2. No problem Cholla. My pleasure! The Reverend
  3. Ditto! Please make sure the files you download for doing this type of downloading are 'trojan and spyware free'. Even if you download them directly from their main sites.
  4. Hi 3rdrock and welcome to Testmy.net! Thanks for looking me up on my e-mail, and thanks for coming here so that everyone can watch me make a fool of myself!
  5. Yo Cobra, There is not any box to uncheck! Once you are in where your System Services are found, just find the Messenger Service, double click on it, then in the center of that window you'll see a box with a 'down' arrow on it ...select "Disable" then back your way out of it. If this doesn't help, let me know and I'll get more specific on how to get in there? Fair Enough? Start ---->Control Panel ----->Administrative Tools ---->Double Click "Services" ---->scroll down to "Messenger" and then do what I just described. Easy! Hope this helps! Cheers! The Reverend
  6. Yes JustinOhioRR! Nice Avatar, excellent shortcut to System Services ...gave you a click on your applaud for the shortcut tip that very few know about, and TY for your support! We appreciate it! Cheers! The Reverend
  7. What? I think I am lost here....or am I? To the contrary!!! I have a corporate account at www.tigerdirect.com and can buy ANYTHING below their advertised prices ...because I"ve dumped over ...well, I've spent alot there over the past four years. heheh.... I build my own machines and skip the middleman, so I get more bang for the buck. For instance, my CPU would cost most ppl $1,000USD. I bought four of them for $850.00USD each and same goes for the new MBs we just switched to. $189.00USD boards but $129.00USD (my cost). The bad thing about the "big boys" is that THEY are going to load your machine up with whatever is cheapest that week. You can spec it out all you want. They will still find dozens of ways to "trim corners" on you and leave you with less than you have have purchased for yourself ...that's how they make their bucks ...plus volume (like Dell, for one). Of course, anyone is welcome to disagree, but this works best for me. What I am saying is that most anyone can build their own machine for much less than one "ready to go!" This is the equivalent of a $7,000 machine but I have invested about $5,000USD all told ...and keep updating with every new part that hits the market. Flip side...if Dell had built this for me, I would have lost my shirt! "The Rev"
  8. Hey Wizdoms..... At the moment ANY downloads (especially the large ones) throughout the entire DirecWay systems are "strange" and are not behaving properly because of a new server "with an attitude."
  9. Thanks for the "backup" Lance ..for some reason my computer did not inform me there was a new post! Very nice too! (I often forget that many are not using "Classic View" and so I leave it out of my posts ....rather mindless but that is one of the benefits of a fried mind you see? Billions of brains cells, only two left that function to any degree. "The Rev"
  10. FOR RTB: We must be talking two entirely different IQ Tests. My kids and myself scored in the high 290's out of a possible 300. And yeah, there are those who "game" that are not of a high IQ ...but you know what I was referencing man! lol... RESOPALRABOTNICK: NO THANK YOU!!! LOL I will stick with my present boatyard. I didn't know that PR was in such a mess. Sorry to hear. Moving to Haitii? I've been there (late 70's though). Dragging my boat on her side? O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. LOL ....I got stuck in there and had to click my way to the very end of the darn thing. But, it kept me busy for about an eternity or so. Couldn't resist sharing it with all my friends, but of course! "The Rev"
  12. Hey there rlh24!!! I sure do have a "secret" setting! When you run the programme, set it up like this (the only thing that you should be changing is to be turning the Time Stamping to YES (on) ...which helps make up for the latency which is horrible with satellites! Cablenut just does not work correctly with DirecWay in any manner. I've messed with it in everyway and decided it is solely for "ground broadband" ...and nothing more. Here are the settings I use: Tcp Receive Window 0 Window Scaling No Time Stamping Yes Selective Acks Yes Dial Up (RAS) MTU (blank) Path MTU Discovery YES Black Hole Detection NO!!! Max Duplicate ACKs 2 (and only two)! TTL 64 If you are using a Router, you'll want to apply these changes (in Adapter Settings) to: Realtek TRL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC (or whatever your NIC is) If you are NOT using a router, then you just bring up whatever it has detected in that box, then set your MTU to 1500 (all of DirecWay works on 1500, make it 1480 if you are not using a DW6000, otherwise keep it at 1500, click on Save, then exit. You may wish to write down what's in each box JUST IN CASE it trashes your connection ...that way you can go back in and reset, save and escape the error very easily ...BUT >>>>LEAVE THE TIME STAMPING SET TO "YES" That is the #1 "secret" of why Dr. TCP kicks up most all satellite speeds because it allows extra time for the latency (and other mathematical things too complicated to get into)! LOL Cheers! Hey...lemme know how it works out please? TY! The Reverend. *PS: I am well-pleased that it's working out so very well for you! That's an amazingly low SS to have and still be connected, so there ain't NUTTIN' wrong with yur dish! lol (I love it)!
  13. LOL ....after a long night at Le Chez Paris ....maybe?
  14. Enjoy! The Reverend http://mostannoyingwebpage.com/v1
  15. DUH! It never crossed my mind to see if there was an alternate audio feed! LOL (geesh ...what a dummy I is)! TY! "The Rev" *Yeah, we are getting the very same feeds for sure. I charted a course for PR (from here) last night. We have a 66 foot Hans Christian rigged for single-handed with all the pretties. Would take us three days to make PR (tops). Just may do that next time we head for The Keys or Naples ,FL That's were we go to have her hauled and put fresh bottom paint on her once a year or as often as she needs it. I get sick of having to take her out to deepwater (where there is visibility) and then scrape her ...poops me all out then two weeks later it's a mess again, so we keep fresh bottom paint on her instead. In fact, maybe there's a better deal in PR. Know any good boatyards that can haul out a 66 footer (railway is best).???
  16. Wow. You mean you were actually able to close the programme using the mouse? YOU ARE A FIRST! I've never been able to nail that sucker. LOL The Reverend
  17. Alright!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO RESOPALRABOTNICK!!! Kick butt, take no names. LOL The Reverend btw ...I don't watch much of the tube, but that IS an excellent programme! There is only one channel on DIrecTV that has that show ..that I am aware of anyway. It's in Espanol, but that's fine with us. Weird that the lips aren't synched to the words though.
  18. And here's the other half. Enjoy! Cheers! The Reverend
  19. CHOLLA!!!!!!! No worries, I am making two posts. One with the programme in it, the next with the plugins in it. Stuff them both into their own folder, unzip, execute the main (smaller) program then install the (larger) Plug-ins! No need for you to fight the web trying to get the silly thing! Must be an "issue" of some sort on your transponder ...some are reporting good traffic, others are barely moving! Here the main programme! Standby by Part II, the Plugins ....which is nearly 5MB! Big file when your upload is presently at 12! LOL.....I love DirecWay! The Reverend
  20. I dunno. Win98SE was on all our machines two years ago and we were getting sick of being bluescreened and having to reboot 20 times a day. Now that we have XP Pro not one soul would remotely consider moving backwards, and anything that ran with 98SE is backwards compatible with XP Pro. The NTFS is lovely by comparison to FAT32 for our particular usages anyway, and the "no ceiling" on DDR makes XP scream once you get into the 2gig region or higher. I liked 98SE, but I could never, ever go back to it now (but I have it as one of the alternate O/S's). Everything I have was made for XP exclusively. (And, once you get down tweaking the living crap out of it, you end up with a personalised system that only needs a reboot maybe once a month or so)! Win98 still need alot of reboots doesn't it? Especially the low memory boxes? Hmm? Then again, if you want 'scarey' ...run a 'nix' programme like Redhat and you'll probably never come back to Windows 'anything'. I use Redhat for quite alot of things that are easier to do with "command line only" applications ....and it just rules "hands down." Chances are that your ISP is uss Unix to keep your WIndows from crashing. Our main Server (household) is a Unix ....and the darn thing never quits or need any attention worthy of mention! It runs the entire household right down to the vacuuming (using a robot called a Trilobite. Everything else is running on HAL (Home Automated Living) ...which is fairly cheap to buy and is just plain awesome to have. It's one step beyond computing, yet in the same field! Check it out! >>>>>> http://www.automatedliving.com/default.htm Trilobite http://www.electrolux.co.uk/node35.asp?ProdID=14315 "The Reverend"
  21. Print that out, put it in your drawer until you turn 50, then reread it.
  22. Dang Mr T!!!! I ran a test after seeing your post and found that I am half-speed (582) ....so DWay is obviously at it again.
  23. Ah! Yes, back in my younger days one of my collateral duties was to work with Navy Public Relations, and so I was the lead vocalist and lead guitarist for a U.S. Navy Band called "Country Empire." We were a "hot" band that did nothing but open up shows for the CW Stars, plus we played (literally) all over the world to include the Grande Ole Oprey (live) three times. It was a blast, but nothing lasts forever. The bass guitarist and the lead female vocalist are both dead and buried now. I lost track of the others years ago. Anyway, we played the XIT every year for several years in a row. Since you are running Win98SE, allow me to introduce you to a software (freeware) programme that is the very best addition to 98SE anyone could have. It's called IrfanView 3.95 and will greatly assist you in taking a messy photograph and turning it into something much nicer. It will also play movies too! (It has too many features to list! In fact, you can even use it to do light editing of audio (or at least it will play sounds of most any type when using 98SE! HINT: When you install it, in the very first box that pops up MAKE SURE that you uncheck the two boxes that say something about eBay. You DO NOT WANT that stuck in your computer! lol.... It make for more headaches than it is worth! Here's the link to the mainpage. The writer is a friend of mine named Irfan Ziljan ...very cool dude with a brain like Einstein! http://www.irfanview.com/ You will want to download and install both the main programme and the plugins. I would have posted it here but it is slightly larger than the limit! Cheers! The Reverend
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