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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. That new server will be coming online within the hour. RIght now it is 11:44 EST (USA). Should have it up and running smoothly for CA3LE in about 60 more minutes or less. We are working out some bugs plus I added some "nice to have" features that everyone can benefit from. Sit tight! I'll post when we are UP and then we'll celebrate the GROWTH of TestMy.net. (I"ll have to get into the Communal Wine Cabinet)! lol.... (rolling eyes) Cheers! The Reverend
  2. Trouble at DirecWay's NOC is all ....plus they were/are getting Horizons 1 online ....plus a Server (new) went crazy on them. Now that everything is back to normal....IE will "Rule" and Firefox will continue to be a lightweight that will work, but can't be tweak nearly as hot as IE6. Simple. "The Rev"
  3. Bear in mind that the DW6000's using .98m dishes get ALL THEY NEED for grounding via the coaxial cable grounding wire, plus the grounding block. No need for the heavy wiring anymore unless you want to make your dish into a lightning attractor! lol.... But, when all else fails yes, ground the hell out of it to see if it makes a diff. Usuall not with the DW6000's.....MAYBE with the DW4000 and 4020 series. The Reverend
  4. KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DId you use my instructions for cleaning out the old info in order to get those speeds? Or did you just wipe it out then reload? THankx! The Rev
  5. I hear ya....I was just making wisecracks is all...you'll get used to me or kill me.
  6. My Dish Pointing Instructions are on Page 2 (at the bottom you see the page numbers, of this DirecWay Forum...no need to repeat the post!!! The Reverend
  7. Hello there Truck and welcome to TestMy.net! Yes, those are good speeds, yet if you will browse my DirecWay Forum you will find around 60 tweaks that will get you up around 1300+ ....some are getting over 2Mbps using my tweaks, so it is time well spent, and I haven't left anything out. Any questions just Post again or feel free to IM or email me. Either of the ways I will be will you within minutes. The Reverend
  8. Not when you are using a DW6000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FireFox and the DW6000 hate each other. lol
  9. If a Certified Installer was not used to do EVERYTHING ....no, you will never be able to get NOC (DirecWay) to commission your modem or account. Also, it is a 50/50 split with the DW4000's when you already have a DW6000. Sometimes they will allow you to commission a 4000, sometimes not. (They are trying like crazy to get rid of the 4000s because they are "hackable" is the #1 reason ....#2 is that they can be tweaked to blazing speeds. But why tweak an account with a 167MB FAP to run at 4 Mbps? You just hit your FAP in two minutes then have to wait for four hours before you can surf again. That's crazy! lol The Reverend You'll do fine with the DW6000 once you have added all my tweaks I've supplied here, and add to all the time as conditions change. I have over 30 years working with satellites and dishes and modems so there isn't much you can present to me that I haven't been faced with before! :0 Stay cool and let us know how things work out. Feel free to email me if you need my attention faster than my response time on here (such as if I am offline).
  10. The DW6000 updates itself! Hi LuckyArmpit and welcome to www.Test.my.net. You are perfectly fine except that your dish is out of alignment. I have written (in this forum) exactly how to go about aligning your own dish, and it will only take you about 10 minutes to 30 mintues to get it "on the money" ...so go for it! (And pay attention to the safety rules please)!!!!!!! Good luck and welcome aboard, The Reverend
  11. :flipa: :booty: :angel4:
  12. Wow Brawny, What we have done is to have found the majic key to unlock your modem via your registry, and those tweaks are what does it. Those are some killer speeds, however to get the most accurate speed use the 2992 file and it will tell you your true speed with one or two Kbps. Bear in mind that it changes constantly since Satellite communications is so 'fickle', but over the long run lit looks like YOU DO NOT WANT TO TOUCH THAT DIAL! lol Cheers! I am busy getting the new server off the ground, so I'll be back sometime after 12PM (EST USA) Cheers! The Reverend
  13. Yeah Lance .....we need to find something for you to do. hehehe...HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! Didn't cruise them all, I am in the middle of getting the new server for this joint off the ground, should be up and running somewhere betweeen 11 and noonEST (USA). The company is EV1 out of Houston. I am getting a Load Balanced Server fired up here and it's just a bit out of my league, but it's coming along quite nicely considering. One thing for sure, she is FAST FAST FAST!!!! (Has Four P4's in her, so she'd BETTER be fast)! The Reverend
  14. That much I have no doubt or I would not have fronted the bucks for an indefinite period of time .....as long as it is needed I suppose!
  15. Hey there, If you are talking about the newer .98m dishes, the coaxial grounding and grounding block are all that is needed to keep static off the dish. All other's much use 10gauge copper wire running to a 5 foot copper rod (and many SWEAR that it works best to then run another copper wire from the grounding stake to the House Electrical Ground to prevent "looping." (That's sounds pretty far out to me unless the dish is terribly close (like 20 feet) from the House Grounding Rod). And that's "by the book" info that installers all use, and it is also "code." (OSHA and FCC). Cheers Lance!
  16. HEY THAT IS MORE LIKE IT!!!!!! yes! You can expect your speeds to be higher on weekends and slower on weekdays ....as usual, but you can now always rest assured that unless something is wrong at NOC (maryland) you'll run faster than before, and most likely faster than at the moment because DWay is holding back just a tad right now. Try it at like 5:00AM (2992 test) for the very best idea ...you may be pleasantly surprised. Mine is only a bit faster than yours at this second ...so you are "in the pink." Cheers! "The Rev" Thanks for your data: That means you are on SatMex5 117
  17. http://www.schaft.com/endofit.html Just click on the link! "The Rev"
  18. Well, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink!
  19. Why resopalrabotnick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that you are once again in the pos! That is excellent! LOL.. (and NO I DID NOT DO IT)! "The Rev" *TY for the support btw...
  20. No it doesn't. Please sort through the DirecWay Posts I have made and you will find one that tells you exactly how to do your own "tweaking" or how to "point up" a dish. You can get far higher SS's than that! I would guess around 85 with lows of the mid-40's. If you are using a .98dish like me, then you can get a 97 no problem, and ruing rains it will only drop to a 91 ....89 was my lower ever and that was a Costa Rica gulley washer! lol Lemme know and don't be afraid to knock on my door! TY "The Rev"
  21. Hi there Boater50 and allow me to welcome you to TestMy.net! If you have done nothing to tweak, then you are in for a treat!
  22. Hi there Mr. SatGuy and welcome to TestMy.net I see you are so very new you have neither been applauded nor smitten, so I have given you an applaud sheerly for showing up!
  24. Oh ...I am not worried about anyone on the net in the least. I have "secrets" you see? (Evil Laughter) I just wanted to expose them by having them expose themselves, and they fell for it (in fact, three sites were caught on that little trick). I hate to have to lower myself to such levels, and this post will be deleted shortly, yet I am waiting for just a few (certain few) to read it and then I'll take her down. These are not the concerns of the ones who come here looking for assitance, and it (to me) is rather in bad taste on my part, but necessary enough to warrant doing it. The Reverend
  25. No problem on my end DJV ....that's why we are here. Happens to all of us at one time or another, and this community is SUPER about sharing information that is accurate and FAST! Yeah! Cheers! "The Rev"
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