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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. Glad to see we got that problem solved Lance, I am amazed that Starband is hitting speeds that rival the DW6000. How does your unit hold up in 'heavy weather' as compared to DWay dishes? Thanks! The Reverend
  2. Hi There Mr Ranger and allow me to welcome you to our Forum and TestMy.net! Great questions there, not much available for info because they are sitting on it, but here's what I know. Hughes was hired by Wild Blue to build a dual-band bird (Horizons 1) which uses Ka and Ku bands for communications. Hughes has assigned ONE transponder (frequency 1390) out of the 14 that it has for Ku, and has dedicated it to the entire North America continent due to an excellent footprint (plus it is an awesome bird by comparison to the others. ANikF2 is still "on the ground" (yet up there) in that it is not responding like it should, and may need tinkering by NASA if things don't get better pretty soon. IA7 (T7) is still not ready for anything except looking at at the moment. Wild Blue will be offering accounts in the 2nd quarter of 2005 starting with East Coast (USA) users then will slowly work their way West. Horizons 1 was intended to be used solely for Hawaii, Alaska and some parts of CA, but as it turns out the footprint is so very massive that they are repointing many customers to it, and some from as far East as Ohio! (And they are getting "killer response" from that bird @ 127
  3. Hey there Big Daddy51!!! Why yes, welcome to TestMy.net and do know we are pleased to have you aboard! I am a bit unsure of what you are seeking (specifically), so if you would supply me with a speed test using the highest numbered test (2992) - which is the most accurate - then give the info as a simple "cut and paste" into this forum along with your text, which satellite you are using and which frequency, what browser you use (primary), we can take it from there and get you running as fast as possible with (hopefully) the least amount of dropouts from DWay and their "game playing." We are fighting system-wide changes (to our benefit) this weekend, but still I will assist you in getting everything set up so that you have the fastest possible speed (most of the time). I'll also need to know if you are using a DW4000, 4020, or 6000 series! Thanks! Feel free to use my e-mail if you don't hear back from me within 10 minutes from posting. I get a bit behind but multi-task so that I can help (at least) four at the same time! argh! lol... Cheers! The Reverend
  4. Yes rlh24, There are system-wide changes taking place all weedend at NOC in Maryland and the NOC in India (sub-NOCs are not involved other than to provide temporary backup ( ie: Gulf Coast, Pacific Northwest substations). LOOPERLADY!!!! Hang in there hon, your speeds will come back just as they were once they have completed weeded the rat's nests out of the systems ...and perhaps by the time you receive this they will have reached your account. That list I posted about Satellites and which frequencies they "handle" ....well if you turn it upside down THAT is the order that the birds are being reset, along with each account beginning with the lowest to high "freq" ...or that's the pattern so far. I just climbed out of bed (5:54PM), so I'll have more info when my e-mails get answered (and my cousin is "on duty" tonight, so maybe we can get a few things done for a a change)? lol. (I pray). Thanks everyone ....that's a nice enough spread that I can make use of the info! Cheers! The Reverend
  5. Thank you fapsux! lol.....And welcome to Testmy.net Hey, thanks for the input ............killer speed, yet if you test it with the largest file you will get the most accurate reading (slower though)! But still double what I have! wow... The Rev
  6. I have checked and rechecked. Looks like once an NTFS Drive is compressed that box disappears and it cannot be uncompressed unless you reformat. But the good new is that in this case you don't have to turn off something that does not exist. NTSF cannot index compressed files anyway ....so even though the service was on it was just wasting CPU cycles ALL THE TIME! I learned something! TY! The Reverend
  7. Mr. Honda, of the Honda Motor Corporation, died and went to heaven for judgement. At the gates, St. Peter told Mr Honda, "since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want in Heaven." Mr. Honda thought about it for a minute and then said, "I want to hang out with God. I have a question for Him". St. Peter took Mr. Honda to the Throne Room and introduced him to God. He then asked God, "Aren't you the inventor of women?" God Said, "Ah, yes. Indeed I am". "Well," said Mr. Honda, "Professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your design." 1- There's too much inconsistency in the front-end protrusion. 2- It chatters constantly at high speeds. 3- Most of the rear ends are too soft and wobble too much. 4- The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust. 5- Plus the monthly down time and aggravation are outrageous, and don't even get me started talking about the maintenance costs. "Hmmmm, you do raise some good points" replied God, "Lets have a wee look." God went to his Celestial super computer, typed in a few things and waited for the results. After a moment God said, "Well, it may be true that my invention seems to be flawed, but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than yours."
  8. Well, you did say you already had a shoe box did you not? Ha! The Reverend
  9. Yep! Yep....sure should! Yep! Saw it once! or twice? Hmm.....be glad you never saw action. NO fun. I hear ya, but the PR thing is all due to Politics. I was there when the CO of the base order the water pipe carrying fresh water to the base to be torched open then sealed, then several fresh water making ships were brought in under wells were drilled WAY deep......we were put on the fences watching the PRs on the other side of the fence. We walk, they walked. We stop, they stop. We smoke, they smoke. SOOO stupid! OVER WATER!! LOL The Rev
  10. So if you don't have it set on automatic, just click on File, then "Check for Updates" Cheers! The Reverend
  11. Simple! Height of release and Runway. They didn't "glaze" the runway so everything 'dug in' on impact! But the LAPER said NOT ME and kept on trucking! lol.... Actually, the pilot is supposed touch 'bounce the fanny' of his bird to release the cargo so that it literally slides down the ramp, lands with the forward section UP, then it surfs to a stop with the help of the "brakers." Softsoiled is an understatement. They picked a bad everything for that drill in futility! Check out the wings on the bird.....you can tell it took place over several hours because they get higher and higher up with fuel consumption, .....and nbody is spotting the loads to tell them when to release. There is just a freaking mess all over that ...could be college kids playing war eh? Cheers! The Reverend *I think the overturn was just another bad case of soft soiling and digging in the corner of the skid ...too high a drop --too small a chute!!
  12. Geesh ...maybe I will sail to Naples FL .........via Omaha? The Reverend
  13. TY VB! It made an amazing difference in my machine too ...well, in everything under the roof for that matter! I "hear ya" on the Safe and Gamer mix ...but that much is trivial and nitpicking compared to the major items. The Reverend
  14. I've been told that Sygate (??) is one of the very best. Hmm... I use ZA Pro and it has never had to be closed for anything! Cheers! The Reverend
  15. Then let me catch a few zzz's, get my mind unfogged, and then we'll tackle your browser unless it suddenly comes to life such as mine did. Hard sayin at this point if it is you or the enemy! lol However, there IS going to be some heavy testing throughout this weekend to locate the 'hacked' accounts and shut them off. I hope they don't make any mistakes! (WIDE EYED). Cheers BrawnyDawg ..I'll catch up with you in just a few. Just need to clear out this danged migraine and I'll be fine. "The Rev" Say, while I away, check out the post about one of the emails I got. You might find that one of those "alternate configurations" brings you back up? Who knows? Or maybe you should just reset your IP Stack then start from scratch following my posts? You can find out how to reset it easily to the default settings by searching Google (or track down VanBuren or Microwave for a copy of a tiny programme that does it for ya) ....mine is broken.
  16. Hi there helloimtim and welcome to Testmy.net!
  17. 80% of your advertised speed is the very best that you can hope for from what I have been told by the Engineers on Level III, so I can say I finally got my speed up to where it should be
  18. Before! When we lived next door to Chevy Chase! (only for the movie though)......
  19. Hi there rigsby5198, Welcome to www.Testmy.Net and we are pleased to have you!
  20. Well, ................................you've got the last part right! Seriously, you didn't take the Mensa Test. You took the "standardised" (as you call it) Intelligence Quotient Test. Entirely different tests. So, now you can't tell me to come with something new. Gotcha! lol... (jk) Cheers! The Reverend
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