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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. Not really resopalrabotnick, You see, out of all the birds up there, each one has a unique footprint and thus some birds are much better than others in certain areas.
  2. Hi there rlh24
  3. Good God, It sounds like their systems just do not LIKE you!
  4. You simply must considering donating your DLink to The Smithsonian! I can fully understand why you can't find support or firmware for it. Even DLink gave up on that model a few weeks after releasing it! heheh... (You have shopping luck similar to mine)! Nothing at black viper's place for me either, so he's either having an issue with his Provider, or he reworking his site again. (He's a perfectionist and never leaves the thing alone)! But, that's to our advantage ...sorta. Umm....The young man at DirecWay is indeed correct in that it isn't your system, however it was not a truthful thing you were told when he said he "boosted the power" ...he doesn't have that capacity at his fingertips and ...DirecWay only does that 'globally' (like when it is raining or snowing over NOC they will boost their signals in an effort to punch through the weather ....otherwise, it cannot be done for any one machine, but it's an impressive 'one-liner'! lol... geesh.... We are getting into the time of day where your system speed should start picking up ...since most of California businesses are shutting down for the day thus opening up the resources substantially. Still, it takes NOC about an hour to pass the extra 'on down the line'. Say, there is a utility called Dr. TCP that I have attached to this document so that you can download and run it. Please do not touch any part of it except for one thing, and that is where it says "Time Stamping" (Set it so that it says YES). This is a nice addition to your TCP/IP Stack since you are using Satellite Communications. The other settings SHOULD say the following when you launch it. If they don't, please change them so that they do! TCP Receive Window 0 Window Scaling No Time Stamping Yes Selective Acks Yes Dial UP (RAS) MTU (blank) Adapter Settings (choose the one that applies to you) like for myself, it's set to "Realtek TRL8139 Family pCI Fast Ethernet NIC Path MTU Discovery Yes Black Hole Detection No Max. Duplicate ACKs 2 TTL 64 MTU (lower right) 1500 Click Save and then it will prolly want you to reboot. This may not incur a miraculous revelation for your machine, but it surely will not hurt it! If you ever need to change it back, just rerun it, turn the Time Stamping to NO, save and reboot and everything returns to as it was prior to using it! Perhaps it will give you a slight advantage ....it gave me an additional 60Fbps! Let's hope you get the same treatment! lol.... Word of Caution: When dealing with the DirecWay Level 1 techs, bear in mind that they don't have as much computing skills as most Internet users. They are reading things for you to do out of a generic manual and the LAST thing you want to do is allow them to screw up all your settings (especially in your IE) by conceding to them and returning everything you have back to a default setting. It never works but they are paid to run you through "the routine." Don't do it! You won't benefit from it. Just say, okay ...I did it, and they'll be happy and you'll still have a computer that runs. heheh... I'm sure they've already had you unplug your modem for one minute. (Actually, for that to truly work it has to be unplugged for about five minutes ...THEN it might "boot up" with a better configuration. One minute or 10 seconds is worthless, but alot of techs will tell you exactly that because that's why their little bookie says to do see? (egads). I'll brainstorm some more with this extra info you've given me and double-check to see if I may have missed something vital, yet if your speeds are starting to come back up the ladder then it's pretty certain the problem is being caused from their end ....and now it's a matter of getting the right Level II tech to get you fixed up. (Don't be afraid to 'drop' my name if you wish ....many of them know me or know of me, and so they'll know you aren't some idiot with system problems, or even worse, you won't get the "dumb broad" treatment. (God forbid)! If all else fails I'll fix you up with a Level III Engineer (but that can take as long as two weeks)! Those boys are busy. One of them is my buddy, but I don't ask him to give me any special favors (talking about the NOC in Germantown Maryland USA). FOR SURE he can fix you up if we exhaust all other possibilities. Right now I don't want to get into your DW6000 "heart" because it doesn't sound like it's a modem problem in the least. I got a sinking feeling that the last man inside your modem forgot what he was doing and has left you hanging... Try this attached utility trick ...can't hurt and will definitely 'smooth out' your connectvity. I try to make sure I give it to everyone but my memory is as long as a piece of string! TY once again for telling me the source of whence you found my name ....that's wild! Fair enough? Hang in there, feel free to post or email as often as you need, and be safe! Cheers!
  5. Hello again Miss YooperLady! Thank you for the info on how you got my name.
  6. Hi YooperLady and welcome to TestMy.Net!
  7. The following is all the info I have on this little programme, but it surely does have some 'bigtime' features ...with no hassles.
  8. Ah yes, constant upgrading has become a necessary evil whether we like it or not. If we don't do it ...we soon find ourselves fallen far behind the leading edge (and that's where all the fun is)! heheh... Thank you for the support with this topic Van-B!
  9. There ya go! Your Cisco will treat you far better, plus your Internet speed should come up to about 1000Fbps with ICS out of the way. I can understand why you like the direct signal into your PC ...but hey, it's better to use that Cisco hardware firewall and stay out of the line of fire! lol... You are very welcome and I graciously thank you for the 'kudos'. Cheers!
  10. Hey there Wizdoms^! As I was explaining to you in the other posts about you still using ICS along with your DW6000, you'll get far better speeds (around 1000Fbps) if you ditch ICS and let your Router act as your DHCP Server (even though the 6000 has it's own ...it is 'barebones' so you'll fair better with a REAL router.
  11. I see, yet with your present configuration you will always have that "conflict" taking place ....and please bear in mind that ICS is an antique compared to allowing your router to act as your DHCP Server.
  12. There ya go "TheArtworkGuy" ...that's a splendid piece there! Nice! (Neonizing and all)! Cheers!
  13. Well wait a sec here... You can't use ICS with a DW6000 because the whole idea is to let the DW6000 take the load off your Host, and allow it to act as a Client.
  14. Say ...I do crap like that after 30+ hour 'stints' online! lol That's a good one VB!
  15. I think that is one of the reasons that our units are all using 550w Power Supplies that also have built-in power conditioners,etc. The video cards, dual monitor, geesh EVERYTHING demands so much power that we found it best to get the largest we could find ...complete with the cool-blue LEDs in the back and four-fan configuration. It drove the power bill up a bit, but there's no more lagging due to lack of available power! Also, (IMHO), it is well worth replacing your power supply every two years or less if your machine is "always on" such as this one. Even though these things are designed to remain on all the time, the power supplies can only take so much ...even the newer models with the 'neat' electronics! THANK YOU for bringing pics of these little monsters to us ...I looked all over creation and had zero luck! Cheers!
  16. Yeah? My son has (I don't know how many) of that series of games. He's the "true" Graphic Artist and like you, makes his own levels and such for a variety of games. I only wish I was at that level of expertise ...but what I am doing is good enough I suppose. (At least nobody is begging me to delete it)! lol.... Say ...I like these new emoticons here. Damon has been bizzy no doubt.
  17. Well shoot, I just sent a simple jpeg through and I find no degradation in the file quality at all.
  18. This is for XP Home or Professional (SP1 and SP2) 1
  19. As a hobbiest with Graphic Arts I sometimes create different things for different reasons. One of the most amazing programmes out there is called Terragen. Here's my latest desktop that was made with Terragen Pro. It's essentially a copy of our view to the West, or at least as close as I could get to it! lol.... (Presently, it is my desktop for both Panels, because it is rather relaxing ...to me anyway). Enjoy if you are into such things, and have a safe day!
  20. Marriage... a Mans Perspective I married Miss Right. I just didn
  21. Hi budbem, sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I would LOVE to learn about what you are using for hardware (4000? 6000?), IE6 or ? ...and anything else you may have so that I might learn more about this "thing" you are describing.
  22. Say bedbem, I just posted a "How To Point Up Your Own Satellite Dish" guide in the DirecWay part of this site.
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