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Everything posted by The Reverend
http://www.spywareinfo.com/articles/direcway I wasn't aware that this "made the headlines", yet for those of you that missed it, now you have it. It bends my mind to think what the DW6000 may be capable of doing, especially since the user (owner) can't exercise hardly any control over it. Egads.... Cheers!
Say Justinlay ....you don't get better results with an MTU of 1500? (If I set mine to your figure I'll fall through the floor). I know that ALL of DirecWay (or so I was told) uses an MTU of 1500 ...so what's the real scoop? Thanks!
I dunno "justinlay". The fastest I have ever seen with mine is 1088 ....yet most often it hangs around the mid-900's. During the day I'll fall down to a whopping 150 or less, but in the 'wee hours' (like 3:00AM) it's the fastest. So, it is obviously a case of DirecWay selling more accounts than they can handle ....so everyone using DW6000 'channels' are getting the short end of the stick (mostly). There are a few out there that do not seem to be affected. I'm on G4R @ 1201MHz ...I hate it! Supposedly I'm supposed to be getting (up to) 1.5, yet the latest advertising states 1.0Mbps. I don't think DirecWay knows what they are supposed to be doing because each tech you call tells you a different story. It's maddening to say the very least. Here's my results "fresh off the testmy.net press!" :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 753 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 92 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 13 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 11.13 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525 And this is supposedly their fastest account? lol.... It bites! Cheers!
Hmm ...starting four days ago I was monitoring SS when suddenly it just dropped from 97 to 94 and hasn't moved since that moment. Makes ya wonder what the hey they are really doing at NOC. Prior to that, on clear days I was noticing my SS would drop to a steady 89, yet on cloudy days it would rise to 94 ...then it went back to 97 before falling once again. Weird... If your SS went up a bit, perhaps something 'good' happened to your LNB? Don't happen to know which satellite you're on do you? (Sat-Mex5, G11, G4R ....).
if u think that is good then listen to this crap !
The Reverend replied to a topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Welcome to the club "lil" rooster from TN. I have DWay's finest account (Commerical/Business), and I do believe that I am the slowest thing on the web these days. It is extremely infuriating. You are using what I had before "moving up." Well, my dish size went up, and the height of the DW6000 modem went up over the top of the 4000's, and of course the price-per-month went up (not to mention the "up front" price for equipment and installation). Ai-yi-yi! Everything else went down the tubes and there has been nothing I have found that will change it. However, I "froze" my charge card so that they couldn't get any bucks from me, and that got their attention with some positive yet short-lived results. Even though my speeds increased they aren't half of what I'm supposed to be getting ...and even though I have a FAP limit of 800MB I still get nailed at 500 ...usually. There are many times when it is impossible to get online ...it just times out. Anyway ...sorry to hear you got roped into this fine mess too. www.direcwaysux.com has a great many others in the same boat, along with alot of misinformation (plants) mixed in prolly to tame things down a bit. DWay knows exactly what they are doing, and there's nothing on the horizon that remotely suggests they are going to change. Cheers! -
Makes me think of mirrored "Flutter-byes" in a strobe-light. Pretty cool
Exactly how old are Microprocessors?
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
I hear ya Troll Guy. Referencing what you have postulated, the "remains" of prior civilisations have not been completely wiped out in totality. If one considers the number of years that have past since "who knows when" coupled with the fact that the majority of these things are several kilometers beneath earth's surface, it becomes easier to comprehend why so few discoveries have been made. In short, the evidence is abundant, yet by the time it filters its way into anything you might read, it has been hopelessly disfigured with misinformation, to hide the truths behind such things. Consider Antarctica. Underneath all of those kilometers of ice there is "frozen" vegegation (to include trees) that drilling (boring) has brought up time and time again. So,at one time that continent sustained life that was (apparently) on the same scale as equatorial life as we know it today. Since the present ice packs are now slowly breaking up, eventually the land mass will be revealed and alot of theories will either be proven or dispensed with, and alot of answers will be found. *(For one, the age of the fauna that has been 'bored' is far in excess of 6,000 years)! We are talking up to (at least) one million years old. And, to add a glaring curiousity to what you said about the destructiveness of nuclear weaponry, bone fragments were also brought up in two of the 'bores' that have been made. They were 'radioactive'. Who's to say what will eventually be found under that ice? With regard to getting into archaeology, it is nothing less than fascinating with an endless labrinyth of mysteries lacking solutions. One of the major reasons I am in Costa Rica is to study (personally) these strange "perfect" spheres of solid rock (that one would think would be impossible to make without today's technology), yet there are scattered all over the Latin (Central) Americas ...and not one (plausible) theory has been set forth because their presence defies any logical description. One bothersome fact is that some of these spheres are made of rock that cannot be found anywhere in the North, Central or South American landmasses. These 'rocks' can only be found in the Rift Valley of Africa, which is widely thought to be the very "seat" of civilisation (as we know it to be today). However, the greatest majority of the spheres are indigenous to the area, yet nobody has found where they may have been quarried or 'shaped', much less their meaning! Cheers! Also, being in Costa Rica places me in close proximity to the Mayan 'ruins' and other artifacts that are just too fascinating to ignore (for me anyway). -
Exactly how old are Microprocessors?
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
Actually, the odds (from an archaeological standpoint), are an absolute 100%. There is geological evidence that this ole earth has been totally populated (and wiped out) two times prior to civilisation as we know it today. The EDFU Temple is actually thought to be something that ancient man must have thought to be a "blueprint" for a building (because they had no idea what electrical components were), and so they took those "blues" and built their "temple" with precision using the 'blues' as a guide ...which explains the exactness of the architecture. To ancient man they had recreated a replica of a "holy" place, having no clue it was the exactness of a microprocessor, or another theory is that they perceived the ones who held the technology to be "as gods", and so honored them by recreating that which they did not understand. (Or at least those are the two most widely accepted theories). Who built the actual 'blues'? heheh...That remains to be discovered. There are many other similar "objects of wonder" that predate the EDFU temple as well. One is an object that MIGHT be as old as 1/2 million years which was found inside a geode during the early 60's. It is metal, and it resembles a spark plug. Now, how the hey could that be unless it also existed at one time? There are plenty of similar objects as well, such as the ones at the following link: http://jcolavito.tripod.com/lostcivilizations/id11.html *The information that you'll find at the above website is "tainted" from the actual, original records of the people who unearthed the discoveries. Parts of what you'll read have been "twisted" from their original format (and are rather easy to extract and thus dismiss). For reasons that need not to be spoken, a large part of the world is obsessed with keeping everything <less than< 6,000 years old. Didn't mean to cause an upset, but rather I only wished to bring the microprocessor thing into the Forum as it has a relevance that everyone here can equate with ...and thus ponder over. Otherwise, these are the things that I avidly pursue in archaeology ...simple. Cheers! -
You changed your engine and it must have blown my transmission. All I get now is an empty (white) page that says 'done' ...and even that takes over 15secs to load. I've tried coming at you from every path I know of ...notta! Cheers!
Exactly how old are Microprocessors?
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in General Discussion
Hi Microwave. I too do not wish to start any type of religious feud. However, the things I have to say on the topic of religion would surely incite a small riot, so out of respect for this fine Forum, it will have to suffice for me to say that I do not "believe" in the "typical beliefs" as are taught in The Holy Bible. My wanderings and such have led me to find the truth about religion, and so I relay it to those that ask, and to those that bring me into their "circles" to speak of what I have discovered. (I am also an Archaeologist with a Ph.D.). Simply put, I "tell it like it is." No embellishments, plenty of proof text, and easily researched and proven for yourself. There is nobody that I have talked with that is not in agreement with what I promote because it simply cannot be refuted. Simple. Just click on my email button if you wish and we can keep this confidential. Fair enough? Thanks! -
If you think you may have a general idea of how old microprocessors are, check out this link and think again. I ran across this website in my studies about the EDFU Temple, and found something that I thought you all might find a bit intriquing. http://members.tripod.com/therev67/edfu_cpu/edfu-cpu.htm If nothing else, it is interesting! I do a great deal of religous research (Religious Researchologist). One thing led to another and I found myself looking into the EDFU Temple, but I wasn't expecting what that website had to offer. lol... I love stuff like that! Cheers!
Back when I lived in the states I drove a Buick Roadmaster (nice!) that I picked up for $13,000US. I put 15,000 miles on it then went to trade it in, at the same dealership, on a brand new Jeep Cherokee (better suited for where I'm living). They offered me $1,000 for the Buick. (I gave it to my sister). Buy low, sell high. Why does that only work for merchants? I tell ya, if I bought a Turkey Farm they'd outlaw Thanksgiving! Cheers!
:::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 448 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB) Download Speed is:: 55 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 8 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 18.62 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525 This is what I was able to pull down using your smallest test. (Coming from Costa Rica I guess it isn't all that bad, especially considering it is DirecWay's finest). cough -- cough (using G4R @ 1201.0MHz) **NICE WORK VANBUREN** Cheers!
When I had my DW4000 setup, (and didn't tweak it at all except for what XP-Smoker does to "optimise" connections), I would usually 'pull down' about 900kbps (and much lower at times of course). I NEVER got over 1,000 much less over 1.5Mbps!! ....heheh...NO WAY JOSE! I just tested with the 579 test and here are my results with my DW6000 +.98m dish.Commercial Account (supposedly the fastest?) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 937 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 114 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 17 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.98 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525 Considering I dumped over a grand into new equipment yet only saw an increase of 100kbps (plus a FAP threshold of 800 instead of 500 ....I can't say that I am impressed (it's a ripoff!), but it beats nothing at all). Still, for my DW4000 Pro setup I was paying $89.95 a month. Now I'm paying $129.99 monthly ...so you get my drift on THAT aspect of it for sure. Umm ...another plus is that the .98m dish won't 'rain-fade' on me ...never. My 'smaller' dish would wash out if a dog piddled on the pole. My DW4000 would average a Signal Strength of 88 (tops). The .98m 'holds' onto a 97 most all the time. (No amount of fussing with it will get me any higher ...but some claim they are getting a 100! I dunno if that's possible or not. I DO know that when this new system was first installed I we were able to get speeds of 2004 (using a laptop on a short cable right beside the dish), but when it was hooked into my house system it wouldn't get any faster than it is right now ...then eight hours after commissioning the "radio" blew (and during those eight hours it kept going slower and slower). So! Maybe there is something in there that can be tweaked without frying the LNB for some hotter speeds (which is out of my league)! THE BEST I have ever seen with my new system is 1088 (averaged) ...which I suppose really isn't bad considering all the crap that's inherent with Satellite Internet right? I too am deeply puzzled as to how the hey a DW4000 (and SMALLER dish) can exceed the speeds that "birds" like SAT-MEX5, G11 (and others) have "capped" ...but on the other hand anything electronic can be electronically "tricked" if you have the right resources to 'tap' ...to say the least! I'm 'shooting' at G4R (Galaxy 4R). I have tried all the "tweakers" out there. Dr TCP has worked the best for this DW6000UG (Commercial) modem ...and all I did for tweaking was set the TIMESTAMP to "Yes" (everything else is at the default except that my MTU is 1500 (because that's what my router is set for as well). Seems that when I try lower values I'll get lower results, so the DW6000 MUST default to an MTU of 1500 (there are no "specs" to be found on the sucker, but they'll turn up someday soon enough). No biggie though, I was just curious how the hey a DW4000 could walk past me as if I had my brakes on. C'est la vie say the old folks..... Hey ...thanks for the replies. I appreciate it! Cheers! "The Rev"
http://www.freeos.com/articles/4121/ Does this site have the info you are searching for? Cheers!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like the man just said, unless you are running an old-timer 166MHz machine your CPU speed and amount of RAM/DDR doesn't really have a profound effect on your Internet connection speed. However, (of course), if your machine is geared "to rock", it will certainly interface with online stuff (like Java) far faster and thus it could be said that a faster machine will yield a faster "Internet Experience" ...but not necessarily a faster connection. (Like: If you have a 56k modem that sucker is STILL gonna be 56k no matter what CPU is in your box or how much mem you have right)? I graciously thank you for the kudo's with regard to my setup. She's my baby. These newer motheboards with 800FSB, 400MHz memory and all the good stuff surely do make for a pleasurable experience! Mega-bucks yes, but to me worth every penny. Just to give you an idea of what she'll do, it can load XP Pro (from scratch) in about 12 minutes (add 5 minutes to get the stupid Product Activation Code). Presently I have 56 Running Processes yet I can't tell they are even there. She can be defragging, scanning for viruses and rendering and STILL have plenty of *ss to surf plus do more multi-tasking ...like copying DVDs from the twin TDK "burners" I just put in. "BIG BOY TOYS!" lol... Okay ...that about exhausts my bragging rights (knock on wood she runs like a dream)! Cheers! PS: In an earlier post I mentioned Kelly's Corner with regard to tweaking XP (which is a MUST DO)! Sorry, I mis-spelled it ..it's Korner, so here's the addy for the XP (and windows) tweaking site that I always recommend along with www.blackviper.com (for System Services tweaks that'll get you running at top speed by freeing up needless XP Services). Enjoy! www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm
I neglected to state in my last post that Microsoft strongly recommends having 512MB (minimal) of RAM (DDR) in order for XP to run properly. (It will run with less but you are "dragging" because your O/S is using your HDD in place of "missing memory"). On my daughter's machine, her system speed doubled when I pulled the 512 'stick' out and replaced it with a 1gig DDR 'stick'. Memory is really "everything" IMHO ...especially with the more memory intensive programs that are hitting the shelves (to include memory intensive O/S's for that matter)! *It really pays to buy QUALITY memory too. (Lifetime Warranty only)! The only reason I am running 4gigs of DDR is because I am using Maya Unlimited ...and that danged program will eat up as much memory as you wish to feed it! Otherwise, 512MB is good, 1'gig' is better, and 2'gigs' of DDR will handle about any "normal" XP function "in style!" Cheers! LATE ENTRY!!!!!!!! Like the man just said, unless you are running an old-timer 166MHz machine your CPU speed and amount of RAM/DDR doesn't really have a profound effect on your Internet connection speed. However, (of course), if your machine is geared "to rock", it will certainly interface with online stuff (like Java) far faster and thus it could be said that a faster machine will yield a faster "Internet Experience" ...but not necessarily a faster connection. (Like: If you have a 56k modem that sucker is STILL gonna be 56k no matter what CPU is in your box or how much mem you have right)? I graciously thank you for the kudo's with regard to my setup. She's my baby. These newer motherboards with 800FSB, 400MHz memory and all the good stuff surely do make for a pleasurable experience! Mega-bucks yes, but to me worth every penny. Just to give you an idea of what she'll do, it can load XP Pro (from scratch) in about 12 minutes (add 5 minutes to get the stupid Product Activation Code). Presently I have 56 Running Processes yet I can't tell they are even there. She can be defragging, scanning for viruses and rendering and STILL have plenty of *ss to surf plus do more multi-tasking ...like copying DVDs from the twin TDK "burners" I just put in. "BIG BOY TOYS!" lol... Okay ...that about exhausts my bragging rights ( knock on wood she runs like a dream)! Cheers! PS: In an earlier post I mentioned Kelly's Corner with regard to tweaking XP (which is a MUST DO)! Sorry, I mis-spelled it ..it's Korner, so here's the addy for the XP (and windows) tweaking site that I always recommend along with www.blackviper.com (for System Services tweaks that'll get you running at top speed by freeing up needless XP Services). Enjoy! www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm
Have you checked around to see if you are using updated drivers? (On the flip side, sometimes you are better off sticking with the original ones) Dunno what to tell you about windows drivers either (seems to me that if you are running Logitech that you should be using Logitech drivers ...but I am not a gamer). I DO know that you wouldn't use Creative 5.1 Drivers for a M$ Sound Card ....and that's where I am coming from. Somebody here will find your post soon enough and you'll get some clues. Might help if you post if you are using Win2000, XP or ??? along with some other 'specs' for your system. Lastly, have you tried reloading the game (you might have a "broken" .dll file or one that is written poorly or maybe doesn't integrate with your joystick)? I know joysticks are famous for incompatabilities ...but that's the extent of my knowledge (sorry). Hang in there ....somebody will have an answer for ya. In the meantime I would see if there's an updated driver set at www.logitech.com ...for starters. Cheers!
Yeah ....I hear ya. $1,000 down the tubes when I should have stuck with my DW4000 (which they won't allow me to recommission unless I wish to have TWO accounts ...how convenient for them eh)? grrr.. I'm sending an e-mail-a-day to my telephone company until they "wire me" for DSL. I'm only 600 feet from the Trunk Line (and tempted to tie into the sucker myself)! Argh! Used to have Road Runner but had to move. Sure will be glad when the day arrives that I just stop paying DWay (and then see how long it takes them to figure out whatz going on). heheh.... The problem with the DW6000 system is that THEY have control of "the box" (appliance), and since they don't know what they are doing ....there's your "fundamental problem." I believe it is called incompetence? Cheers!
Search for < Kelly's Corner > using Google for tons of XP Tweaks. Strongly consider purchasing XP Smoker from www.xp-smoker.com (It made my machine fly like the wind so it is now in all our machines). Kicking your memory up to (at least) 1gig makes a fantastic difference (I'm maxed out at 4gigs of Corsair Xtreme 400MHz DDR with blazing machine speed ...wish I could say that for my Internet connection)! ...I'm using DirecWay (ugh). Your System Services ...there are prolly many of them that are running and therefore draining off resources for no good reason. (Like Indexing ...it's worthless and disabling it is the best thing I ever did for my machine (XP Pro). Go to www.blackviper.com and snoop around for his recommendations on which ones to disable or otherwise "adjust" for maximum speed and minimal drain on resources. (At the time of this writing I was unable to bring up his website, so he's prolly making a few changes). He has the optimal settings for both SP1 and SP2 machines ...and the site also lists what each and every Service is for and why ...you'll love it. XP defaults with as many as 80 (roughly) System Services running. Most people only need 8 - 10! Well worth checking out for sure.... Hope this helps! Say ...remember to back up your Registry before making any tweaks to it ...JUST IN CASE! Better safe than sorry right? Cheers! The Reverend
According to DirecWay (and manuals), there are no circuits that can give you those kind of speeds! I have the fastest and most expensive "plan" (Commercial), big ole .98m dish, DW6000 Commercial modem (blah, blah, blah) ....and here's my typical test result: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 945 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 748 KB) Download Speed is:: 115 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 17 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.9 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525 So ...I would sure like to know what your settings are and what you did to tweak yourself to such (supposedly impossible) speeds my friend. It appears that I am truly getting the short end of the stick here since I'm likely paying double what you are after investing over $1,000 (up front) for the new gear! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I would appreciate the assist! lol.... I am "tweaked" as best as I can get (I think) ie; Dr. TCP, XP Smoker Optimizer ....man there has to be a missing element in here somewhere. Cheers! The Reverend
You're a cool one VanBuren. Thanks! (All I need now is a 22,000 mile high tower for my dish ...that should take care of the latency .....on MY side anyway). lol... Cheers! The Reverend
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Documents and SettingsGreyGhost>tracert Tracing route to 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 1529 ms 651 ms 699 ms dpc674464130.direcpc.com [] 4 681 ms 699 ms 655 ms dpc6682016201.direcpc.com [] 5 677 ms 687 ms 659 ms dpc6682016090.direcpc.com [] 6 648 ms 687 ms 667 ms dpc6682016073.direcpc.com [] 7 692 ms 671 ms 686 ms so-5-1.hsa1.Washington1.Level3.net [ 29] 8 691 ms 660 ms 654 ms ae-2-54.bbr2.Washington1.Level3.net [ ] 9 707 ms 703 ms 687 ms so-0-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 10 710 ms 717 ms 703 ms ge-1-2-56.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 11 709 ms 675 ms 682 ms 12 709 ms 715 ms 735 ms dist-vlan31.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.30] 13 708 ms 734 ms 691 ms dist-vlan22.dsr1-2.dllstx2.theplanet.com [70.85. 127.76] 14 694 ms 687 ms 703 ms dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 15 695 ms 689 ms 729 ms gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18. 116.86] 16 676 ms 691 ms 699 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. He's using Cable and I'm using DirecWay (their fastest "plan"), could somebody please tell me why my numbers are "triple-digit" and his are not? Does Satellite have THAT much latency? I don't understand a whole lot about "tracert" ...especially what to do about it if something is wrong. Thanks! Cheers! The Reverend
For additional info on DirecWay, how they operate, WHO owns DirecWay, etc ....kindly proceed to www.direcwaysux.com and become enlightened. I have their very best and most expensive "plan." Cost $1,000.00 up-front and $129.99 monthly for two years. "Up To" 1.5Mpbs 'down' and enhanced 256kbps 'up. In reality, I've never gotten faster than 1088 at any time ...and that was on here. (I'm using a DW6000 UG (commercial modem) with a .98m Dish). My "plan" is no longer being advertised ...the fastest I've seen now is 1.0Mbps 'down' ...so that translates to about 700 I guess). Heck, there are folks on this forum with DW4000's systems that are blowing me away when it comes to speed. My only advantage is a FAP threhold of 800MB ...and I had to FIGHT for that too). My speed started falling dramatically too not all that long ago ...like from an average of 982kbps all the time down to as low as 50kbps 'down' during business hours. Tech Support told me that DirecWay did NOT guarantee ANY speed would be achieved. In fact, they don't even guarantee you will have access to the Internet. I said, "Okay Bub, and I never guaranteed that I would pay you suckers either." (Then I called and "froze" my Visa). After my account became 15 days overdue my speeds suddenly came up to what they used to be, and I got the typical "canned" letters and total run-a-round that DWAY is so famous for. (Idle threats and the usual cock-n-bull stories ya know...). So ....my speed came up, and thus I called and let them charge me for 1/2 of the amount they wanted since I figured I only got about 1/2 of what I was paying for. Within that same hour my speeds dropped to the bottom of the well again. I called my Bank ( who issued my VISA used for the DWay account ), and they suspended payment. Miraculously my speeds JUMPED back up to about 1022Mbps and have been holding there ever since. I guess the only way to deal with them is to shut off the money flow (they could never legally "bind" you to a 2-year contract since they aren't holding up their end of the deal at all)! They are operating in the "grey areas" of the law regarding ISPs and they know it, so don't be afraid to step into those same areas to give yourself a fighting chance. (Calling their Tech Support won't do you any good if you are sure that everything is set up correctly). THEY say to use their LCCU and DO NOT have any of the boxes "checked" in your browser. I found out that if I check both Proxy 'boxes' that my speed would rise by 200kbps. Dr. TCP gave me another nice little boost and "leveled me out" (kept me from having wildly fluctuating speeds from second to second). I have no clue as to how or why ...I just know it works with a DW6000 (and not much can be done when you are using a DW6000)! DirecWay DOES NOT care if you have any speed or not. If you can log in you are supposed to kiss their shoes and be grateful for it no matter the price you are paying. I've changed my payment method to "by private cheque" only. If they "fall out" on me, I'll "trim" them. If they cut off my Internet access, I'll take them to court. It seems that this is the only thing they understand because my speed has been VERY steady ever since the last "tiff" we had. Perhaps they know I'm wise to their games and decided to save themselves some headaches? You cannot depend on their Tech Support for anything, because only a select few of them have a clue what they are doing (they read through a book or through their own database to search for things to tell you and/or do to your computer which have no consequence at all. Heck, I've even spent over four hours on hold before. During November I spent well over 60 hours on hold before I finally had their entire "scheme" down pat. Write them a letter, at the bottom of the letter have it say: cc: Steinberg, Goldstein & Warran, Attorneys At Law ....(or pick a Law Firm out of the phone book). cc: = Courtesy Copy (get my drift?) You'll get better results, AND you'll have written proof to show a judge if it ever comes to that. I pray for your sake that they will stop placing you in a "floating" bandwidth sharing 'bin' and leave you there. If you scream loud and long enough (and NOT pay), eventually you'll get results. They can't legally shut you off if you are "in litigation" or otherwise in a formal "dispute" with them ....so you could drag on for months not paying them, and that's why they moved me over to a system that would give me about 80% of my "Up To" speed. Many people say that I'll never see it that high. What it strange is that the day it was installed, for the first 8 hours I was pulling an easy 2.0Mbps down, then the "radio" blew. Ever since it was replaced I've never gotten above 1088 with a Signal Strength of 97. (Back then I did not know about testmy.net so I was using www.toast.net as a guide. You can't use DirecWay's speed test because that thing is so pathetically wrong it isn' funny. It has me uploading over 900kbps (usually), and "downing" at 150 when it is actually about 1022 'down' and 105 'up' (averaged). I can't wait for DSL to come up my road. I am begging for a line but they keep turning me down with the same "coldness" that DirecWay uses. Don't let DWay get you down, there are better things coming (as always). The only way to beat the system is to use it against them. Write a letter and e-mail, (return receipt requested on that letter by the way!), then stop paying them if they won't get you up to speed and leave it there. Worked for me once they figured out I didn't care if I had "web" or not. lol.... You will be covered by law because you will then be in a legal dispute (no lawyer is necessary), they can't shut you down, and after they have exhausted all of their "scare tactics" they'll give in and you'll get back to normal. (Then they'll find another victim and rob THEM blind). DWay is operating illegally according to US Law but they are not being "pinched" ...so there's money being passed under the table somewhere. There are few laws that are controlling the Internet to any degree (at this level because it is easy for the ISP to say that you don't know how to properly setup your PC, or that the weather is causing interference which they have no control over ...I've heard it all (and they'll lie like a rug to you). ISPs know this and far too many of them take wrongful advantage of it. DirecWay is in the Top 10 of those type ISPs. Cheers! The Reverend (and just as disgusted as you are)
G4R is actually overburdened and is (supposedly) reserved (or WAS reserved) for the faster, corporate accounts, (like mine). Trouble is that they've sold more accounts than there is bandwidth for, so during business hours my 1.5Mbps 'down' falls to 845 or even as low as 50 on some joyous occassions. Sat-Mex5 has tons of DW4000's pointed at it and it is an excellent "bird." There are alot of DW4000 systems out there that are blowing me away for up/down speeds too. (grrr) About six weeks ago I got into a Commercial Dish and Commercial DW6000UG modem that promised me the moon, but in actual figures isn't all that much faster than the account I had before at half the price. The only plus side is that the .98m dish will "hold" a higher signal and is resistant to "rain-fade." (...and my FAP threshold is 800MB ...which I try to break daily). heheh. My typical (clear-day) signal is always 97 (I've spent several hours "tweaking" that dish to get the optimal performance from it ...shhh)!!! Before the new system was installed, I used (and still have) a DW4000 with a .74m dish (also "does" TV as well)....but I'm so far away from anything electrical that even the "little" dish would pull an easy 88 yet rain would kill me (....tweaked that one too, which was well worth the effort spent (((just mark your settings well before loosening those bolts)! Also, don't freak out if you "lose" your satellite for awhile. You can "scan" back and forth and up and down and find it eventually should that happen. "Tweaking" the dish is just a matter of moving it in small increments 1.Side to side 2,Up/Down ETC until you get the best possible signal. (This is far harder to do on a .74 dish than it is with a .98m dish)! *Remember that when you are messing with a "hot" dish you are standing within an electromagnetic field that is hazardous to your health ....after only several seconds of exposure you will start to feel "tingly" (arms, face, head, chest) ...which isn't good. So, make sure your dish is NOT transmitting if you wanna do like me, void your warranty (HA!) and get your hands dirty (because I have yet to have an installer truly "go for" the best possible "aim"! (Sadly) Your SIgnal Strength truly doesn't have a thing to due with your speeds though. My best possible speed (so far) has been 1088Mbps whether I am pulling down a 97 or a 91 (even in a heavy, heavy rain the signal never got below 88 ...and my speed hung right in there. Your Signal Strength depends upon many factors. How close is the dish to a building; trees in your 'line of sight'?: Rural is far better than Urban due to "cross-talk" (and other signals "blasting" through yours: High-Power Lines ....they all play a role. BUT, if you are not getting close to (at least) an 80 then there simply must be a building structure (called "shadowing") messing you up, or mayhaps you are trying to shoot through a limb or even one leaf (chlorophyll will kill a SAT signal in a heartbeart)! Sometimes it just takes a "tech" to pinpoint the actual problem (which they do by "trial and error." ("Tech" meaning "Installer" of course). The installer that set up my new dish told me it was the first one he had ever done ...and it showed. Some folks swear by grounding, but the newer codes (and dishes) are adequately grounded via the coaxial and grounding block (the .98m dish is that way). I have placed a ground on the face of the "radio" several times and saw absolutely no improvement in the least (and I'm not into making a Lightning Rod out of my dish)! With that, I'll get off the podium..... Cheers, The Reverend