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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. MRU Blaster MRU-Blaster is a program made to do one large task - detect and clean MRU (most recently used) lists on your computer. These MRU lists contain information such as the names and/or locations of the last files you have accessed. But they are located ALL OVER your registry, and for almost ANY file type. By looking at these MRU lists, someone could determine what files you opened/saved/looked at, what their file names were, and much more! (And, in many cases, the lists are displayed in drop-down menus automatically.) Latest Update: 3/28/2004 - approx. 30,345 MRU items in detection database. --Freeware ====================== We run this little gem on all of our machines. It prevents the 'snoops' on the Internet (including your ISP) from obtaining knowledge that's none of their business! It uses 'next to nothing' for resources, and you can even add your own MRU's to its database to completely erase everything you do with your machine - - and you can set it to "erase" as often as every second! Very cool programme! Enjoy! (You'll love it)! Cheers!
  2. In your calculations, did you remember to add in the amount of "refill" you get each hour for 'non-usage' (except when you haven't used anything ...then DWay gives you nothing ...of course)!
  3. The following is always found at the www.myDirecWay.com website.
  4. Actual Headlines Of 2004 Crack Found on Governor's Daughter [imagine that!] Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says [no, really?] Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers [now that's taking things a bit far!] Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus? [not if I wipe thoroughly!] Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over [what a guy!] Miners Refuse to Work after Death [no-good-for-nothin' lazy so-and-sos!] Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant [see if that works any better than a fair trial!] War Dims Hope for Peace [i can see where it might have that effect!] If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile [you think?!] Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures [who would have thought!] Enfield (London) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide [they may be on to something!] Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges [you mean there's something stronger than duct tape?!] Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge [he probably IS the battery charge!] New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group [weren't they fat enough?!] Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft [That's what he gets for eating those beans!] Kids Make Nutritious Snacks [Tastes like chicken?] Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half [Chainsaw Massacre all over again!] Hospitals are Sued by Seven Foot Doctors [boy, are they tall!] And the winner is.... Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead (Can you believe it?)
  5. heheh ....no sleep for me. Rather be playing with this foolish thing. I'll keep trying to snag that vid plus check in here from time to time. I hate getting my butt kicked by machines! Hmm ...I can only use Port 87 since I am on DirecWay ....maybe THAT is the problem ....never thought about that beforehand. Cheers!
  6. I live in the Central Region (volcanic) of Costa Rica. It's a place called Arenal Valley del Sur (which means South). At the northern end of this HUGE and untouched valley are five 'live' volcanoes! The time here is the same as it would be for Central Time in the USA ...or on a world basis we are -6:00UTC ...take yur pic. I'm confused here. Are you waiting for me to d/l that video for you? lol.....I've been awake for the past 37 hours and counting so I am getting just a tad dense here. Cheers!
  7. This one is getting stranger by the minute. Must be a mighty interesting Letterman.mpeg! lol....
  8. heheh....Van-B, the danged website turned me into a permanent guest halfway through doing the Split ...lol. I was in a panic for a few! geesh!
  9. PERFORMING A CLEAN UNINSTALL OF DirecWay SOFTWARE Hughes Software conflicts with earlier versions of itself, so it is wise to perform a clean uninstall of older software before installing newer, such as when someone changes from using a non-self hosting system (Dw4000) to a Self-Hosted System (DW4020 or DW6000).
  10. In my spare time between making posts I've been working on a 'complete' ASCII TABLE.
  11. WELL NOW!!!
  12. 15Mbps? Good Grief! I feel totally cheated! lol
  13. OIC!!!! LOL!!! I hear ya, I hear ya!
  14. No problem Travis - you sparked off a very unexpected and welcome chain of events in my behalf with your simple question that enticed me to write that article about building a LAN (using DirecWay as an ISP).
  15. Another good "freebie" that is anti-spyware related and ultra dependable is SpyWare Guard 2.2 (currently) by JavaCool (the same folks who brought us SpyWareBlaster). I've had excellent luck with it and all of their programs. http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareguard.html <----------Enjoy! Cheers!
  16. Hi there wingzero2309; Check out these Google links pertaining to Bluetooth 'multi-devices' and see if what you are looking for is in the first few sites or not.
  17. Here ya go organ_shifter, This link pretty much tells you precisely how to ensure that you are "DoubleClick Proof", plus alot of other relatively unknown knowledge related to the Cookie Community ...especially the stuff they don't want anyone learning about.
  18. Hmm ..oh well, at least you can say you gave it your best shot right? (If nothing else you got ONE CLICK on your Applause 'button')! lol.... Hey, that's hilarious that you are hogtied from downloading anything yet nothing was mentioned about uploading. lol... However, isn't it wild how the greater majority of users just have NO CLUE about such things yet they always seem to be the ones in charge of the danged things? Like, how the hey are you going to be able to use ANYTHING to it's utmost unless you learn everything about it that you possibly can? At least he's getting the file, although it is the long road to have to take in order to get it. (I have a passionate hatred for DirecWay's FAP BS). It has prevented my helping even myself! So, at the best it's stupid. Say, thanks for the reply! I thought I was all alone in here tonight! Cheers!
  19. Hi Marcin541! I "hear ya" when you are talking about the speed | memory factor.
  20. Hey there jakop92! 8XPro is spec'ed for higher power requirement cards usually for rendering. 8Xpro has an extra 12volt line and can deliver 110watts of power if I remember correctly. Current AGP only allows for about 75watts. It's not about performance only about power requirements.
  21. Hey there organ_shifter! Yeah, I am aware that they are still alive and kicking.
  22. Hey there wmmc; Would you believe that Wild Blue is going to be built (in fact it already is) upon the very same framework as DirecWay ...right down to using (mostly) the very same Satellites, AND a FAP policy (which they refuse to be "exact" about when asked to describe).
  23. I have tons of AC97 drivers (mostly on Intel CDs).
  24. My goodness ....it is PATHETIC when a v90 modem "blows away" a DirecWay Commercial Account (such as mine). My BEST speed ever has been 1088 ....yet it typically hangs out around 942Kbps. I am SUPPOSED to be getting 1.5Mbps down and 256k (enhanced) 'up'! But ...they lied. It cost me $1,300.00 up front to get the equipment (a DW6000 modem and .98m dish plus installation), and now I have to pay them $129.99 monthly ...and yet a v90 blows me away? What can I say??????? Egah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers!
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