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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. I've been through the entire database at DirecWay four times, and there isn't a single entry about the DW6000 causing "issues" when used with a router of any type. So let's take this one step at a time. It sounds like "Device Contention" could be your problem. That's when two hardware parts are fighting to do the same job, or want the same IRQ, etc. Are you SURE that your Router is set up to be the DHCP Server and that you don't have ICS running? (Remember that with the 6000 EVERYBODY plugged in is a Client ...so ICS should not exist on any of the machines. That is one possibility. You could have a faulty modem in the DHCP area, but there is absolutely no way to test for that ...even from NOC. (so let's hope that isn't the problem). If you have a static IP, then you most certainly want to run the router for the sake of having the hardwire firewall if nothing else. DirecWay Broadband is a BIG target for the hackers because so many users with Static IPs are "easy hits" as they do not realise they are sitting ducks, and so their speeds GET CUT IN HALF ....could this be happening to you sir? (I do not know your level of expertise, so please do not be offended ...I'm just approaching this from a "mindless" viewpoint to make sure nothing is missed)! lol... I would go through that Router configuration with a finetooth comb. And, if you have been using the DW6000 to hand out your DHCP #'s, I would cut off the power to it for at least a full five minutes ...it may be insisting that it is going to be the DHCP Server ....that is a common 'glitch' to watch out for. So. Power down the DW6000 for at least five minutes. While it is sitting there losing it's mind go through your Router settings to ensure that IT is your DHCP Server, double check to make sure that ICS isn't somehow turned on in your network setting (it happens!). Then turn off everything. Power up the modem until you have everything except the LAN light Then power up the Router until it has stablised The fire up your PC and see if cured the problem. (Also ...make sure your system cache is cleaned out before running a new speed test). I'll be right here when you get through. Fair enough? I'll do some more researching in the interim too. (Strange one here)! Para Vida! "The Rev"
  2. Are you holding your mouth right my friend?
  3. Dang ....that's the first crash reported since I was given the programme ...months ago! Didn't happen to catch the memory dump on that one did you? "The Rev"
  4. Well, if you know what frequency you are on, only ONE of the satellites support that frequency. Brainfart at the moment and I can't remember how to bring up what frequency you are on! lol Give me a few and it'll come to me. Sorry 'bout that! Be back with ya in a few. (Calling DWay now). lol... "The Rev"
  5. Argh! LOL ....you guys and your DW4000's have it made! If I could only figure out the electronics inside this DW6000 I could be a millionaire! heheh...But, it's fast enough for me, and with the Commercial Service Plan it has everything I need seeing that there is NO alternative in my area (Costa Rica). Isn't it amazing that the DW4000's will blow off the caps set by DirecWay? Blows my mind, but I see it at least 50 times a day and it never fails to floor me. The fastest I've ever been is posted at the top of this forum, but, the day the system was installed I was getting a clean 2004. Eight hours later DirecWay chopped me down to 1000Fbps (I am supposed to have 1.5Mbps) ...so right now they are not getting paid and can't shut me down because I have them locked in a court battle. I know I'll win, so between now and then my service is free! LOL....so I don't complain about speed too loudly. They are being good about it too. I still get treated quite nicely with all the perks, and they give me access to everything I need to do my best at this forum ...so all things considered DWay is (overall) not all that bad of a company ....they just have a few issues that need tending to, and I am trying to attend to as many of them as possible. NICE SPEED! Sat-Mex5 or G11? "The Rev"
  6. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Many sites offer nothing but downloading, but they use an FTP format (your browser will do it too ..or at least IE6 will), but having an FTP programme is better, and the one I posted seems to be a "hot" number! "The Rev"
  7. The router shouldn't affect your speeds UNLESS: 1: You don't have the latest firmware 2. It is misconfigured 3. You are using ICS and a router at the same time (assuming you are using a DW6000 on that one there) Doesn't matter with the 4000s. 4, One of the wires on that danged router is 'bad' ..and needs to be replaced. I would check the wires first (swap them out one by one). 90% of trouble like this is caused by a silly bad wire! Let me know please ...if that doesn't fix it we'll get deeper into it. "The Rev"
  8. Hi Miss YooperLady! Heck YEAH! That's more like it. I just ran a test for comparison and found I am barely pulling an 799 at the moment. sigh.... Yes, that ONE setting in TCP is made to work splendidly with satellites only, so you'll always notice a bit of a boost from now on. The real test will be around 2PM (as usual) ...but there have been a few changes taking place at NOC in Maryland (and Texas too), so the traffic jam might not be as bad today as it has been for the past two or three days. (3 days ago I had to call them up just to get online)! lol....Commercial account my eye! heheh... You are most welcome and TY for coming to see me! Cheers! "The Rev"
  9. For the most popular, including the new Horizon 1 ------> http://www.motosat.com/f1footprint.htm These links are usually "up" and updated since the footprints change with magnetic flux and deviation (as the earth "wobbles' a bit ...especially after that last Tsunami quake in the Indian ocean)! That messed up every satellite Ground Control on the planet! http://www.kusat.com/go.php?path=/install/foot.php http://www.wotsat.com/footprints.html <---global footprints http://www.kusat.com/go.php?path=/2way/g11.php <---Galaxy 11 Ku band http://www.kusat.com/go.php?path=/install/foot-display.php?nickname=g11 <----additional G11 info (true footprint http://www.kusat.com/go.php?path=/install/foot-display.php?nickname=g4r <----G4R footprint (different views by magnetic flux) http://www.groundcontrol.com/coverage_001.htm <----The former two PLUS Sat-Mex5 (from Ground Control) they build their systems 'on top' of DWay gear http://members.tripod.com/The_Uplinker/tipofthe.html <---you wil LOVE this page! (TOP SECRET)! lol.... You can use www.google.com and literally find the footprint of any satellite (except for military of course). I've got all the footprint charts with #'s that are sent each month by fax so that I can stay on top of things. This is a courtesy service that DirecWay allows me to have because in essence I am "their man in the field" ...but I DO NOT WORK FOR NOR REPRESENT them. I just try to keep the ppl they are putting the screws to running as best as possible. heheh... Something to do in my retirement. Things are always in a state of deterioration at any of the NOCs (Maryland, Texas, Seattle...etc). They don't get any better info than I do about whatz going on, so I depend heavily on my "insider" who works at the NOC in Maryland (level III engineer). He keeps me posted because I cut them alot of slack when it comes to acting as a Tech Support agent. You are using the "hottest" (and newest!) satellite up there right now, and your speeds are showing it. There will be fluxes from time to time until they get the bird tamed down, but you should always stay up around (at least) 1000 ...anything higher than that is gravy. Whenever they raise the FAP limits they'll also raise the Download speeds to match it. After all, why FLY when all it will do is get you FAP'ed in 5 minutes? lol Hey! Hope this helps a bit. Cheers! "The Rev"
  11. I feel cheated. I am paying $2.00USD per litre 93 Octane! No, we don't live her because of my work. Both my wife and I retired at 35 ...that's when we decided to "head for paradise!" Both the kids and ourselves love this place! We just make sure we stay away from the American Tourist traps on the east side (we live in the Central Interior anyway but there's a river large enough to allow me to get my ship in here from the ocean (well protected!!!) ....no neighbors for 6 kilometers in any direction, and we hope to keep it that way! "The Rev" We were attracted to The Nederlands for many reasons, but the cost of moving there nixed it, and that's how we ended up here.
  12. Anything for the upstate Michigan gals, but of course!
  13. Now how did I know that "the boys" would notice the number of girls, and that they'd be Asiatic chicks ...heheh. (Ain't that cool)? lol...
  14. Uh huh! Same situation here in Costa Rica except we are too low instead of too high, such as your Long/Lat. lol....Toooo funny about having to slay the Elk blocking your "feed." HAHA!!! I had to put up a tower (80 feet) and set my dish up there because of the dense growth here in Costa Rica. Would have had to chop down the whole country just to see ANY birds! heheh... Denke for the laughs!
  15. I've got the wife searching her Napster account for their music right now.
  16. AHA! Then there is no doubt you have an extensive background (and hands on) in the electronics field. A killer combo. I received all my training from the US Navy S.E.A.L. team (retired now). Learned alot in between getting shot at! lol.... Toward the end of my career with the TEAM ...we had the pleasure of working with your KSK for about a month. Traded alot of inside info and discovered that they were treated just as rotten as we were! lol... but that's all part of being special forces. Nobody gets any slack! vielen Dank for your bit of info!
  17. I hear ya Tbrown, Someday soon this website is going to be an Internet Landmark ...it's just a matter of when, the irons are all in the fire.
  18. Wow resopalrabotnic! That's REALLY "on the horizon!" I am at 38 and thought I was shooting a "flatline", but I wasn't aware anyplace in Germany had to aim so low! (Then again, there isn't much said about Astra on this side of the planet either). I knew you were pulling my leg with your post, I just wanted to point out to you and other readers that it IS possible for groundstations to work small wonders, such as what you had hinted at. (But not quite THAT high-tech). But who knows ...give it a few months and it just might be vogue! "The Rev"
  19. That's really a nice set of wheels there. Good amount of glass for visibility, sliding roof racks, antennae in the rear where it belongs! Air scoop ....she's FWD no doubt ..must be just as handy as our Jeep Cherokee is for all-around chores eh? (Your gas milage is no doubt far higher than ours though. Take a litre just to start my engine ....heheh...
  20. Hey VB, Checked out your website.
  21. Way to go VB ....way to go! lol.... (shoebox....) Toooooooooo funny! Say, ever so often I find that I have to log out, close my browser then log back in even though I am supposed to be logged in "forever." You ever have this happen? (I'm having to do it several times per hour)! Using IE6 here. Maybe it's part of the SMF kinking up, I haven't mentioned it to CA3LE yet. Was hoping could find the prob on my own here ...but I see I lack the grey-matter. Ideas?
  22. Hey there brawndawg, You may find this info of interest.
  23. Say what? $1,500US for a tranny for an IROC? Or am I getting my wires crossed here? "The Rev"
  24. You would put a semicolon between each entry. But, since you are using Mozilla, I am not the one to be asking about such a security sensitive issue because I just do not have the latest security info for that browser. It should allow you into DirecWay assuming you have setup an account for yourself (nothing "secure" about that place)! What I mean is that in order to make full use of www.mydirecway.com you need to "form" an account complete with Username and Password ...if you have already done this yet can't get in I would just make another account and forget about your old one! (You can always delete the old one after creation of the new). As far as putting your banking info and credit card info "on the line", I would personally advise against doing such until they get the kinks out of the systems. They are still too many ppl who have the software to 'crack' your protection (it's only 128-bit) then steal your ID ...so it isn't worth it is it? But! Hey, if it works for you no worries. (But I am clueless as to how you need to safely enter that info using Mozilla). Sorry! However, I will check into that for you and get back to you with specifics ..I'll just place a call to Mozilla and get it from the horses mouth (you might want to do the same and then we can compare notes)? lol... *Checking those proxy boxes will always kick up your speed. DirecWay doesn't want you to know that though ....they'd rather reserve all the bandwidth they can. I'm pleased it worked for ya! "The Rev"
  25. Oh yes! You may discover that you don't need that system upgrade after all? That would be a blessing eh? (You could get another tranny for your IROC)! "The Rev"
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