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Beta Tester
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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by rammolo

  1. Wireless distance is related to many factors, walls, distance, appliances, equipment and computer settings. For wireless i prefer Linksys, and always channel 6, gives me the best performance.
  2. I had a Terayon for over a year, gone dead, adelphia gave me a surf boad for replacement, i do prefer the terayon achieved higher speeds. placing the modem in the freezer so it can work seems to me like a bad chip, spraying some cold blue spray or canned air upside down directly to the chip will do the same work. it will frezze cold the chip till it heats and opens.
  3. Never do a retest pressing the BACK button in your browser, thing like this happen
  4. Yes LynksisBefw11s4, wireless WEP key on, this didnt do it before
  5. I have Adelphia service, since two month i notice that the activity light is always flashing, even when the computer is off, Any Suggestions!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Using firefox, no problrms so far
  7. <img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/rammolo/DCP_2762.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
  8. go to www.speedguide.net, there are a couple of tools like TCP optimizer that should help you in obtaining a higher speed, look for version 1
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