First you will need to buy a domain name, bout 9 bucks a year, then you will need a server to host your page, bout 4 bucks a month, the make and upload your page, pretty easy
I have the same package and my modem is capped at 4400, during non peak hours (daytime) my speed if fine, during peak hours my speeds drop dramatically, sometimes less than 1Mbps. This is due that cable companies sell more bandwith than they can provide in a given time. Same as airlines sells more seats than they have available. and we pay the price...
I live in San Juan, PR my isp is Adelphia, something around 4Mbps, 55 bucks monthly. on a good morning my speeds are 4.5Mbps with 477Kbps up, getting slow at nights
I remember there is a setting somewhere in win 98 that says shut of internet connection after 20 mins of inactivity, i dont use win 98 but im sure it has it, maybe in modem propertirs, check for it. anyway if it is in modem properties it wont apply for broadband, just take a look
64kbps, are u sure, broadband starts as a minimum in 128kbps, dial up ends in 56kbps, does not make sense, make sure what u are getting in your ISP
If you only do word processing, web browsing and emailing, your actual sistem will do the job, computing power is for graphic intensive applications, multi tasking and especially gaming, for this last one you will need power.
I dont really think you need a disk, i do know some models come with a disk but i think its just for ease of instalation, at least i have a linksys wireless and didnt come with a disk. anyway what model do u have?