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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. i was looking around and i found some cool pics of there severs over the years i like how the tracker started out as a laptop and a mobo siting in a cardbored box http://tfr.org/tpb/
  2. ya i can see a diff its not that big though but even when i turn AA and AF off i still get the same frames
  3. i still dont get how you get over 100 frames more then me though
  4. AMD 4400+ X2 @ 2.5 2 gigs of g.skill ddr2 800 msi 9600gt (factory 700 core, had to under clock it to not get a bsod in games
  5. att is great if you have a phone that uses 3g then its amazing i have had them for 7 years now and think i have had 5 droped calls? and if you in a area that has 3g then the service is even more amazing when i have to fall back on the edge network it does kinda suck but oh well
  6. we had to use my htc 8525 at a lan party when we dident have any tubes the phone supports 3g and HSDPA got about 1500Kbps down and 850Kbps up it was sad had a little phone to let every one get the new steam up date and sratcraft update and drivers and the outher cool part was it also supports UMTS so i was chating with my girlfriend the whole time people where dling there stuff with no speed diff
  7. well there you go it will work perfect
  8. only if he trys to record something that is bigger then 4 gigs witch will happen vary easy
  9. you can excead the 32 gig limit if you use a 3d party program to format the disk but the files that you put on the drive can not be larger then 4 gigs
  10. me born and raised in ventura,CA
  11. sounds like a fryed bored
  12. i just got that tv form my room, me and my friend where plying halo 3 on it in 1080i yesterday with 5.1 dolby it was amazing
  13. are you useing a router? if you are make sure that all the ports that bt uses are forwarded
  14. ummm bridging wont do anything for you so just use one
  15. im feel sad for who ever has wb or the dway the speeds suck the fap sucks they just suck
  16. http://www.usbwifi.orcon.net.nz/
  17. so i got my new phone its a htc 8525 and att is the serveic provide. after useing it for about a week there is a dead or stuck pixel does any one know of a program to get rid of this ? btw the phone is running windows mobile 5
  18. lol ummm most of them were to scared to do that the only pic i have is one with a basket on my head
  19. lol the next day my friends told me they where see threw when i bent over
  20. ya i was going to be a moose but just wanted to scare people so i put tights on
  21. ya u dont get to do that till ross (the guy you are dies) then u hold spacebar and pic what team mate u want
  22. um its pretty strait but what confused me was useing jones powers
  23. um ok then
  24. ya this game is just amazeing i have ben playing it for about 4 hours now so far is wayy better then bioshock think of ghost recon but dont have to move ur team around as much but u still can switch between them later in the game also this game is really freaky man i love the z-5500 in this game that system shakes my house
  25. ya and the kool part is its for pc,ps3 and xbox360
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