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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Blunted

  1. ^^^there we go no back button for joooo
  2. i dont really use it much so i put it here so everyone else can use it and maybe talk each other through a problem if you have 1 or for just messin around. i'll soon be setting up another 1 enjoy anyone who goes in there to use it
  3. http://www.goteamspeak.com/news.php here is my server ip and port ( ) and i called it www.testmy.net and i left it open for anyone to join it and talk. its on 24/7 and if you dont have a mic you can type also.
  4. http://www1.us.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/networking?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd
  5. i used the calculator on this site and got this speed. 15187.12 kB/s is 124412.89 Kbps Or 124.41 Mbps ::: 14.83 MB/sec
  6. 2 of my comps have gigabit nic's so i connected them directly with cat 6 it was 50 feet and got this speed. what is the limit a comp can take in or causes it to be limited to a certain speed?
  7. i also changed the OS as soon as i got it and 1 didnt come with 1 and i dont use windows update at all.
  8. Blunted

    Trojan Virus

    did a bunch of scans with 3 anti virus programs 2 spyware programs and 2 that look for trojans and did all that i could in safe mode also. i checked my start up and my processes(also hidden processes) and everything is what it should be and linked to valid programs and came up no viruses and no adware or spyware. i am pretty sure i am good with the setup that i have and i have went to dsl eports and some other sites to test my security and all my ports cant bee seen at all.
  9. i was sleeping and someone woke me up cause i'm in nyc and saw it from my house. it was way worse on the seen than on tv and you couldnt drive anywhere cause all the highways were being closed and all cell phones didnt work cause everyone was using them like mad.
  10. i dont lose that much to you. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4129 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 504 kB/s Tested From:: http://hem.bredband.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 74X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.03 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 84.13 % of your hosts average (speakeasy.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2XUS731DA can i test upload to your site van?
  11. just turned 25 in june
  12. yea it has
  13. i'm leaning toward 360 but i always liked xbox better so we'll see if i get both.
  14. 2.56 average on firefox and i didnt try internet explorer
  15. i think its the cards too cause it goes faster with the more i download. i downloaded about 20 files to make to go faster in this pic
  16. do i have to register or something to do the test?
  17. i connected them directly together with a crossover cable cause it wont work with cat 5 or 6 but my other ethernet cards do. i am stuck at about 9800 kB/s = 80281.6 Kbps Or 80.28 Mbps ::: 9.57 MB/sec with spikes upto 11507 kB/s = 94265.34 Kbps Or 94.27 Mbps ::: 11.24 MB/sec 1 thing i noticed is that it will stay at around 9,800 with 1 download and with more downloads it goes faster. is that right?
  18. i cant use it cause i cant read it. lol
  19. if that doesnt work could it be the nic cards just cant do it ? otherwise i am stumped
  20. why are you posting test after test instead of putting them in 1 post? do you have a problem with something and need help or just posting it up 4 times in a row
  21. found drivers and it says the old ones are better. lol what would you do van the man?
  22. i did the cablenut and i get about the same speed but i cant find drivers for it. linksys lne100txV4 model and still lookin for drivers
  23. cool i'll try it and see what happens
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